
How to organize training for employees to bring the expected effect?

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How to organize training for employees to bring the expected effect?

Training for employees is an integral part of the operation of every company. Properly organized and planned employee training can bring amazing results. How to do it? Where to start? And finally, how to organize the training so that it turns out to be a success? Find answers to these questions in this article.

Training and the needs of employees

Szkolenie dla pracowników powinno być dopasowane do aktualnych potrzeb. Dokonaj dokładnej obserwacji członków zespołu i porozmawiaj z nimi. Zastanów się, czego potrzebują, a może czego im brakuje w pracy? Sprawdź, jak poszczególni członkowie dogadują się ze sobą, jaki mają stosunek do codziennych obowiązków służbowych, jak radzą sobie ze stresem, a także, jak zachowują się w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Dobrze będzie przeprowadzić krótką ankietę, w której uczestnicy będą mogli anonimowo przedstawić swoje opinie o funkcjonowaniu zespołu. Dzięki takiej wnikliwej analizie potrzeb zespołu będziesz mógł skutecznie dopasować formę i temat szkolenia do aktualnej sytuacji panującej w grupie pracowniczej.

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The next important step is to develop a training objective. What do we want to achieve? What can you expect from the training? Here are four suggestions:

  • solving corporate problems - such as low motivation, excessive stress or ineffective communication,
  • introducing new members to work,
  • familiarizing employees with the new work system,
  • introducing employees to new products or services offered by the organization.
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The most popular trainings for employees

Employees highly value all activities of the employer supporting their self-development. But of course, the most popular trainings for employees are those that are conducted in an interesting way and have a lot of fun elements. Participants of such training acquire various competences and sometimes change their attitudes without even realizing it. This training ideal - light, easy and pleasant. Unfortunately, not everyone looks like this. Sometimes there are boring sit-downs or business briefings that have not even come close to any methodology for conducting such meetings. These are counterproductive - avoid them like the plague!

Are you wondering how and where to organize training for employees?

We know both areas -
take advantage of our knowledge and experience!

Gdzie i jak zorganizować szkolenie?

Once we choose the form of training and know what we want to achieve, we should start planning the course of the entire event or outsource it. Experienced event agency is a partner whose support cannot be overestimated. On-the-job training is perfectly possible. However, we advise against such a solution - employees need a neutral ground on which they can fully concentrate on training. It is worth considering for example conference facilities in the mountains.

Training facilities in the Karkonosze Mountains

It is a good idea to choose a hotel or a manor house, which offers conference facilities. They are adapted to conduct professional training: it is not only about the size of the room, comfortable furniture, equipment, but also the necessary modern accessories and air conditioning. An additional advantage will be the choice of an object that is located in a picturesque area. The nature surrounding the facility promotes concentration and productivity, as well as stimulates the imagination and creativity.

How to organize training - types of training for employees

These can be on-the-job training, stationary, but also off-site training for employees or various types of competence training. For example, hard or soft skills training for managers, training in new software, working methods or a changed legal or market environment. Mentoring, various forms of apprenticeships and internships, as well as online training are also often useful.

Employee training

Employee training methods

Depending on the job position, the type and scope of the company's activity, as well as the form of work performed, employee training methods should be selected appropriately. The manner in which employee training will be carried out must also be selected so as not to interfere with the operation of the company.

On-the-job training

It is the simplest and very effective method of employee training. It is usually carried out by an already experienced contractor or operator. It is simply that an employee teaches another employee through practice. Here, however, a lot depends on whether the applicant already has some basic knowledge of what and how to do. And also from the communication skills and desire of the "old" employee. Also factors such as the proverbial chemistry between people or generational differences can be an obstacle to the proper course of training.

Workshops and courses for employees

  • It is best if we combine elements of theory with practice in this method of conducting employee training. It is optimal to conduct courses in such a way that you can use the acquired knowledge on an ongoing basis by performing a specific activity. Workshops can also serve broader purposes, such as learning how to work in a team (integration workshops) or making employees aware of certain phenomena and problems related to the functioning of the company in the market environment.

Apprenticeships and internships for students and graduates

Another method of employee training. It allows not only to have an insight into the potential of job candidates, but also to save time and costs during the recruitment process. It is also a great opportunity to "catch" talents and talented candidates, and at the same time to "weed out" people who do not promise and from whom our company will have no use.

Employee rotation and horizontal promotion

  • this method of employee training involves moving people inside the company to other tasks and positions. This is usually about other executive positions and getting to know the broader spectrum of the company's activities. However, this form of training requires caution. For ambitious employees, it will be a chance for development and an interesting change. However, those who are attached to a routine may perceive it as a punishment. So internal Employees rotation it won't always work.

Online training

It is currently a very popular form of employee training. It works especially well in large organizations and companies. And also, for example, in international corporations or in dispersed companies, where it would be very difficult to invite and gather employees for a joint training in stationary form.


  • are devices for learning in industries where practice or a mistake made during it would be irreversible or very costly. Contrary to what they are most often associated with, they are used not only in aviation, but also, for example, in the energy industry, in the sector related to security and, of course, in medicine.


To put it simply, it consists in supporting the definition of goals and optimizing the use of personal resources in achieving them.

Symposiums and conferences

This is a great method of acquiring and expanding expert knowledge. It is best suited for people with established professional knowledge who want to stay up to date with what is happening in a given industry or field.

Employee development - verification of needs

In order for the training of employees to bring the expected effect, first of all, we must clearly define the assumed goals - it is important to determine the specific training needs. In order to do this well, we must first define what we require for the position. Only this knowledge will allow us to confront the current level of our employees with our expectations regarding them. Knowing the level of employees' skills and, at the same time, the optimal requirements for a given position, we can compare them and determine possible deficits and training directions.

After verification of training needs, we need to develop training programs for a given crew or team. The forms of training should be adapted to the needs of the company and the capabilities of employees.

How to organize training for employees?

Acquiring and onboarding employees is a very important element of the functioning of any company. Especially one that wants to grow. Also, employees already employed require constant attention and reminding them of the basic principles and showing them what's new. Companies that want to be active on the market - and which do not? - must follow the news. They should also implement innovative solutions and constantly organize training for employees, integration trips if team building games. Even companies where it seems that the work is repetitive and it is enough to train the employee once so that he knows what to do should take care to avoid routine. This repetition and lack of training can lead to inattention and errors. This, in turn, leads to company losses, accidents or excessive fluctuation of qualified staff.

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Let us remember that training for employees is not only learning how to perform certain activities, but above all an opportunity to meet, integrate and deepen relationships. Nobody wants to be an impersonal cog. People need contact and interest. Such a minimum, but well done, not only improves internal communication, but also builds attachment and loyalty of employees.

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Staff training

Remember the expert

In order for the training to bring the expected effect, it must be conducted by a competent person, specially prepared for it. You should look for an expert in a given field, whose competences and experience are confirmed by appropriate certificates. The person leading should properly prepare for the training. A detailed presentation that will be shown during the meeting can be very helpful. It is worth supplementing the meeting with special training materials for participants, to which they will be able to return at any time.

How to organize training - interesting training for employees

Regardless of whether we organize integration training for employees, business or managerial training, they must be professionally prepared and interesting for the participants. It would also be good if the classes were interspersed with jokes, surprises, videos and everything that will keep the participants' attention. During training, you absolutely must not allow boredom and the feeling of wasted time!

Therefore, when we want to prepare interesting training for employees, let's provide them at the same time engaging attractions on company event. The training is best combined with a company integration trip. It will certainly provide a lot of additional impressions and will be remembered by employees for a long time.

Staff training

Developing skills and shaping the right attitudes of employees will help us create a team that will cope with any task. Creativity requires support and appreciation. If we really want to stimulate employees to greater effort and have a productive crew, we constantly need to provide them with new impulses to act. One of the most effective methods of motivation and encouragement is the organization of company training. Best in shape integration events połączonych z elementami team buildingu. 

Training, events, company events?

We will organize them all!

Development training for employees should be a continuous process. Unlike one-off training, for example in the field of operating a given device, employee training supporting their development should be planned for the long term. For the company, it is a guarantee that the employee will stay with it for a long time, because he will still have the opportunity to develop and perhaps even get promoted. These are also measurable benefits resulting from the fact that his knowledge and work will be at an ever-higher level. What is very important, also the experience acquired by the employee will be used in our company and not in another company. For the employee, it is concrete and tangible proof that the company appreciates them and invests in them. It will certainly strengthen the loyalty of the crew.  

Employee training

How to organize the training to properly care for its participants?

How to choose hotel for a business trip? Miejsce na szkolenie jest bardzo istotne. Istnieją pewne rzeczy, o których nie można zapomnieć, organizując szkolenie. Przede wszystkim: catering. Szkolenie jednego dnia trwa czasem nawet kilka godzin, dlatego pamiętaj o smacznym lunchu, czy bufecie z zimnymi przekąskami. Tak samo tyczy się to napojów: nie może zabraknąć wody, kawy i herbaty. Jeśli organizujesz szkolenie w hotelu czy dworku nie trzeba martwić się o dodatkowy catering, obiekty te najczęściej posiadają świetne zaplecze gastronomiczne. Kolejna sprawa to nocleg: organizując kilkudniowe szkolenie poza murami firmy, należy również zadbać o komfortowy nocleg dla wszystkich uczestników.

Training for employees - where?

For many entrepreneurs, training is a recipe for everything. Good training will perfectly introduce a new employee or teach members of the company's staff how to deal with stress. It is also a great way to increase motivation in the team, or to present products or services that will soon appear in the company's offer.

Are the different skills of employees important to the company?

How to develop different skills and passions of employees? Perhaps less experienced managers will not find this question interesting, because why do it? Can additional skills be useful in the simplest, executive position? Contrary to appearances, the answer is yes! Especially if our employee has any contact with an external client. It is very important how customers perceive our employees. For example, would we like to use the services of a courier, porter or driver who is not at least a little communicative and at the same time arrogant? It's simple, we will rather avoid such people and the companies that employ them.

Brainstorming in the company

And is it worth developing various skills of an employee who works on the production line? One of the management schools and theories says that these employees are mainly responsible for the quality of the product and are able to introduce minor improvements to the work system and the final product of the company. In addition, let's remember that if we can promote people from among our employees, we will save on recruitment costs. In addition, the team will receive a signal that the employer values and supports the development of its employees. And this is one of the most important elements taken into account when looking for employment for school graduates who are just entering the labor market.

How to get funding for training for employees?

Training for employees, although necessary, obviously requires some expenditure. Both in terms of time and money. Fortunately, you can get additional funds for some training. The employer may receive support up to 80% of training costs, and in the case of micro-enterprises even 100%.

The institution to which you should contact is the National Training Fund. However, it is necessary to keep track of which professions the Fund will support in a given year and what priorities it has currently set in this regard. A natural person may also apply for support if he or she employs at least one employee.

Employee training and employer branding

Not everyone realizes that employee training can be an important element of a well-thought-out employer branding strategy. It consists, among others, in shaping an appropriate, i.e., of course, positive image of the company in the eyes of its employees. It allows you to keep valuable people in the company and build their attachment and loyalty towards the company. Employee training in this context is a great investment in people. They not only support their development, but also build in the perception of the staff the image of the company as an employer who cares about people and their development. Employer branding in the world of modern business, it is essential, as it allows the company to accumulate knowledge capital, preventing staff fluctuation. Zgrany team to fundament każdej firmy.

Office party - Commplace agency

Organizing training may seem difficult and time-consuming. However, using our tips, you can do it in a quick, thoughtful way. And as we know, only well-planned training is a guarantee of success.

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