Are you looking for an original place for a corporate event? Think about what makes the place we are appearing to us - or maybe it really is? - unique? Is it about crowds of tourists and network recognition? Or maybe for a specific, unique and original charm? Why is Sosnówka, a holiday village near Karpacz, worthy of attention?
- Sosnówka near Karpacz
- Company events in Sosnówka
- Weather Sosnówka
- Location Sosnówka
- Sosnówka - communication
- History of Sosnówka
- Sosnówka - tourist routes
- Karkonosze regional cuisine
- Company banquets
- Monuments of Sosnówka
- Sosnówka forests
- Company integration in the forest
- Sosnówka attractions
- St. Anna
- Ruins of Prince Henry's Castle
- Chojnik Castle
- The Lappish village of Kalevala in Borowice
- Garden and palace in Bukowiec
- Wobble in Przesieka
- Gallows on Straconka in Ścięnty
- Wang temple
- Podgórna waterfall
- Myi cascade
- The Valley of Palaces and Gardens of the Jelenia Góra Valley
- Integration games in and around Sosnówka - treasure hunt
- Witosz Mountain in Staniszów
- Sosnówka and its surroundings on a motorbike
- Sosnówka for cyclists
- Active company integration - canoeing or pontooning
- Team building Sosnówka
- The Sosnówka lagoon
- The Sosnówka Reservoir - hotel
- Events Sosnówka
- Interesting facts in Sosnówka - the chakra in the frying pan
- Weddings Sosnówka
- Sosnówka hotels
Sosnówka near Karpacz
Sosnówka to zabytkowa wieś letniskowa położona u podnóża Karkonoszy nad zalewem o tej samej nazwie. Nie jest tak znana i popularna jak Karpacz, i to jej wielka zaleta! Jej malownicze położenie, brak tłumu turystów i tak zwanej reklamozy pozwala cieszyć się atmosferą gór.

Here, nothing obscures the beautiful mountain panoramas. You can really feel the atmosphere of the Krkonoše village, especially since the buildings have remained almost unchanged since the houses were built by their former builders. Of course, over the years, the village has grown and the old buildings have gained modern amenities, but they have not lost any of their charm.
The main road winds along the swift mountain stream, Sośniak. The stream flows through the entire village and feeds the reservoir located here. In addition to the mountains and the lagoon, there are also other attractions, such as the altar in the Church of St. Martin, the ruins of Prince Henry's Castle or the Happy Spring at the Chapel of St. Anna.
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Company events in Sosnówka
Karkonosze as a place for corporate events? Sprawdzą się idealnie! Duża liczba hoteli i łatwy dojazd to wielki atut tego regionu. Na przykład w Sosnówce znaleźć można różnego rodzaju conference facilities in the mountains, doskonale przygotowane do organizacji imprez firmowych. Dobrym przykładem może być Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, który ma na swoim koncie organizację ponad 1000 różnego rodzaju eventów. Wszystkie one były „szyte na miarę”, jako że najważniejsze jest dopasowanie propozycji imprezy do potrzeb i oczekiwań klienta.
Weather Sosnówka
In Sosnówka, even the weather is interesting and… unusual! The vegetation period in one part of the village may differ from the vegetation period in the other part by up to 2 weeks. It is a real rarity within one town, even 6 kilometers long and boasting an elevation difference of 370 m! It is this layout of villages that entails large differences in temperature, rainfall and pressure.
The climate in Sosnówka is a micro-form of mountain climate, but due to its geographical location, this area is rarely influenced by polar-continental air masses. Therefore, the climate there is much milder than in other mountain ranges in Poland. The more it is worth going to the Karkonosze corporate event and see all the attractions of Sosnówka and the surrounding area.

Location Sosnówka
Sosnówka is a large chain-type village. Houses were built on both sides of the main road that ran through the entire village. Where is Sosnówka? On the border of the Karkonoskie Foothills and the Jelenia Góra Valley, at an altitude of about 370–720 m asl ). Sosnówka is highly fragmented, divided into Upper and Lower Sosnówka.
The unquestionable advantage of Sosnówka is its location. This Karkonosze resort town actually borders Karpacz, and the distance from Jelenia Góra - Cieplice is only 7 km. From there, you can get to the village by public transport, there are several bus lines. Also, getting to Sosnówka from the capital of the voivodeship, Wrocław, is not difficult. It is only a little over 100 km, in addition, most of the route runs along the A4 motorway and the S3 expressway.
Corporate event in the mountains?
Only in Sosnówka!
Sosnówka - communication
The longest street in Sosnówka is about 6 kilometers long. Its lowest end is located at an altitude of 370 m above sea level, and the highest one at an altitude of 720 m above sea level. No wonder that the inhabitants often choose public transport. Buses no. 104, 105, 106 and 119 run around the town, which quickly take you to, among others, Jelenia Góra, Karpacz and Szklarska Poręba. Thanks to this by organizing company event in Sosnówka, you can easily visit all nearby cities and towns.
History of Sosnówka
Sosnówka it changed its name many times during its several hundred years of existence. Mentions from 1305 speak of the village of Seydorf. Soon after, in 1383, the name was changed to Sendorf. Centuries later, in 1747, we meet the name Seydorff. In 1875, the name Seidorf appeared and it was in force until the end of World War II. It was then, in 1945, that Sosnówka was given the Polish name of Drewnica. However, a year later it gained the name under which it is still present.
The village was founded in the vicinity of one of the oldest roads to the Czech Republic and near Dobre Source near Grabowiec. In the 18th century it was a settlement of weavers. It became very fashionable in the 19th and 20th centuries holiday village. It was so popular that sometimes there were no places for tourists. Especially when in 1904 a new road was marked out from Sosnówka to Karpacz - a wonderful serpentine winding among the mountains. It was then that a group of Wrocław investors decided to expand the accommodation base in Sosnówka. A colony of holiday villas has been designed along this road. There were supposed to be 80 of them, but the project could not be completed. However, a few buildings were erected that still serve as hotels.

Sosnówka - tourist routes
As befits a wonderfully located village in the Karkonosze Mountains, Sosnówka offers several hiking routes. There are 2 trails - black and yellow. According to the markings of PTTK located in the center of the village in Sosnówka Dolna, the yellow trail leads to Jelenia Góra via Staniszów. In the opposite direction, the trail leads to the Chapel of St. Anna and the so-called Miraculous Spring, and then to Karpacz and the Wang Temple. The black trail leads to Przesieka. There is a public transport stop in the same place, so you can only cover this route one way.
Hiking around Sosnówka can also be shorter. It is very easy and pleasant to walk from the village to Prince Henry's Castle or around the lagoon.

Karkonosze regional cuisine
Food ... Who of us doesn't like trying new dishes? The specificity of a given region is also evidenced by the local cuisine. The Karkonosze cuisine offers, among other things, kyselo. It is a simple sourdough soup, cooked on plants from the meadows of the Giant Mountains. Also the Krkonoše steak, i.e. garlic soup, is worth attention. The second course, traditionally prepared in this region, is the Krkonoše sejkors, a type of potato pancake with sour cream. Other Karkonosze delicacies are Izera noodles stuffed with beef and hubnik, a kind of millet casserole with mushrooms. The fish from the Krkonoše streams are also worth tasting.
Company banquets
It is worth testing the regional cuisine during company banquets. And during the integration event, you can organize a culinary tournament. Nothing is as close as cooking together! Korona Karkonoszy Manor has been organizing tournaments of this type for years, sometimes with culinary celebrities.

Cheeses and cottage cheese in the Karkonosze Mountains were traditionally made from sheep's and cow's milk. It is worth tasting these products, highly flavored with herbs, prepared in the style of cheeses from centuries ago. When it comes to sweets, the Karkonosze gingerbread is another noteworthy item on the list of regional flavors. It includes, among others rosehip caramel and acorn and sea buckthorn flour.
A liqueur, today known worldwide as Echt Stonsdorfer, has also been produced in this region for a long time. Its composition is a mixture of several dozen local herbs and berries. After 1945, the owners of the distillery had to close the Krkonoše plant and moved their production to Hamburg.
Sosnówka tincture
Sosnówka - tincture it is made on young pine shoots. They are harvested in May, when they have the highest growth and contain the most resin. Then sprinkle them with sugar to release the juices and put the jar in a sunny place. Then the resulting stock should be poured over with vodka or spirit, and the tincture is ready!

The taste resembles pine syrup known from childhood. This tincture can be very useful if we catch a cold in autumn or winter. It is a medicine, but also a pleasure for the palate. Depending on your taste, you can make the tincture more sweet or dry. Pine tincture it has a beautiful, resinous color, so it is also a pleasant sight, displayed on the kitchen shelf.
There are a lot of pine trees in Sosnówka, so we can by the way company spring party taking place in this charming village, gather the pine shoots and prepare the tincture. Great - and how tasty and healthy! - a souvenir from the event.
Ian Hickinbotham - filmmaker in Sosnówka
Sosnówka has enchanted many people with its charm. One of the most famous is certainly Ian Hickinbotham, who was friends and worked with directors such as Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg. He began his career in the world of film rather modestly, with the position of a wardrobe assistant, but he patiently climbed the next steps. He went on to become assistant director and producer through the positions of assistant set manager and production manager. He has worked on dozens of films, including such well-known works as The shining Stanley Kubrick, Raiders of the lost ark and Munich Steven Spielberg or Gladiator Ridley Scott.

And how from the world of the great movie Hickbotham ended up in Sosnówkior at least a small holiday village in the Giant Mountains? During filming in Poland Proof of Life he met Aneta Cebula, who works for Lew Rywin's Heritage Films agency. They became a couple and decided to start a life together in Poland. They visited several dozen houses, and their choice fell on Sosnówka. In 2002, they bought a completely dilapidated villa Sonenland, designed by Wilhelm Kiehnel at the beginning of the 20th century. Before the war, the Auras sisters ran there, among others slimming treatments. The couple started renovating the villa to restore its former glory. Ian did some of the work on his own, reconstructing elements of stone and wood.
However, this story, although it sounds like a movie, unfortunately does not have a happy ending ... They did not live happily ever after, as Ian Hickinbotham died of cancer at the age of 53. He was just buried in Sosnówka, in the old cemetery at the Church of St. Martin. Instead of flowers for his grave, the family asked for donations to restore the 18th-century altar of St. Anna Samotrzecia, a class 0 monument that adorns this cemetery church. Steven Spielberg also joined the donors, wishing to honor the memory of a longtime collaborator. The altar was renovated and thanks to this, Ian Hickinbotham was forever remembered by the inhabitants of Sosnówka.
Monuments of Sosnówka
There are two historic churches in Sosnówka Dolna. Baroque Church of St. Martin from the 18th century, which was once a parish church, and now serves as a cemetery chapel. Valuable epitaphs and baroque tombstones have been preserved there. Inside you will find a wonderful wooden one rococo altar, polychrome and gilded. It was dedicated to Anna Samotrzecia and dates back to the end of the 18th century. The original church was a Gothic building. The first mentions of him can be found in 1318. In its place, with the use of the walls of the old church, it was erected in the years 1796-1797 another temple. It is a hall structure with a separate, polygonal presbytery and a square tower. Inside you can see, among others barrel vault with lunettes.
Villas, manors and palaces in Sosnówka
Beautiful mountain views and the construction of a new road connecting Sosnówka and Karpacz meant that tourism began to develop in this area. At the very beginning of the 20th century, new villas began to appear in this area. The entire area was then allocated to the so-called "Villenkolonie" - a district of elegant holiday homes for wealthy residents of Silesia and others. Thus, Sosnówka became a very popular holiday village in the interwar period.
Tourism was great here also after the war. In the times of the Polish People's Republic, there were many company holiday centers in Sosnówka. Most, however, did not withstand the economic changes in the early 1990s. However, the construction of a huge water reservoir in Sosnówka reversed this unfavorable trend. Currently, the very rapid development of the village can be seen with the naked eye.
Sosnówka is an ideal destination for company trips - the richness of the accommodation base will allow each company to find the right facility for its own company banquet, corporate integration or a party team building. Villas, mansions and palaces in Sosnówka will host business clients, and in addition, many of them employ experienced event managers who will organize every corporate event and propose attractions and games tailored to the clients' requirements.

The second important monument in Sosnówka is the post-evangelical Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn. Built in the years 1816-1820, with a beautiful hall interior in double galleries. In addition to these two churches, the provincial register of monuments also includes a former inn from 1834, the Chapel of St. Anna and a house from the end of the 19th century, located near the chapel, in Sosnówka Górna.
Architecture: Tyrolean houses and "checkered" houses
One of the little-known attractions of Sosnówka are Tyrolean houses. In 1837, religious refugees from Tyrol arrived there. They brought with them not only religious beliefs, but also a passion for their architecture. The specific construction of houses comes from Tyrol, consisting in the construction of a balcony connector at the height of the first floor. Such a balcony was to connect the residential and utility parts of the building. And it was not at ground level, but so high so that in the event of very heavy snowfall, you could move with your dry feet.
Historic houses
In the entire Karkonosze Mountains, many inhabitants made a living by weaving. The first weaving workshop in Sosnówka was established in 1711. To this day, we can admire here weavers' houses from this period. Especially in Sosnówka Dolna you can still find many half-timbered houses. The wooden supporting structure is filled with clay mixed with straw, i.e. the so-called half-timbered timber. If these spaces are filled with brick, it will be the so-called half-timbered wall. The beams of these structures form a characteristic grid.

Walking along the streets of Sosnówka you can admire the preserved examples of architectural achievements of the past centuries.
Sosnówka forests
Old, mossy boulders with fantastic shapes can be found just a few minutes from the center of the village. Going towards Sosnówka Górna, just go off the main road, from Liczyrzepy Street, to Dębowa Street, pass the stylish building of the Korona Karkonoszy Manor, and after a while you will find yourself in a different world.
This slightly forgotten route can be a great attraction, especially for those who love adventure and discovering romantic places. Already at the very beginning of the forest, on the left, we can find stone walls and memories of the old romantic nooks there, with alleys and benches. Currently overgrown and mossy, they are no longer so visible, but you can still see traces of their former glory. Some old, forgotten trail probably ran here. Depending on the mood and condition, we can continue our hike straight into the forest, or deviate slightly to the left, along a large curve to reach forest lakes and the Red Valley. From there, either go back along the shorter asphalt road or go further along the path and return to the center of Sosnówka along the lagoon.
Company integration in the forest
A walk in the forests around Sosnówka, apart from the undoubted view values, also has health-promoting properties. Why? Simply, walks in old forests strengthen the immune system. "Forest baths" in the original beech, fir and pine forests with a rich herbaceous undergrowth bring us undoubted benefits. Not only the soma benefits from it, the psyche will also quickly feel the beneficial effects of contact with the old stand. At the same time, Sosnówka is a real paradise for mushroom pickers, which is worth taking advantage of during integration events and proposing a joint trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. And then organize a culinary tournament using the "gifts of the forest" - great fun and bonding between employees guaranteed!

Sosnówka barchatka
Sosnówka is a popular name. Not only localities, although there are as many as 19 of these in Poland! This name is also carried by a certain butterfly, which is active mainly at night. Sosnówka barchatka performs all over Poland, so we will also meet her in Sosnówka in the evenings, during the summer holidays.
Pine titmouse
There are several species of tit, among them we can find the pine tit, the namesake of our village. Sosnówka tit it is a beautiful bird - its head is black, it has white cheeks and a black chin. The white spot extends from the back of the tit's head, from the poll to the top of the head. Sosnówka (bird) has a gray-blue and sometimes olive green back. The wings are essentially black, but the tips of the feathers may have a white border. On the top, the wings have white spots forming a narrow strip. The belly is dark gray.

Sosnówka - a bird it is the smallest of the tit representatives. He spends most of his time in treetops, reluctantly leaving this safe haven. Its name comes from the place where it most willingly spends its time, i.e. pine trees. It mainly feeds on insects, but it also likes the seeds of conifers. Communicates with other tits with long, stretched, squeaky melodies.
Sosnówka attractions
There are many tourist attractions in Sosnówka. Ancient forests, ideal for hiking, encourage activity. There are forest lakes and swift streams. Here and there we will see stone benches arranged by the former inhabitants of these lands, inviting to rest. We can also come across mysterious wilderness.
The great advantage of Sosnówka is the lack of crowds of tourists. Beautiful trails remain almost empty, which allows you to enjoy the mountain climate. And yet a few dozen years ago it was through Sosnówka that the main route to the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains, the majestic Śnieżka, led. Maybe it's worth while corporate event follow the route marked by tourists from the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries?

St. Anna
St. Anna it is located on the western, forested slope of Grabowiec. Initially, it was wooden, while a brick building was built at the beginning of the 18th century. It was built thanks to the generosity of Hans Anton Schaffgotsch. This rotunda was built on the site of pagan beliefs; one of the forest paths is even called the Witch Path.
Good Spring at the Chapel of St. Anna
This place became famous thanks to the so-called Good Spring (also called the Spring of Happiness or the Spring of Love). It rings right under the chapel's altar. Radon water from this source was led outside through a canal, as the water, due to its composition, was very damaging to the interior. For this reason, the pictures in the chapel were painted on copper sheet, and not on wood or canvas as usual, because the paint on the paintings faded very quickly. Inside there is the main altar with a painting of St. Anna with Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a pulpit and two side altars and a figure of Saint Lawrence. Next to the chapel there was once an inn serving pilgrims.

According to historical records, this water has been considered extraordinary for centuries. Apparently, the miraculous power of water was appreciated by witches who gathered for sabbaths. Legend has it that every person who fills their mouth with water and circles the chapel seven times without spilling a drop is guaranteed happiness in love. Many couples getting married in Sosnówka or the surrounding area and organizing here wedding receptiontakes advantage of this possibility. By the way, you can enjoy the wonderful view of the Jeleniogórska Valley.
Ruins of Prince Henry's Castle
Prince Henry's castle was actually never a castle, it was ruins from the beginning. They were built at the beginning of the 19th century, as part of the fashion for romantic buildings. Prince Heinrich LXII von Reuss ordered this hunting lodge to be built because from Grodna Hill (504 m above sea level), the highest peak of the Łomnica Hills, there are unforgettable views of almost the entire Karkonosze range and the picturesque Sosnówka.

Chojnik Castle
Medieval Chojnik Castle is a real attraction. This is one of the most famous castle ruins in Lower Silesia. According to the legend, the Chojnik castle was inhabited by Princess Kunegunda, who subjected the candidates to her hand to hard tests. If someone did not pass the test, he quickly died in the abyss, that is, in the Hell's Valley. It is a 150-meter high cliff located on the south-eastern side of the castle.
Already in the 19th century, Chojnik became popular and was visited by many tourists. There was even a restaurant there. Today, knight tournaments are held there for lovers of the old centuries, and there are games and fairs for the inhabitants and guests of the Jelenia Góra Valley.
Forbidden feeling – Chojnik and Prince Henry's Castle
There is a romantic legend associated with these two castles. Great love, fathers who hate each other, secret trysts... However, contrary to appearances, this is not a story about Romeo and Juliet, but about our native unhappy lovers, descendants of the von Reuss and Schaffgotsch families. The Spirit of the Mountains met them when they slipped away to a secret meeting halfway between their castles - Chojnik and Prince Henry's Castle. Karkonosz, touched by their feelings, asked how he could help them. The bride and groom asked him to make their love never fade away, against the will of the von Reuss and Schaffgotsch families, who wanted to separate them at all costs. As could be expected, when the lovers' families learned about their feelings, they imprisoned the maiden and the young man in their castles. So the couple in love started digging a tunnel to be able to see each other again. They finally met under the roots of a hornbeam tree in the Red Valley. They hugged each other as tightly as possible, the tree embraced them with its roots, and Karkonosze took them from this world and filled the tunnel. Their families soon fell into decline and never regained their former glory. It was a punishment sent by the Spirit of the Mountains to heartless parents for not being able to appreciate true feeling.

The Lappish village of Kalevala in Borowice
If you like frosty climates, it is worth going to a Sami village. The northern lights, dog sledding and reindeer are a substitute for Finland in the heart of the Giant Mountains. There you can see typical Lappish tents and, thanks to virtual games, learn about the lifestyle, history and customs of the northern peoples.
Event in the mountains?
Check out our Event Center in the Korona Karkonoszy Manor!
Garden and palace in Bukowiec
Park and Manor House in Bukowiec is a unique place with a long history. In the 14th century, the von Zeidlitz family decided to build their family seat there. Of course, in the following centuries, the manor house was rebuilt many times, until at the end of the 18th century it was given a neoclassical character, and the English-style park was significantly enlarged.
Currently, the pavilion stands out Teahouse in the form of a Greek temple, which was established in 1803. It was built for his beloved wife Friederike Friedrich von Reden. He ordered to put a declaration of love on the building, which in translation reads as follows: Count Reden, the sweetest wife of FW ...

Wobble in Przesieka
Chybotek is a boulder with a diameter of 4 meters and a weight of about 7 tons. Famous for the fact that despite its size it can be easily set in motion as it is perfectly balanced. It is surrounded by several other granite boulders. Located about 590 m above sea level in the Jizera Mountains on the Walloon Trail. According to legends, the entrance to the underground treasury, in which the Walloons hid the treasures from the ground, is hidden under the boulder. Isn't that a great place to be field game in a treasure hunt while integration trip?
Gallows on Straconka in Ścięnty
Near Sosnówka, on the road between Miłków and Ścięntami, on a hill with a rather strange name Lost, there is the ruin of the gallows. The shape of the gallows resembles a cylindrical well, in which it was possible to hang even a few unfortunates. And where does the name Straconka come from? The first mentions of this place appeared in 1654. Apparently, the first sentence was carried out on a noble, brother-in-law of the owner of Miłków, who murdered his wife as he fell in love with a maid and wanted to regain his freedom. Soon after, Straconka witnessed another execution. Again, he was a bastard, but this time of low status - the farmhand poisoned his wife with rat poison. To this day, only the ruins of the old building have survived, but apparently sometimes you can still hear the groans of the damned there ...

Wang temple
The Wang Temple is a model example of Scandinavian wooden religious architecture. Norwegian pine, saturated with resin and very durable, was used for its construction. The building is decorated with plant and animal ornaments - we can find there images of snakes, lions, dragons, as well as fantastic mascarons. Some elements of the church are decorated with Viking faces and runic writing. The roof gables are finished with projections in the shape of open dragon maws, which is associated with the characteristic decorations of Viking boats.

Where did the Norwegian temple come from in Karpacz? The Wang Church was built at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries in southern Norway, in the town of Vang and hence its name. In the 19th century, the local community decided that it was too small for its needs and decided to sell the building. This beautiful example of Nordic architecture was purchased by the Prussian King Frederick William IV. After the building was disassembled, it was transported in 1841 to the Royal Museum in Berlin. People started looking for a place where Wang could perform sacred functions again. And then countess Fryderyka von Reden from Bukowiec and the Karkonosze appeared on the stage. She suggested that the church should be moved to the mountains to serve the Evangelicals from Karpacz and the surrounding area. Another local aristocrat, Count Christian Leopold von Schaffgotsch from Cieplice, donated a place for a temple - the slope of Czarna Góra (885 m above sea level). In 1844, the Prussian king personally opened the church.
Since then, Wang has been very popular not only among the faithful, but also tourists from different countries, who are attracted by its unusual style in this part of Europe.
Podgórna waterfall
Podgórna waterfall it is the third highest waterfall in the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mountains. It is situated at an altitude of 547 m above sea level in Przesieka. This magnificent triple cascade is 10 meters high! Very picturesque and there is no tourist crowd there. There is a bridge under the waterfall, which is the perfect spot to admire the cascade. The fastest way to get to the Podgórna waterfall is from Przesieka

Myi cascade
Right next to the Podgórna Waterfall there is another - picturesque one Myi cascade (547 m above sea level), which is the fourth highest waterfall in the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mountains. This cascade is 5 m high. The midwife is just a few kilometers from Sosnówka, in the town of Przesieka, in the so-called Karkonoski Padół Śródgórski.
The Valley of Palaces and Gardens of the Jelenia Góra Valley
Where will we find The Valley of Palaces and Gardens of the Jelenia Góra Valley? From the south it borders with the Karkonosze Mountains, and from the north with the Kaczawskie Mountains. In the east it meets the Rudawy Janowickie, and in the west it reaches the Łomnickie Hills. It is a great place, because at the same time we can find beautiful landscapes and valuable architectural monuments. The Valley of Palaces and Gardens includes almost 30 buildings of secular architecture. We can find here medieval residential towers (the Ducal Tower in Siedlęcin), impressive castles (Chojnik in Sobieszów or Bolczów in Janowice Wielkie), Renaissance manors (for example Nowy Dwór in Radociny) and baroque palaces (for example in Wojanów).
Integration games in and around Sosnówka - treasure hunt
Already at the beginning of the 19th century, the area was dubbed the "Silesian Elysium" and compared to castles and palaces along the Loire Valley in France. The European aristocracy built their headquarters here, and the "celebrities" of old eras flocked to rest. Now also worth exploring the area, for example by organizing in the area treasure hunt during a corporate event. Most of the residences with nearly 30 buildings are on the List of Historical Monuments. Efforts are also being made to place the Valley of Palaces and Gardens on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.

Witosz Mountain in Staniszów
Vitosha Mountain is the second highest peak of the Łomnickie Hills. It is located at 484 meters above sea level. It is a great vantage point, because from here you can see the amazing Śnieżne Kotły and the entire Jelenia Góra Valley. Due to the so-called "mountain mummy" appearing here, that is the spectrum of Brocken, Vitosha Mountain is also called the Karkonosze Brocken. What is this mumble? This is a rare phenomenon in which the sun's rays cast a shadow over the mists below, adding a rainbow halo to the shadow. One of a kind view, definitely worth the walk up!
This mountain is related to the story of Hans Rischmann, who was called a prophet by the inhabitants of this area. He lived in the first half of the 17th century. Apparently, he predicted the fire of Jelenia Góra in 1634, the collapse of the town hall tower in 1739 and the Second World War. What's even more interesting, apparently he could not only predict the future, but also fly ... Therefore, he was called the Flying Prophet. Of course, he was accused of dealing with the devil, but this did not deter faithful believers or tourists - they flocked in this direction to see and listen to him. His hermitage is on the way to the top of Vitosha.
Sosnówka and its surroundings on a motorbike
Motorcycle tourism in Sosnówka? Great idea! You can take advantage of Polish-Czech motorcycle routes or a more personalized tour. Mountain motorcycle routes offer many attractions. At the same time, we can feel the wind in our hair, watch beautiful views and enjoy the phenomenal flavors of local dishes. It is not without reason that people who have experienced it say that there are the most beautiful routes in Poland here. A ride on the Sudeten main, an expedition to the Karkonosze, Izery or Sowie Mountains can be combined during one trip.
The roads here are of good quality and a lot of fun to drive. Of course, they don't provoke you to drive very fast, but that's the charm mountain routes. There is also a large selection of hotels and places to stay, as well as original places where you can eat a good lunch or dinner.

Sosnówka for cyclists
Sosnówka offers great routes for mountain bike lovers. The so-called Olbrawy singletrack covers routes located in three communes: Jelenia Góra, Piechowice and Podgórzyn. Together they are about 70 km long, named after Slavic gods and demons: Sea Buckthorn, Leszy, Skarbek, Zmora, Doppler, Błotnik, Poświt, Czart, Utopiec, Skrzat, Licho, Perun, Borowy, Jaga.
Jako że szlaki wiodą przez góry, wymagają pewnego przygotowania i kondycji. Oczywiście są trudniejsze i łatwiejsze fragmenty, ale mimo wszystko są to trasy off road, rzadko płaskie. Okolica jest bardzo malownicza: piękne widoki, kręte ścieżki, stare lasy, ciekawe formacje skalne sprawiają, że ten szlak to także uczta dla oczu. Nie bez powodu są tutaj organizowane tak licznie wycieczki firmowe.
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Piechowice Loop is a 19.5 km long route between Michałowice, Piechowice, and Jagniątkowo. Przesieka loop covers the area between Przesieka, Zachełmie and Borowice (route length - 23.5 km). The third is the easiest technically loop, trail and gravel, that is, routes between two main loops, with a length of 18.5 km. It is worth mentioning that there are even cycling races in the area.
For lovers of a little less effort, there will also be interesting routes. You can choose flatter roads, for example around the Sosnówka reservoir or along the route of the local Palaces and Gardens. As part of team building games, you can organize in the company mini cycling competition.
Active company integration - canoeing or pontooning
Canoe or pontoon rafting on the Bóbr River is a great way to provide employees with many unforgettable experiences. The rafting starts in Pilchowice, where there is a magnificent dam with an amazing view of the Karkonosze Mountains. The mountains can also be admired while rafting - at times you can even see the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains - Śnieżka. One of the most interesting sections of the river is the valley separating Rudawy Janowickie from the Lead Mountains, where the area of the Rudawy Landscape Park begins. Active company integration on the water is a feast for the eyes, but at the same time a challenge for people who like adrenaline.

Team building Sosnówka
Imprezy integracyjne w górach od lat cieszą się dużym powodzeniem.Zwłaszcza, że gry i zabawy terenowe w otoczeniu majestatycznych szczytów i pośród górskich łąk są przeżyciem samym w sobie. W tej atmosferze łatwo oderwać się od codzienności i skupić na zadaniach team buildingowych. Bliskość natury dobrze wpływa również na zacieśnianie więzi międzyludzkich. Nic tak nie zbliża zespołu jak wieczorne ognisko! Na przykład impreza firmowa w Sosnówce oznaczać może wspólny pobyt w Sosnówka hotel i rozwiązywanie zagadki kryminalnej! Albo budowę maszyny Goldberga. To tylko jedne z bardzo wielu pomysłów na team building. Company Olympics, scenario games or a joint rafting trip or cooking workshops are also just samples of possible reliable team building games. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy is an experienced organizer of company events and creative methods of team integration.
The Sosnówka lagoon
One of the biggest attractions of Sosnówka is the huge reservoir of the same name, i.e. the Sosnówka reservoir. It's artificial reservoir, put into service in 2001. Its creation changed the landscape of the village a lot. The lagoon is an emergency source of drinking water for Jelenia Góra, and is also a retention reservoir. The idea to turn Sosnówka into a recreational reservoir is still being discussed, which would certainly increase the attractiveness of both the village and the entire region. Lagoon Sosnówka It is fed by the waters of three nearby streams: Czerwonka, Sośniaka and Podgórna.
The Sosnówka lagoon it is just a few minutes' walk from the Korona Karkonoszy Manor. It is a really picturesque place where, in peace and quiet, you can admire the beautiful landscape of the Karkonosze Mountains reflected in the water surface.

The Sosnówka Reservoir - hotel
Sosnówka is great as a holiday resort with numerous charming holiday homes and excellent hotels. The development of the town is visible to the naked eye - many new centers, hotels and investments have been built for over a dozen years. Historical lenses, such as the Korona Karkonoszy Manor, are also being renovated.

Events Sosnówka
Congresses, symposia, conferences or so company meetings are events that require a special setting and preparation. It is best to organize them in very attractively located facilities, which can boast of experienced and discreet service. The Karkonosze Mountains attract many such events, most of which are organized regularly. This proves the high quality of the event and conference industry services in this region. One of the most famous events is the Economic Forum. Other examples may be promotional events or the designation of local resorts as summer capitals of various companies or well-known brands.
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Also Sosnówka, a little less known yet attractively located summer resort, is a great base for organizing events. The place is not as crowded as the nearby resorts. In the case of events devoted to specific issues, such as a business meeting, conference or team building, a calmer environment is an advantage and allows you to focus on a specific topic without forcing you to give up the charms of the mountains. Conference facilities in the mountains it is no coincidence that they are the most frequently chosen destinations when it comes to company meetings.
Interesting facts in Sosnówka - the chakra in the frying pan
Chakra… Place of power, place of magic. Legends say that long before man appeared on Earth, the Hindu god Shiva threw seven magic stones in different directions. Where they fell, it began to emerge divine energy. These places are called chakras.
One of them is in the Grabowiecki Rocks group. These three rocks, as high as 35 meters, are said to have been the site of pagan worship and sacrifice. One of them is unique - large and so flat that it resembles a pan. Hence its name. People have always felt a magical power in this place that aroused both curiosity and anxiety. As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that when in 1697 Count Schaffgotsch wanted to see the nearby mountains, fearing this ancient power he took an exorcist with him!
Regardless of whether we believe in places where cosmic energy accumulates or not, it is worth standing on this stone and looking around. It offers a beautiful view of the Karkonosze Mountains, the Izerskie Mountains, the Jelenia Góra Valley and the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains. So maybe on the occasion of the search interesting and engaging attractions for corporate events will we go on a trip to the Frying Pan, to this place of power and charge the entire team with positive energy?

For the wedding - in a litter!
"Traveling on poles" - this is how the tourism practiced by the aristocracy in Sosnówka and its vicinity was defined in the 19th century. What is it about? Wealthy tourists were simply carried in litters in the mountains! Already at the beginning of the 19th century, there was a "corps of guides and litter porters" in this area. This association included several towns, and its members were mainly involved in transporting litter and carrying tourists, among others, to the St. Anna in Sosnówka. They were stationed in Karpacz, Sobieszów, Piechowice, Szklarska Poręba and Sosnówka.
Currently, of course, none of the tourists employs porters and travels in a litter to Śnieżka. Also during corporate events it is difficult to imagine such a picture, except to treat it as team building task and draw "porters" and "tourists" from among the crew.
Now this little-known tradition is being reborn in the form of bringing the bride and groom in a litter to the wedding in the Chapel of St. Anna. Of course, you can also take a wedding limousine there, but a litter is a more original means of traveling ...
Weddings Sosnówka
Wedding in the mountains it's a dream for many brides. And the Karkonosze Mountains, due to the great infrastructure, easy access and beautiful mountain landscapes, seem to be simply created to serve as a background for wedding ceremonies.
The attractive location and rich hotel base are a great advantage of Sosnówka and undoubtedly an incentive to organize weddings here. It is in Sosnówka Dolna, near the reservoir, that one of the highest ballrooms in Lower Silesia is located. In the Korona Karkonoszy Manor House, 8 meters high, recently restored, preserved in its original shape, is at the disposal of wedding guests! It is very popular among young couples due to its delicious cuisine.

Sosnówka hotels
Due to the attractive location of Sosnówka, many guesthouses and hotels have been built here for a long time. Many of them have over a hundred years of tradition. Nowadays, tourism in Sosnówka is also developing well and new hotels and guesthouses are being built. So when it comes to accommodation - Sosnówka has a lot to do. Too integration events and events often take place in the Jelenia Góra Valley, and the phrase "Sosnówka hotel ”entered into the search engine will show that you can choose from many interesting objects.

Accommodation in Sosnówka offers in various types of facilities. These historic ones, with a unique genius loci, but with all modern amenities, and modern ones, sometimes devoid of that unique thing that makes a given hotel memorable. However, what we would not choose, it is worth looking for in Sosnówka.

A great impulse for investments in this place was the construction of the reservoir, which, surrounded by mountains, is a real attraction. As a result, the number of accommodation places and their standard are constantly growing. Sosnówka and its surroundings They attract true enthusiasts and lovers of various cultures, but also art and life in the rhythm of slow motion. This means that there are plenty of places with character, where you can enjoy both delicious cuisine and wonderful architecture.

Organization of events Sosnówka
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Worth knowing:
Where in the Giant Mountains can you organize a company event?
The ideal place for a company event in the Karkonosze Mountains is the town of Sosnówka, located near Karpacz. There are various types of facilities - including Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - perfectly prepared to organize "tailor-made" events.
Are there tourist trails running through Sosnówka?
There are several tourist routes in Sosnówka. The most important are the black trail - leading to Przesieka and the yellow trail leading one way to Jelenia Góra and in the opposite direction - to Karpacz and the Temple of Wang.
What tourist attractions does Sosnowka offer?
In addition to mountain views, Sosnówka captivates architecturally - with beautiful villas, mansions and palaces. There are also historic churches, Tyrolean houses and weavers' houses.