
Organization of integration events for companies

Office party
Team building for companies

The organization of team building events is the basis for the good functioning of the team. Integration builds group relationships, increases motivation to work, and improves communication - all this affects the quality of teamwork. If you want your group of employees to get along well with each other, remember about proper integration.

What will you learn from the article?

More and more companies realize what a key role corporate events play in building the employer's image. In the article below you will learn how to organize a successful event for your team step by step. We will present various attractions that are suitable for corporate events and explain why organizing team-building events is so important. You will learn about the benefits for employees and inspiration for team integration. We will also look at the responsibilities of a corporate event organizer and discuss whether it is better to organize a short integration meeting or a multi-day trip. Finally, you will learn what tasks it should perform event agency and where is the best place to organize a company event. It's time to discover whether organizing team-building events really pays off!

Organization of company events as part of employer branding

Organizing corporate events is an important element of the company's strategy, perhaps not appreciated by every manager. A well-coordinated team is a guarantee of higher quality of work and easier achievement of business goals. Organizing integration events is also an important element of activities employer branding. An employer who cares about his team also cares about his own image. Ensuring continuity of employment and retaining the best employees in the company is currently quite a challenge. Let's remember that a company is the people who create it.

Let's make sure that employees feel good in our company. So that there are no unnecessary conflicts and frictions between employees, which could translate into worse functioning of our company. Minor misunderstandings or improper communication within the team may also affect our relationships with external clients. Organization of corporate events step by step can show how to do this for the benefit of all.

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Organization of integration events - an important element of team building

Concept team buildingu has been operating in the Polish community for some time. An increasing number of employers are also beginning to notice the benefits of a good and well-coordinated team of employees. Team building is a tool for working on a group, which is based primarily on integrating all team members. On the other hand, it allows them to equip them with the skills necessary to work together. Skillfully led team building creates a group that independently distributes roles and tasks among themselves. Who knows how to communicate effectively and can make difficult decisions. In short, the employer creates a fully independent team that knows what its duties are and how to achieve its goals.

Organizing team building events is one of the best ways to achieve this goal. An ideal integration event is one that introduces communication skills, teaches assertiveness and conflict resolution in a positive atmosphere.

Corporate integration

How to organize an appropriate integration event to implement elements of team building? Remember to implement exercises with an appropriate leitmotif and level of advancement. It should be emphasized that jointly overcoming obstacles and completing successive tasks primarily shape the ability to communicate, understand the differences of individual members in the group and teach how to build and maintain long-term relationships.

Why is employee integration important?

Why is employee integration important? It's just that people who understand each other perform better. They do not waste time on unnecessary conflicts or solving trivial issues and misunderstandings at the expense of the company's time and efficiency. What's more, good team is able to work out new solutions and boldly implement bold ideas. Employees who do not have communication barriers and those who have already gone through something together, for example in the "battle" of games and team building games, will support each other. They will also know that their work contributes to a common goal. That is, loyally do what they should do on time and with commitment. That is why the organization of integration events brings benefits to the company.

Or maybe corporate integration in the mountains?

Integration meetings are a very important element of the functioning of the employee team. It's always a good time! Regardless of whether the occasion is large or small, an integration meeting is a great opportunity to have fun together or talk. The easiest way to gain some distance and break away from the routine of everyday life is to organize a trip somewhere outside the workplace. And an integration trip, even with just one overnight stay, is ideal. Corporate events in an attractive place, for example in beautiful places Giant Mountainsare always very popular. Employees even expect such a benefit from time to time. Because that's what most of them treat corporate events. Time spent at work, but actually on a mini vacation, and still combined with interesting attractions or fun. Sounds good?

Corporate integration events

The organization of integration trips with an experienced event agency currently requires almost no effort from the client. Most tasks can be subcontracted. And if you choose an agency with its own hotel and full facilities, the organization of integration trips will come down to talking to the event manager and agreeing on the details. A professional event organizer will certainly propose the appropriate attractions and the agenda of the integration meeting. He will also tell you how to choose the menu and the right form of team building games - the two most important elements of a successful integration event. Certainly, it will also offer proven local bands for a dance evening or local specialties and more widely unknown, surprising local attractions. He can also show how to effectively achieve the goal of our company trip.

Team building, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Organization of corporate events step by step

Organization of corporate events - where to start? At the very beginning, it is worth defining what we want to achieve through integration events for employees. Relieving stress, learning new skills, or maybe a combination of the two? In each case, what matters most is the creative and active filling of the meeting participants' time. The organization of company trips must also take into account the characteristics of the group, for example, age or what the participants do on a daily basis. Then it's time to define the budget and choose a place for integration events. Then setting the menu and choosing attractions.

Integration games for employees should also take into account their capabilities. Also, do not overdo it with filling the time with activities to the minute. Relaxation and time to rest are important. Integration events for companies are also a good time to settle various issues. For example, closing what stage of the company's development or starting a new one or introducing a new boss to the team.

company ball, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Then take into account that team building events organized during your free time will be an interesting challenge, as long as you inform the participants early enough. Employees do not shy away from the opportunity to rest, but respect their private plans and do not be surprised by the information about the event a few days before the planned start.

Integration trips hotels

Which hotels for integration events will be appropriate? When looking for the perfect place for an integration trip, it is worth paying attention to several elements. Many years of experience of organizers of corporate events suggest that the integration of employees brings the best results in quieter places. More intimate hotels and manors provide the opportunity to focus on the other person and the team. It's also easier to organize field games or a criminal puzzle, if we have the entire facility at our sole disposal. An experienced organizer also guarantees high-quality service.

For integration trips, it is worth choosing hotels located in attractive places and offering an individual approach to the client. It is about both rooms and your own unique products, such as craft beers or original culinary suggestions.

Space for integration events is important

Choice places for integration events seems simple enough. First of all, it should be attractive for tourists. It is worth choosing a facility at the highest possible level. Of course, it also depends on the budget that we will have at our disposal. However, we should remember that what we propose to our employees will also prove our attitude towards them. Even with an average budget you can find very attractive hotels and manors in beautiful locations. The impressions from the integration trip will certainly remain with the employees for a long time. Therefore, the organization of business trips should be of the highest possible level - it is not worth saving on it.

Integration games for employees

Nothing relaxes the atmosphere at a company event as well as fun and integration games for employees. Joint activities with a bit of competition, but also surprise and curiosity, allow us to get to know our co-workers anew. A sense of humor and distance to oneself is also welcome. Interesting and engaging exerciseandintegration connections they will definitely strengthen any team. Therefore, every idea for a company integration should contain integration games for employees.

A good example of such games is building a Goldberg machine together or playing in treasure hunters or solving a criminal puzzle. Such scenario or field games are also great entertainment and learning to cooperate and properly communicate in a group.

What attractions for corporate events do they work?

An interesting idea for company integration is the key to a successful event. In fact, every event should have some element of surprise. It will liven up the atmosphere and improve the mood. In addition, it will make our event unique. But is there a perfect idea for an integration meeting? If our employees often and nostalgically recall this event, it will mean that the integration meeting was successful.

But how to achieve such an effect? Maybe it's worth talking to employees and asking what they would like to do. And by the way, gently probe what they completely don't expect. Certainly, it is also worth using the help of experienced event managers. Such people already have the feeling and know how to start the company and make it happen integration the staffing was successful.

Winter Olympics - games

The Winter Olympics is an interesting idea for company integration. Of course, we will do it in winter mountain scenery! Snow-capped peaks or a frozen lagoon, or even better - both together - will be a real attraction in themselves. Properly selected for this integration games in the open air, and in the background a company bonfire and warming specialties, such as mulled wine or cider.

Winter integration for companies

Winter Olympics - team building games and activities can be modeled on real Olympic disciplines. For example, you can divide the participants into two-person tobogganing teams or, to make it more difficult, organize the same thing, but on one board. Another idea for company integration in winter is a competition for the biggest or the nicest snowman. Of course, let's emphasize that it's about one made of snow...

Integration party - ideas for having fun

How to make everyone have a good time at the party? The key is to plan well and choose the right attractions. Ideas for having fun? For several people it may be, for example, going to a pub, theater or cinema. But it will not be a typical employee integration, but rather a friendly meeting in a narrow group. Integration events for companies are based on the fact that everyone integrates - everyone with everyone. Avoid subgrouping and isolating anyone! It never serves the team.

Culinary tournaments for companies

Integration event, the idea for its organization may come directly from employees. If they already have a vision of this event, it is worth taking advantage of it. After all, in a way, we're doing it just for them. Such an initiative is also a clear signal that our team needs to relax and reduce tension. Or to deepen relationships and open up communication channels. Therefore, let us listen to the needs of employees and propose, for example, an integration trip, integration bonfire or a picnic. Let our integration meeting also have fun elements - let's suggest a themed party or casual games. Or maybe let's use it cooking workshops or kayaking to build group integration? If we don't organize integration events too often, let's not limit our imagination. Let our company event remain in the company annals for a long time…

The organization of team building events is the basis for the good functioning of the team. Integration builds group relationships, increases motivation to work, and improves communication - all this affects the quality of teamwork. If you want your group of employees to get along well with each other, remember about proper integration.

Why do I need team building events?

Many people may wonder why organize company integration events at all? If there is someone like that, then this person does not care about a good atmosphere at work, which is crucial for achieving the company's goals. Every boss should care about creating a team that communicates well and is able to work together. For employees to be productive, they need to feel comfortable with others. Work should not only be a duty, but also an opportunity to meet colleagues, which we really want.

Integration attractions – off-road

Therefore, remember that it is worth spending your time and resources on organizing integration events. Just try it once and you'll see how much it can bring to the team and how much more efficient employees will become. A successful integration event for employees will make the team tighten relations and start functioning like a well-oiled machine. The organization of events for companies is a kind of binder, and at the same time it drives new ideas and adds positive energy.

Integration trips for companies these are real benefits. Of course, they require some investment, but these pay off quickly. And long-term profits are the reduction of staff fluctuation. Measurable savings on recruitment and training of new employees. Let us remember that a satisfied employee is the best showcase of our company and will certainly not disappoint us or our customers.

You hire people to give you something, but you can't expect it if you don't offer anything in return. An employee who feels needed, "cared for" and important is someone who will contribute much more to the company than - let's call it - cheap labor.

Thanks to team-building events, you will enable people working in your company to get to know all its structures better and to find key information about it. They will then feel part of the corporate community. In this way, everyone who holds particular positions in your company will work together to develop it.

The organization of events for companies is, as you can see, an opportunity to increase efficiency. But on corporate integration events you can also invite guests from outside. For example, when we implement new solutions or technologies, you can invite an expert to conduct training. In a more relaxed atmosphere of a corporate event, it will be easier for employees to ask questions, dispel doubts or learn about the nuances of new technologies. The obvious benefit for the company will be not only the knowledge itself, but also the fact that we will not have to learn from mistakes in the course of proper work.

How to plan a company ball?

If you want your team of employees to feel motivated to act and willingly perform the tasks entrusted to them, give them a good reason to do so. Organize a team-up meeting, for example, on the occasion of achieving a business plan or employee promotions. The reason why team building events are organized for companies may also be company anniversary. Celebrating the company's round anniversaries is a perfect excuse to meet at banquet.

It is worth showing that you care about the employees in your company and that you make them feel comfortable.

Integration meetings - improving relations in the team

After a period of pandemic restrictions and remote work, it has probably turned out in many companies that employees are strangers to each other. And it's literally! They never even saw each other live! Therefore, especially in 2022 and the next year, take care of organization of integration events. A team needs to get to know each other in order to work well together. Additionally, being locked up at home is not conducive to integration and a sense of teamwork. The integration meeting will undoubtedly help in this.

If your team has worked remotely or hybrid so far, the relationship between employees has definitely cooled down significantly. Employee integration at that time was limited to meetings on the screen of the monitor or only to correspondence by e-mail. Additionally, it may turn out that some of them have changed jobs, and new people, unknown to others, have come. This is how the team, which has worked well together so far, starts to have problems.

Company party or a trip is the perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and re-establish close relationships. If you want employees to come to their workplace willingly, they should meet there people with whom they can talk and whom they know well. Integration meetings they will help to achieve this.

Advantages of corporate integration

Of course, corporate events can vary in character and form. It all depends on the level of familiarity in the company and its organizational culture. The integration of employees can also take place in a slightly more solemn form. An integration meeting can be organized, for example, in the form of a banquet or a ball. It can also take the form of a business meeting. Also, the conference, although it usually has an official course and a strictly defined agenda, in essence involves the integration of experts from a given field or a specific environment.

Integration trips for companies are now a certain standard of their functioning. As with an external customer, companies began to pay attention to their employees. In the era of shortages of qualified employees and specialists, it turned out that the concept of the so-called human resources took on a new meaning. Now it is the employer who has to try to maintain the continuity of production, be competitive on the market and at the same time not lose specialists to the competition.

Employee integration means an increase in the company's profits

All the elements we mentioned above are extremely important. There is no good company without integrated employees who feel good in each other's company. The role of team relationships is also crucial. However, there is one more important argument in favor of organizing team-building events.

Each company is set up with profit in mind. Certainly, you also had a clearly defined financial goal when you decided to start a business. For this reason, it is necessary to remember that the company must generate income.

Building a Goldberg machine

If you ensure that your employees integrate and spend time together, you can be sure that their motivation will be much higher. If both the motivation in the team as well as mutual relations will be on an increasingly higher level, it will certainly have a direct impact on the company's profits.

Employees who are integrated with the rest of the team and feel comfortable in the workplace are much more likely to deal with all the key elements that affect the development of the company. Remember about this if you want to save by not including team-building events in your corporate budget. It is not an economy. In this way, you can even expose yourself to much higher costs.

Integration party - Goldberg's machine - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - Sosnówka near Karpacz

Organization of integration events - advantages and benefits for employees

A good reason to organize an integration event is not only the desire to create a solid team. Integration events can be a form of reward for previous work. Events for companies are also a great opportunity to motivate the team to further activity. A properly motivated team is definitely more willing to take on new challenges, will be more creative and ready to achieve even more success. Prepared by you event attractions will surely be appreciated by the team.

Team building events are the best way to show employees that you care about them. You recognize their hard work and want to show your gratitude this way. Such an investment in people pays for itself twice. Therefore, do not hesitate to organize team-building events - the bosses also derive many benefits from team-building trips. This is a great form of reducing the distance between superiors and subordinates. It is also an opportunity to get to know employees better and see how they behave outside working hours. Observing the team during integration will allow you to spot interesting character traits of your employees that you can use later.

Do you want to organize an integration trip?

We'll take care of everything!

Integration meetings - rest as important as work

In order for the work to be effective, it is necessary to take care of high-quality rest. This should not be a time when employees focus on working overtime. They should forget about their duties then and think about how they want to spend this time.

As an employer, it is important to remember that rest is also very important. Based on the latest research, it is safe to say that a person who cares about their rest can work much more efficiently than those who focus solely on carrying out their duties.

Integration fireplace

If new people join the team, they certainly don't know anyone or just a few people. At work, when performing numerous duties, it often happens that there is not enough time to get to know each other properly between colleagues.

An integration event is a great way to spend time together, get to know your interests, lifestyle and ways of spending free time. Remember that as an employer you are responsible for the atmosphere in your company.

Employee integration - ideas to introduce new people to the team and the so-called employee onboarding it is an important element of the functioning of any enterprise. It allows new crew members to find and adapt. Of course, the more efficiently it is carried out, the sooner the employee will be fully ready to work and perform the tasks assigned to him.

Therefore, the organization of team-building events can be understood more broadly, as an element of the company's strategy.

Employee integration ideas

People who work full-time and have families often have problems finding time for adequate rest. It happens that instead of going somewhere, getting to know new places and developing skills, they spend time only on household chores and work.

Company Olympics - Korona Karkonoszy Manor - Sosnówka near Karpacz

Therefore, a team-building event, which can be treated by them as one of the elements necessary for their work, is a great way to relax and get to know new attractions.

If you propose to your crew as part of employee integration interesting attractionsthat they have not used so far, you can be sure that they will be pleasantly surprised. They will certainly find it a great way to broaden their knowledge and interests. Interesting idea it can be an integration trip combined with competitions or various types of workshops. It may turn out that some of them will be awakened by a lust for adventure or a deeply sleeping artist. Or maybe someone will discover the line of a sommelier or a barista? On the other hand, for natural-born athletes, the Winter Olympics, team games, rafting or simply reaching the nearest summit will be an excellent springboard from everyday routine.

Team games and integration games

Team games and integration games for employees, just like workshops, open up team members to each other and allow them to get to know each other in a less formal atmosphere. The participants of the integration event basically learn themselves and gain trust, which later pays off at work.

What for a team-building event?

In what form should you choose integration? Integration games and games for employees are a great idea for all corporate events. They allow you to forget about the requirements and obligations of employees, at least for a moment. In addition, they perfectly integrate and guarantee a large dose of entertainment. Integration workshops, which not only connect people, but also allow them to acquire new skills - not necessarily related to the profile and activities of the company, are equally popular.

If you have not organized integration events for your employees so far, you may have difficulties with planning and carrying out tasks. We want all participants of integration trips to be refreshed and satisfied, so we will be happy to advise you on how to start preparations and bring the integration event to an end.

Organizing integration events – whose task is it?

If your company has an HR team, it means that you have a very good base and people who should prepare company integration events. It is these people who are responsible for preparing all the elements of the event in such a way that it meets the expectations of all participants.

Therefore, as the owner of the company in which the HR department is located, you can appoint an appropriate team that will organize the integration of employees. However, remember - if you want employees to feel appreciated by you, it is also worth getting involved directly in the organization.

An integration event for employees is of great importance. It is a form of benefit for them. That is why it is worth choosing the places for integration events carefully. The more attractive the chosen object is, the more guests will feel appreciated. There are usually different ideas about what an integration event should look like. For one employee, the Winter Olympics, games and fun in the snow will be satisfying. Another may have an idea for corporate integration in the form of culinary workshops or board games or tasting craft beers by the fireplace.

Craft beer tasting - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Organizer of corporate events - scope of duties

The organizer of company events - regardless of whether the organizer of our company event will be a person appointed from among the staff, the HR department or an external event manager, he has a lot to do. First of all, he should determine in what form the integration event for employees will take place. Will it be a banquet, a company campfire or an integration trip or training? How many people will take part in it and what budget does the company have?

Corporate events require a detailed plan. Here, unlike in the case of private or spontaneous integration meetings, there can be no improvisation. Organization of events for companies requires precise determination of at least the place and time of employees' gathering. Travel time to the selected facility. Planning and selecting meals. Make time arrangements for training, for example. Selecting the type of additional attractions, integration games and many other details. 

Who is an event manager?

The organizer of events for companies should also know how to behave professionally in the event of an unforeseen situation. And also how to start various types of integration events, break the first ice cream and encourage participants to actively participate in integration.
As you can see, the scope of responsibilities of the organizer of corporate events is quite extensive. That is why it is worth using the experience of people who have already done it or outsource this task to a good event agency. However, if we feel able to prepare an integration meeting ourselves, let's go! The most important thing is a good atmosphere, fun and pleasant memories.

Integration trips for companies - making an appointment

Adults work in your company. Most often they have their own families, plans and private goals that they pursue. Often the integration event is organized in their free time. Therefore, you cannot force anyone to attend if it interferes with other commitments or plans. The organization of company trips must take this into account.

Due to the fact that the vast majority of employees like team-building events, it is worth setting the date in advance. So that integration trips for companies do not collide with private plans or actions. Anyone who wishes to go should be able to arrange their time in such a way as to appear.

Therefore, when organizing corporate integration events, first set an initial date when they would take place. On this basis, you need to find the perfect place for team-building trips and provide the team with the planned dates well in advance.

Integration meeting - a short party or a trip for a few days?

This is another decision to be made with organization of an integration event. Do you want it to be a short afternoon or evening outing, or maybe a few days out of town?

Is outdoor integration a good idea?

About integration trips you will find a separate text on our blog, so here we will focus on the situation when you decide to have a one-day integration event. This is a good idea for a team where many people have children. Then there is a problem with the organization of care for them for more than a few hours. By organizing an integration event on site, you can be sure that most of the team will be able to participate in it and everyone will have a good time. However, it is always worth remembering that such a trip will not replace an integration trip. During a few hours it is difficult to truly integrate, let alone organize games and team building activitiesh.

Integration trips - organization of the perfect place

Certainly, not only your company will come up with the idea of organizing an integration event for employees. This is an increasingly popular trend. Because of that organization of corporate events is important and many companies are interested in organizing integration events, you should start looking for the perfect place immediately after setting the date. Remember that places for integration events must meet several conditions.

Places for team building events - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - Sosnówka near Karpacz
  • The size of the facility is adapted to the size of your company - if you work in a team of several people, a small square is enough. However, in the case of corporations or companies in which many people have found employment, it may be necessary to organize a much larger area where it will be possible to spend free time together;
  • Favorable rental conditions - immediately when viewing the facility and any arrangements for renting, remember to ask about its regulations. In the case of team-building events, it is possible that it will be loud at times. Check if there are people in the facility who may be disturbed;
  • Adequate distance that will allow for relatively comfortable access - the selected object should not be very far, but it should not be too close to the workplace. The idea is for employees to feel that this is a trip, not a meeting in a place where they go to lunch or sometimes participate in difficult meetings. Integration corporate events it is best to organize in places for non-obvious employees. 

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Events for companies - setting the menu or ordering catering

Remember that during integration events food plays one of the most important roles. It is necessary to prepare a menu that will satisfy all participants of the trip.

Here, the matter related to the organization is extremely complex and depends on several factors. Among other things, the number of participants, the nature of the integration event, the place where you meet and your preferred menu.

Slow food – beer feast – corporate events - Korona Karkonoszy Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

In the case of a team-building event organized in a restaurant, a good solution is to establish a framework menu in advance, which will be used during the meeting. Thanks to this, each participant will get a specific dish without having to choose long.

You can also set up an individual menu in advance specifically for an integration event. So that participants can choose from several dishes. This solution is often suggested by restaurants due to the easier service of guests.

What are incentive trips?

When considering the issue of employee integration, it is worth considering whether we pay attention to it at all? Alternatively, how often do we organize integration events? Is it monthly or annually? Or maybe once a week we organize a fruit day or once a month we arrange a day in the style of the 20s or 80s? In very large companies or in shift work, especially one that requires appropriate protective clothing and meeting many health and safety requirements, it is difficult to even talk about this type of integration in the workplace. All the more so, it is worth inviting the crew to away integration!

Organizer of corporate events

Integration party - ideas for everyone

An integration trip or a company event itself is a great attraction for all employees in your company. However, if you want to organize an event that will be remembered by all its participants, be sure to prepare a list of attractions that will be waiting for them during the integration.

We offer integration games in which all people will be able to take part. Therefore, remember that in the group of your employees there may be both people who have a good time integrating with drinks, as well as those who are abstinent.

We suggest voting in the company a few days before the planned event. You can collect suggestions for integration games for employees and thus choose only those that will be attractive to them.

Team building games

You can also invent games yourself or outsource it to the team responsible for organizing an integration event. You do not want to deal with the integration event yourself? Apply to the agency that will organize everything for you. Your only responsibility will be to supervise the preparations and have fun with your subordinates. Organizer of corporate events take care of everything.

Integration meetings - invitation

If there is a team-building event in your plans, do not forget to notify your employees in advance. It is best if it is before setting the schedule for the month in which the event is to take place.

Also, be sure to include this day in your schedule. So that everyone who wants to have the opportunity to participate in the integration. Ideally, the evening shift on the integration day and the morning shift of the following day are canceled, if possible. That way, you won't have to make difficult decisions about leaving individuals behind while others have fun.

Culinary tournament - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - Sosnówka near Karpacz

It is necessary to notify all integration participants about the planned event. Thanks to the fact that it is done in advance, it is possible to organize your private time in such a way as to leave the afternoon and evening free.

If you are wondering what is the best time to notify employees about an integration event, we suggest you. If you know when it is going to take place and you have all the necessary elements to organize it, then it is worth talking to the participants. It is best if it is a minimum of one month before the planned event, because this way it is possible to properly organize the time.

An event agency with a hotel?

This is us!

Organization of integration events - order

It happens that both the business owners and the HR department are too busy to take care of themselves organization of the event integration for employees. This is a very time-consuming task that sometimes requires you to be present on site rather than in the office.

Due to the need to save time, an increasingly popular trend is organizing integration events by external event agencies that have been specially hired for this purpose. If you entrust the organization of an integration event to an external company, you can be sure that everything will be buttoned up and your employees and you will be satisfied.

Team building games and activities

Organization of events for companies - tasks of an event agency

The external company deals with all aspects related to the integration event. All she needs to start working is the most important information about the company, preferred location and the number of people who will take part in the event. 

You can also suggest what games work best for your team. However, this is not a question that is necessary. You can leave everything to the professionals. All talks with subcontractors, organization of meals, setting the menu, and even taking care of the participants of the event during its duration is the task of the agency. You can entrust all these elements event managers.

Of course, it is up to you as a customer which elements you want to organize yourself and which ones you want to hand over to other people. Thanks to the freedom of choice, specialists have the opportunity to individually tailor their services to your business.

Integration event and its organization

In this short guide, we showed you how - step by step - to organize an unforgettable one integration event for people who work in your company. This is a great way to gain an incredibly well-coordinated team that will jointly solve even the most difficult tasks that will be put in front of them. Remember that all the money you invest in a team-building event will certainly pay off in the form of new contracts, efficient implementation of tasks and improvement of all processes in your company.

Team building, or how to create the best team

More and more employers are beginning to notice the benefits of a good and well-coordinated team of employees. Team building is a group work tool that primarily involves integrating all team members. On the other hand, it allows them to be equipped with the skills necessary to work together.

Correctly guided team building it will help to create a group that allocates roles and tasks among themselves. One who knows how to communicate effectively and can make difficult decisions. In short, the employer creates a fully independent team that knows perfectly well what his duties are and how to achieve his goals.

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Organizing team building events is one of the best ways to achieve this goal. Ideal party integrative is one that communicates communication skills in a positive atmosphere, teaches assertiveness and methods of conflict resolution.

Organization of team building events

Integration events in the team building type must consist of properly selected exercises that are to bring specific results. The leitmotif and the level of advancement are also important. It should be emphasized that overcoming obstacles together and completing subsequent tasks primarily shape the ability to communicate, understand the differences of individual members in the group and teach how to build and maintain long-term relationships. Experienced organizers are able to propose attractive ones ideally suited to a given group team building games.

The team can learn in the office - it's obvious. However, there is no doubt that team-building events, especially away trips, combine business with pleasure, fun and learning. This form of acquiring knowledge is not only more pleasant but also more effective.

integration events

Successful organization of team building events - elements

What consists of organization of an integration event? What elements should you consider? At the very beginning, you need to define what you want to achieve by organizing an integration event. It can be about relieving stress in the team or learning new skills. Or maybe for the integration of employees? Introducing a new member to the group? Possibly a combination of all these issues? In each case, what matters most is the creative and active filling of time for the participants of the meeting.

Team games are a great idea for any integration event. They allow, at least for a moment, to forget about the requirements and obligations imposed on employees, integrate perfectly and guarantee a large dose of entertainment. Integration workshops are also very popular. They not only connect people, but also allow them to acquire new skills, not necessarily related to the profile and activities of the company.

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Team games, just like workshops, allow you to get to know each other in a less formal atmosphere. In principle, the participants of the event learn from each other and gain trust, which will later pay off in work.

How to start organizing a corporate event?

  • Reason for organizing a team-building event. Organizing an integration event should start with defining what drives us and what encourages us to undertake such an undertaking. At this stage, let's imagine what the planned event might look like and why we are doing it. Of course, we assume that the atmosphere of such an event will be friendly and that everyone will have fun. This is the basis. The rest are details that, of course, must be well planned and meticulously implemented for the plan to come true. So what is the goal? Is it an integration meeting of people who know each other well and have been working together for years? Or will it also be a celebration of some success in the company or promotion? Or maybe just the anniversary of many years of cooperation or 15th anniversary of the company? Or is it about team integration? Or maybe a new employee has joined the company and we want to introduce him to the team this way?
Company events - a short guide on how to organize them
Company anniversary
  • The form of an integration event. The next step will be to determine the form in which we want to organize an integration event. Will it be a joint go out for a pizza or a real integration trip? Companies most often organize such events, combining them with training or briefing. It is convenient because it is formally justified and it is easier to raise funds. Moreover, such a trip organized "wisely" brings many benefits for the company.
  • Mood. And finally, the most important thing - let's take care of a good atmosphere! Only if the participants really relax can they be persuaded to truly integrate. The rest are details that we'll come back to later.

Integration events in the mountains - "geoskrzynka"

Organization of integration events in the mountains it gives us a lot of possibilities. Starting from the most popular walk (or a trekking trip - depending on the condition), through visiting local castles, to skiing or snowboarding. Of course, there are many possibilities. You can offer a canoe or pontoon rally, a rope park or paintball. Zorbing or off road rally. It may also be different outdoor game.

One of the most interesting and recently popular ideas is the so-called geo-box. The fun is that someone hides a letter in a bottle in the field and gives approximate geographic coordinates or some clue to decipher. The task of the players is to guess the hints and reach the goal. It is only up to the organizer's imagination where it will lead the participants and what attractions they will envisage along the way and in the final.

Advice: how to choose the perfect place for training

Organization of integration events for employees

Integration events for employees it is the best method to build a good relationship between them. The right atmosphere in the team is also a guarantee of proper communication and, consequently, increased productivity and innovation of the company. Professional approach to integration and employer branding it is primarily the stability of employment in the company and the ease of acquiring new employees. A satisfied employee is a guarantee of customer satisfaction, as well as an excellent showcase of the company.

At integration events, people get to know each other, get along and sometimes make friends. However, you need to be aware that the integration will not take place within the proverbial 5 minutes. It takes time to go through all of them integration steps. An integration event is a great start to this process.

Let us answer the question, who would we like to work with? Certainly with the people we trust and like. With those we value as people and professionals. How to build such relationships? Is it possible on the run, under pressure and in a constant lack of time? Corporate integration is a chance to see something in another person beyond the business relationship. Maybe we can understand his motivations? How to get the matter settled instead of exchanging subsequent e-mails, issuing orders or making settlements? Integration is the key word!

Commplace Blog

Organization of events - where to organize a corporate event?

If we already know why we want to organize an integration event and more or less in what form, all that remains is to answer the question of where? The most important thing is that the place and facility you choose correspond to the original vision of the event. If it was to be, for example, a trip combined with a training, then of course the facility chosen by us must also have appropriate facilities. The organizer's experience and attitude to your ideas will also be important.

Hotel for integration events - Korona Karkonoszy Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

The point is that the organizer should not only be open and flexible, but also be able to suggest some proven ones attractions for corporate events. An experienced event manager will help you choose the right scenario and attractions for our group, as well as see which elements possibly require correction in the plan of our integration event. For example, he will know how long it actually takes to reach a nearby summit by lift or how long a specific team building game takes, and what support materials need to be prepared for it. In a word, let's choose a facility where the events are tailor-made!

Organization of integration events Lower Silesia

Lower Silesia it is a real basin when it comes to all kinds of attractions. In this area, nature shows almost the full range of its beauty. There are mountains, water and unlimited space. Also products of centuries-old civilization, such as castles, palaces, parks and achievements of technology and art. All this is abundant in Lower Silesia. And it makes it worth coming back here to enjoy the local cuisine. You can discover the region anew every time, admiring the wonderful collections in museums, concerts and exhibitions.

However, let us remember that integration events they have their own rhythm and needs. High culture and sublime art require concentration and certain preparation. Of course, these elements can be included in an integration trip, but rather as a supplement, not the main one corporate integration point. And here you can come back to the advantages of Lower Silesia: canoeing or pontoon trips, hiking in the mountains or skiing in winter, rope parks, abandoned mines and tunnels with their secrets, castles and manors are only a fraction of the possibilities. Balloon or helicopter flights in the mountains, paintball, field games, campfires, various types of workshops (for example culinary workshops) and many other attractions are at hand here. To this you can add excellent regional cuisine and local handicrafts. All this together makes it organization of integration events in Lower Silesia gives unlimited possibilities, and most importantly, pleasure and satisfaction.

Lower Silesia with potential

The Lower Silesian Voivodeship is certainly one of the most attractive tourist voivodeships in Poland. Just mention a few names, such as Wrocław, Jelenia Góra, Karkonosze, Śnieżka, colorful lakes, the Land of Palaces and Gardens, the Table Mountains, the Land of extinct volcanoes. Everyone immediately knows which region it is. And nice associations immediately appear...

Historically, it is also one of the richest regions. This is where crafts, gardening and brewing arts flourished, as well as trade and cultural exchange between the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. Lower Silesia is also a region with a very rich tourist base. There are many manors and hotels offering interesting attractions and service at the highest level. It is an ideal place for both a longer vacation and a shorter one, for example a two-day trip. And also for all kinds corporate, integration and team building events. The team invited to an event in a beautiful place in Lower Silesia will certainly appreciate the employer's efforts.  

Organization of integration events in Karpacz

Probably everyone has heard about the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains - Śnieżka. Probably also about Śnieżne Kotły or about the Samotnia shelter. However, not everyone was able to see these places in person. The easiest way to reach them is from Karpacz or from neighboring towns. For example, with Sosnówki next to Karpacz. This holiday town has the additional advantage that it is located on a huge, beautiful reservoir. In combination with the panorama of the Karkonosze Mountains, the view of the lagoon, especially from the ruins of Prince Henry's Castle, makes an amazing impression at any time of the year.

Event agency

Organization of integration events - is it worth it?

If you want to answer this question, you first need to consider whether you want to create a team that communicates well and can work together. Fortunately, many employers understand that it is the employees who work for the company's success. If you belong to this group, we can unequivocally answer that yes, it is worth organizing team-building events. Just try it once and you'll see how much it can do for the team.  

You hire people to give your business something of themselves, but you can't expect it if you don't offer anything in return. An employee who feels needed and important is someone who will contribute much more to the company than - let's call it a spade - cheap labor.

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CLICK above in the Corporate Events Configurator banner

Organizing events – a duty or something more?

Let's entrust the organization of integration events to people who like company, like to have fun and also have a unique sense of humor. Success guaranteed! If we don't have anyone like that in our team, let's entrust this task to professionals - of course with the characteristics as above. Such people guarantee good fun and authentic integration. They know how to create good team in an unusual way. They can relax even the most nervous boss and build healthy, strong relationships between employees.

An experienced manager knows that his employees can assume - and assume - various roles in the company. Sometimes it is convenient for a subordinate to hide some skills and knowledge for fear of expanding the scope of duties. Conversely, people who are not necessarily predisposed want to be promoted. An integration event is a great opportunity to reveal your true talents and rare predispositions or qualifications. This is an opportunity for everyone to share their passion and get closer to people. For this to happen, it must be easy and fun. Let's remember this.

What do you need to remember when organizing a team-building event?

What matters most to the employee is what matters most great fun. If you want one, be prepared to plan. You should also take into account that team building events organized during your free time will be an interesting challenge, as long as you inform the participants early enough. The company's staff does not shy away from the opportunity to rest, but respect the private life of employees and do not surprise them with information about the event a few days before the planned start.

Integration events as a form of reward for employees

A good reason to organize an integration event is not only to create a solid team. Integration events can be form of reward for the work done so far. It is also a great opportunity to motivate the team to continue hard work. A properly motivated team will definitely be more willing to take up new challenges, will be more creative and willing to be even more successful.

Integration events are the best way to show your employees that you care about them, you see their work and you want to show your gratitude in this way. Such an investment in people will pay off more than you would expect! Integration events as a form of reward for employees - definitely yes!

Organization of corporate events - Commplace Agency

Integration events - their organization is a real challenge for someone who has never done it before. The first time can be difficult. How to do it? The easiest way is to use the hints - experienced organizer of corporate events knows all the nuances of this activity. In addition, many event companies publish basic information on their blogs. A good example is a guide in the form of interesting articles on the Commplace Agency blog. You can find here not only hints on where to start, but also examples of integration games and activities.

See how to organize a party – event configurator

Worth knowing:

The most important elements when planning a team-building event?

Organizing team-building events can be quite a challenge, but if you take into account a few key elements, you can ensure a successful and effective meeting for the participants. The first and extremely important aspect is the right choice of a place that will be conducive to integration and will facilitate the implementation of the planned activities. Another element is a good plan that includes a variety of activities, rest and opportunities to establish relationships. It is worth remembering that an integration event is primarily a place where you can make new contacts and start cooperation in an atmosphere of positive energy and fun.

Benefits of organizing regular team-building events for your company?

Organizing regular integration events can bring many benefits. Firstly, it helps to build stronger relationships between employees and improve their communication. Getting to know each other in an informal atmosphere makes it easier to establish relationships, which in turn affect the quality of work in the team. Secondly, integration events contribute to improving the atmosphere at work, which becomes more friendly and open. Thanks to this, the sense of bond with the team and motivation to work increases. Finally, organizing team-building events has a positive impact on the company's performance, because happy employees are more likely to work more efficiently and work for the good of the organization.

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