
How to choose a place for an integration event?

Office party

A good location is not all that should be considered when choosing a venue for an event. You need to pay attention to a number of other factors, such as: convenient access, dining facilities or nearby attractions. What else should I be guided by? How to choose the best place for an integration event?

What will you learn from the article?

Choosing the right place for a team-building event can be crucial to the success of the entire event. For business owners, organizing such an event is quite a challenge - it requires not only thinking about logistical aspects, but also understanding how the chosen location affects the nature of the event. From the text you will learn, among other things, why a place for an integration event is so important, what options are worth considering and how to adapt the plans to the specifics of your company. You will also receive a discussion of the most interesting team building games, tips on preparing an event scenario and an analysis of whether organizing integration events actually brings measurable benefits. If you are wondering which place to choose for a company trip or whether an outdoor event is a good idea, our article is the perfect guide for you. We invite you to read!

Are you wondering how to choose the perfect place for integration?

We will advise you not only on this matter!

A place for an integration event - why is it so important?

Organization of corporate events and its success depends largely on the right place. An attractive location is one thing, but also the atmosphere in the facility, elegant decor, delicious food, professional service - all these factors affect the feeling during a corporate event.

Before you book a specific venue for your team building event, consider whether everyone will enjoy themselves. Visualize your company event in this place and consider whether it fits the type of event and your team. If so - do not hesitate, book a convenient date. If you're not convinced, keep looking. There are so many different places for team building events that you will surely find the perfect one.

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A place for a corporate event this is one of the first aspects to consider when planning an event. The location itself affects the well-being of employees and determines whether the event will improve relations in the company and have a positive impact on communication. A well-planned event will affect the company's image, so it is worth taking care of all the details.  

A place for an integration event and the nature of the event

Planning integration event pay attention to the nature of the event, because it will determine the choice of the right place. If the event is to be informal, you can invite team members to a bar, pub or regular restaurant. However, for a formal company-wide event you should look for banquet hall with enough seats and good food.

At a big event place for an integration event it may be away from the company, where employees can rest and look at problems from a new perspective. In this case, remember about the accommodation base or the bus that will take guests home. Also pay attention to catering, standard of services and room equipment. The choice not only shows the organizers of the event, but also affects the image of the entire company.

hall for corporate events

The best places for birthday parties

How to choose the right place for a birthday party? Before we choose the best places for birthday parties, we need to answer a few questions. First of all, who are we choosing the premises for? For an adult or a child? It is known that places for birthday parties will vary depending on the age of the party participants. The best places for children's birthday parties are those where you can organize additional, creative games and which offer the help of proven animators of games and activities for children.

What matters to adults is the atmosphere and surroundings, and most of all, the group of close people they invite to their birthday party. Of course, a birthday in the mountains, by the sea or abroad will be an additional attraction - such a setting always makes an impression. However, the most important thing are the close people with whom we want to spend this day. So the best places for birthday parties for adults are those that allow you to celebrate your birthday in a festive atmosphere and beautiful surroundings.

Is there a perfect place for a team-building event?

Yes. It is a place where we can relax in peace, without rushing, in a good, friendly and, most importantly, neutral atmosphere. corporate integration. Under the guise of fun and games, we will learn how to solve conflicts in a group. How to approach contentious issues so that they do not become a source of conflict. How to cooperate and be able to admit that sometimes the other members of the group are right and they have better ideas.

In such a place, there will be a natural reduction of stress and tension, usually accompanying us at work and in life, to a greater or lesser extent. Occupied position, responsibility, large scope of duties often make it difficult for us to look at our own work from the perspective and break away from it even for a moment - also in our minds! Physically leaving the company's headquarters is not enough. And therefore corporate events it is a good escape from everyday professional duties. They allow you to occupy your mind with something else, lose yourself in attractions, devote yourself to social games, which largely reduces tension .

Thanks to the integration event, employees will gain new energy for work and life. Their motivation to take on new challenges will increase. An employee who is satisfied with work and life is a committed, effective and creative employee. The sense of meaning and purpose, which he will see during the integration trip, will make him more involved in the life of the company and will identify him more strongly with it.

Match the subject to the party

Adjust the place for an integration event to your needs. If you need an intimate character, rent the facility exclusively. If you want to organize an active holiday, with survival, paintball or sports games, find hotel for a business trip in the mountains, by the sea or a lake. Match the number of nights to the number of participants. Also, find a room that can accommodate all employees.

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - place for an integration event

When looking for a hotel for an integration event, pay attention to the accommodation and catering facilities. Find out whether the center has professional, modern conference rooms and a games room. Also check if there are tourist attractions nearby. If you have a larger budget, you can look for a luxury hotel with a SPA area or a swimming pool. The proposed amenities will be an additional attraction for your colleagues.  

Each corporate event is an important element employer branding. If you are not sure where to organize an unforgettable event, talk to the team members. This way, you will not only make the final decision easier, but also show that you take their opinion into account. Nobody likes to be treated like a pawn in a game, so by letting your staff decide together you earn points.

On the other hand, surprises have their irresistible charm ... Probably, for many employees it will be more exciting to go into the unknown, having the taste of adventure. So what to do when looking for places for an integration event? The choice is yours - only you know your crew enough to know which solution will be better - consulting the destination with employees or making them surprises?

Where to organize a business trip? 

Where to organize a business trip - the answer to this question is not easy. It is worth considering first what activities would be most attractive to employees. And only choose them place for an integration trip. It is known that mountain trips cannot be organized in the city center, as well as downhill or rafting attractions. Survival also requires wild areas far from the city. But banquets, beer or wine tasting sessions can take place in some interesting city. In case of city games the matter is indisputable at all.

Regardless of the choice of attractions, remember to integration events organize on a regular basis. Corporate integration is an irreplaceable tool for building a company's identity. A well-coordinated team and a supportive crew will make employees willing to come to work, because they will meet good friends there. Common team building games they will make the team unity in the face of new challenges, which, after all, are not lacking in any company or organization. After all, even the best specialists in a given field will not do much if they are not able to communicate with the rest of the crew and cooperate with their colleagues. Exactly integrative team games provide an excellent opportunity to learn to work in a group. 

I chose an object - what next?

Once you choose interesting places for an integration event, prepare an initial plan of the trip. Include information about the menu, leisure and teambuilding games. Organize team-building games: minefield, corporate theater play, "truth or dare", "two truths and a lie", or Agent - field game. You can also organize culinary workshops, paintball, learning golf, laser shooting range, off-road driving, or competitions in the game of slot machines.

It's worth taking advantage of integration exercises conducted by specialists. They will adjust the set of games to the individual requirements and needs of the company. The proposed exercises create a friendly atmosphere in the team and help break the ice between experienced employees and new hires. In addition, they will allow you to build employee relationships based on respect, tolerance, trust and honesty.

Away integration events

A trip (two or three days) integration for companies is a great way to tighten ties in the team. Thanks to such an expedition, employees really have a chance to break away from everyday tasks, both in the company and at home. Companies are increasingly betting on integration workshops outside the company's premises. The organization of such events allows - on the occasion of integration - to deepen the knowledge and develop many soft skills, as important in today's world as specialist knowledge, i.e. motivation, the ability to cooperate in a team or time management.

Yes away integration event it is also a form of reward for employees. This place, attractive for tourists and sightseeing, will provide an unforgettable experience. The crew will have the opportunity to see something new, such as a mysterious, magical corner in Giant Mountains or the breathtaking view from the mountain fortresses - the ruins of the Castle of Prince Henry or Chojnik. Or for the first time in his life he will see the unique, unique medieval paintings with the legend of Sir Lancelot from the Lake in the residential Ducal Tower in Siedlęcin, preserved to this day. Maybe he or she will experience something special - a balloon flight or rafting on a rushing mountain river will surely remain in the memory of the participants of the company's event for a long time.

An interesting integration trip, combined with good fun and unique attractions, will be a form of reward and appreciation for the employees' work and contribution to the development of the company.

Team building - Goldberg machine

Team building - integration games

Building a cohesive team is one thing. Keeping it unchanged for several years is a different matter. Qualified staff in the era of the employee market and problems with finding professionals and specialists is worth its weight in gold. How to keep him in the company?

It is important for an employee to feel appreciated, respected and needed in the company. Integration events are an important element supporting the team building process. As long as the employee does not feel part of the team, he will not feel connected to the company. He will change his job quickly and without much thought if he decides that something in his current job does not suit him.

Research shows that for people who enter or have recently entered the labor market, the most important thing is the possibility of self-development and the atmosphere in the team! Team building during team building events seems to play a key role in keeping the team stable. Spending time together during corporate events combined with team building elements will allow employees to get closer to each other. Know your weaknesses and strengths. This is a necessary condition for the team to really become a team, not just a group of people who were accidentally hired in one department or one company.

Corporate team-building events have many advantages. They improve team relations and increase employee motivation and commitment. What should you consider when choosing a place for an integration event? Location, decor, technical facilities, available attractions. These are the basic criteria that should be followed when choosing a place for an integration event.

integration methods

How to prepare a corporate event scenario? 

There are many factors that influence business success. However, without a good, well-coordinated team, all efforts will be in vain, because it is the relations between employees that determine the company's results. So it's worth investing in integration trips and try to create an appropriate scenario for the company event.

The event plan will depend on the goal we set ourselves. If we want to motivate the team to act, it is best to bet on integration games. If you think that you cannot handle their selection and preparation by yourself, hire an experienced event manager who will take care of the attractions during the integration event in a professional manner. Experienced organizer of corporate events it can easily handle the preparation of your event. 

Team building - rafting

If we simply want to celebrate a success or the company's anniversary, let's organize a classic banquet, perhaps preceding it with performances by illusionists, a live cooking show or a theater etude? This type of attractions will make participants feel like someone special. 

Live cooking show, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka

Employee relations and integration events

The atmosphere at work has a significant impact not only on our well-being, but also on the results we are able to achieve. Relationships in the company they clearly improve after team-building events. Joint games and team building games, in a way, "force" employees to establish and deepen relationships. They teach understanding and compromises necessary in teamwork. The idea behind integration events is to motivate the team and build bonds. Thanks to them, there will be a better, friendly atmosphere at work. As part of team-building events, you can also plan various types of workshops or trainings, which in a relaxed atmosphere, outside the company's headquarters, will allow our employees to gain new skills or competences.

Choosing the best places for parties let's try to match them to the nature of our event. Depending on whether it will be an integration event, conference or business meeting, we must choose the place and facility in such a way as to achieve the assumed goal. We will look for and choose a hotel somewhat differently for an integration event and team building than for an international symposium. In the latter case, the standard will be important, as well as the possibility of accommodating a large number of participants and the proximity of the airport.

On the other hand, the best places for team-building events are those with the appropriate technical facilities that enable them to be carried out integration training and with adequate staff. Company party combined with integration also requires a good one catering and a lot of space, for example for a dance party or a corporate integration campfire or grill. The place for the event should also be located in an attractive place and provide professional and experienced service.

Organizing team-building events can be easier

To see the effects of your professional work, it is worth spending some time and resources on organizing corporate events. Organizing team-building events is, in a way, an art. A precise plan, taking into account all the elements, foreseeing even the most unlikely scenarios, that is the task of the organizer of corporate events. If we feel that it is too much for us, it is better to entrust the preparation of a company event to specialists. Because apparently informal, quite loose, it would seem, integration events require formal, meticulous preparation and planning.

Integration Party

Especially if we plan various types of scenario games, team building games, theme parties, city games, workshops or trainings. Divided into groups, taking place in different places, at different times. If we lack experience, it will be difficult to control and the best solution is to entrust this task to professionals. The MICE sector in Poland is developing very well, and we will definitely find it event agencythat will meet our expectations.  

It is not easy to decide which places for an integration event will work best in our situation. Some have been choosing the same locations and facilities for years, assuming that if one or two events or events organized in a given place turned out to be successful, it is not worth changing anything. And they focus on proven solutions. However, in the long run, it may turn out that employees would prefer to taste something new, that they expect something different. After a few events in an elegant downtown hotel in the city center, they would prefer a corporate outdoor event and accommodation in holiday homes for a change. Or even integration in the spirit of survival and accommodation in self-built shelters. Or vice versa, after a few company barbecues, they would prefer to go out to a concert or theater workshop.

It is worth taking into account the new opportunities and choosing a place for integration events in this regard. Do not be afraid of new places and attractions, because the charm of new products cannot be overestimated!

Is an outdoor party a good idea?

A corporate integration event, company meeting or event does not necessarily have to take place in closed rooms or be limited to feasting together or going out for pizza and beer. Maybe it is worth breaking the pattern and organizing outdoor integration? It is an interesting alternative to sitting in closed rooms, where employees spend most of their time anyway. Such a change will do everyone well and will certainly please the crew. 

How to choose a place for an outdoor event? You need to look for a facility that will have a really large, extensive area. If we choose a hotel for a company trip, we should pay special attention to whether there is a garden there. A park, a forest or a meadow with a beautiful view of the nearby mountains will also work as a place for an outdoor event after appropriate arrangements and notifications.

Searching places for outdoor events we must have a plan prepared in advance outdoor integration event. You need to know exactly what type of attractions for such a corporate event we want to prepare, what will be the approximate number of meeting participants and what time of the year we are organizing an outdoor event. The answers to these questions will help you better choose potential venues for corporate events.

What to play outdoors? Company Olympics with interesting competitions will always work. Certainly, the team will have a spirit of competition, but also cooperation - and that's what corporate integration is all about! It is also worth focusing on canoeing, pontoon or off-road rallies. Mountain hikes, a ropes course or - just like that - integration by the fire are proven ways to integrate outdoors. 

Attractive places for integration events in Poland

It is obvious that many places for team-building events can be considered attractive and worth attention. How to choose? What to bet on? Lower Silesia and its capital, i.e. Wroclaw, but also other large cities such as Poznań, Kraków or Warsaw - they all have a lot to offer when it comes to corporate events, anniversaries, meetings and workshops. Not only these metropolises, but also their surroundings are worth attention. So let's take a closer look at them.

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Venues for events Wrocław

Wrocław is considered one of the most interesting cities in Poland. Not without reason! Located in the beautiful region of Lower Silesia, it offers such a wealth of attractions that it can even make you feel dizzy. There you will find wonderful monuments, but also numerous examples of modern, very interesting architecture. Beautiful parks and gardens, created for several centuries by the inhabitants and hosts of this multicultural city. Interesting museums and art galleries, but also boulevards and beaches on the Odra River, where social and cultural life flourishes from spring to autumn. This makes Wrocław stand out from other Polish cities - the atmosphere in this city is unique. A corporate event in Wrocław will certainly be remembered by the participants.

So what places for integration events in Wrocław and its vicinity to choose? Wrocław has been growing for years, more and more people live here, and the number of tourists visiting the city and its surroundings increases every year. So Wrocław is certainly a great choice as place for integration events and corporate events. However, for people who live and work here on a daily basis, a corporate event in the city will not be a great attraction. For them, a more interesting alternative may be, for example, a trip to the mountains or somewhere by the water.

Wroclaw has attractive places for integration events almost within sight ... Because, when the visibility is good, then from the city we can see the peaks of Ślęża, an ancient mountain, places of former Slavic cults.

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But let's try to look further, though only with the eyes of our imagination. The entire south of Lower Silesia is occupied by magnificent mountains. And an additional attraction is the proximity of the Czech Republic and Germany. There are still many interesting places and trails to discover, even for experienced tourists. The less known ones can still surprise us. Let's take an example reservoir in Sosnówka Dolna. Even for the regulars of nearby Karpacz, it can be a real attraction. And the view of this reservoir from the ruins of Prince Henry's Castle is considered one of the most beautiful in this area.


Places for integration events Lower Silesia

Lower Silesia is a large region, reaching from the peaks of the Sudetes through the Silesian Lowland, Wał Trzebnicki to the Barycz ice-marginal valley. In such a vast area, of course, you can find interesting places for integration events. It certainly deserves special attention Valley of Palaces and Gardens, located in the Jelenia Góra Valley. A reminder of its heyday are numerous castles, palaces, residential towers and manors with surrounding gardens and parks. Currently, there are many hotels and restaurants here. Some of them are certainly dreamlike places for integration events Lower Silesia.

Sosnówka - a place for integration events

There are also many places to discover here, still free from crowds of tourists, advertising and ubiquitous commercialism. A good example can be a historic summer resort - Sosnówka. The advantages of its location have been appreciated over a hundred years ago. It was then that a unique estate of holiday villas was built here, situated on the slopes of the mountains, offering tourists breathtaking views. Unfortunately, they have been forgotten for a long time and only today, rediscovered, return to their former glory. An additional advantage of this charming town is the great lagoon created a few years ago, in the waters of which majestic mountain peaks can be seen.

Lower Silesia is a border area, and the neighborhood and cultural influences of the Czech Republic and Germany left their mark on it, making this part of the country one of the most interesting regions in terms of material culture and more. Integration events in this place they will surely be an unforgettable experience. Not only in the sense of professional experience, but also culinary and artistic impressions.

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Interesting places for events Warsaw

Can you also say that the capital of our country is the party capital of Poland? Certainly for many night clubs and discos goers. But does Warsaw also offer interesting places for events to companies? Judging by the statements of some employees of companies and corporations, they prefer places for integration events outside of Warsaw. Such corporate events organized far away from the city noise and the everyday race, they seem more attractive to them. They can forget for a moment about the challenges, tasks and pressures of working and living in the capital city. 

Nevertheless, Warsaw also offers interesting places for events to companies. Corporate banquets, business meetings and conferences can be organized in many prestigious places. There is no shortage of restaurants and hotels here. You can choose between many decor styles and ethnic or cultural flavors. However, not all facilities will decide to provide us with exclusive access to the entire premises. It is also worth checking the availability of parking spaces in advance and setting the exact time until which we will be able to play. Interrupting happy employees halfway through the fun will certainly not leave a good impression... A team-building event cannot be planned down to the minute, you must always leave some time margin.

When we are looking for a place for integration events, we ask ourselves: Warsaw or another city? What to choose? Let's remember the purpose of our company event, i.e. employee integration. During company integration, we must organize, first of all, games and integration games. This type of team integration should be carried out in an optimal place. It's best to work in a place where the employee won't think about everyday duties and will get away from thinking about deadlines, bills and purchases. If so, it would be best to look for a place for integration events for employees from Warsaw somewhere outside the city. You need to organize a team-building trip that allows you to break away from everyday life and, if possible, focus on exercises and team building games.

To choose, to color

Venues for corporate events Warsaw, due to its central location, is available almost everywhere. Access to the mountains, the sea or the lake district is not a problem. At the same time, outside the summer season, when it is best to spend time by the water, in the mountains, at any time of the year, we will find many attractions and activities that we can devote ourselves to. Skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing, hiking on mountain trails, downhill, off road - you can exchange mountain attractions for a long time for different seasons. 

An integration event at the company or a nearby restaurant or hotel may also be a good idea. It will work well as a short interlude in everyday corporate life. It is known that in the case of a meeting lasting several hours, there is no point in going somewhere further, as the journey will then take the same time as a company meeting. But Warsaw can also offer us interesting and unique places for corporate events. A charming hotel with a conference room somewhere in the Old Town, or a modern event facility in a bustling district of metropolitan skyscrapers? Or charming riverside boulevards? Let's choose something appropriate that suits the nature of our company and the type of event we intend to organize.   

Venues for parties near Poznań

Poznań and the surrounding area... Greater Poland is an interesting region, and its inhabitants are famous for their thrift and regional cuisine. Who hasn't heard of the famous St. Martin's croissants or pyry z gzik? Places for events near Poznań certainly have over a thousand years of tradition, because it was in Poznań that Mieszko I had his castle and here he celebrated various holidays with his team. And tradition, as we know, obliges. Therefore, when choosing a place for an integration event, it is definitely worth taking Poznań and the surrounding area into account.

Various event venues near Poznań certainly make it possible to organize integration trips. Historic castles, palaces and manors, but also excellent restaurants and luxury hotels with full wellness facilities offer their services in organizing corporate integration events.

Venues for events Krakow

Krakow, the capital of Małopolska, is visited by up to several million tourists every year. Business tourism is also flourishing there. The event industry in Krakow generates significant profits. It is a very attractive place for a business meeting, a congress, a conference or an integration event. Venues for corporate events Krakow can certainly offer us many event attractions.

A place for an integration party?

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The huge number of hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions means that we can choose from really different and original places for events in Krakow. Venues for corporate integration events compete with each other with interesting decor and interior design ideas. Due to the large number of art schools, it is also easier to find interesting attractions for a corporate event. For example, as part of team building, you can organize interesting theater workshops or an original city game. Or invite an extraordinary person to our company event. Such a star for a corporate event will certainly please fans of film or music, or simply those who follow the lives of celebrities.

Company trips always arouse great emotions among employees. Let us make sure that they are positive. By arranging corporate integration event we should make the participants want to take part in it, not feel obligated to go. How can this be achieved? The best incentive will be to choose one places for integration eventsso that everyone feels like on a long-awaited holiday trip. What place can be a lure for our crew? Interesting places for integration events, mainly those located in the mountains or by the sea or a lake. The water is attractive mainly in summer, while mountain destinations are interesting all year round.

From spring to autumn, you can enjoy mountain trails and breathtaking views. In winter, you can go skiing, snowboarding and doing other winter sports in the mountains. Or you can simply enjoy the frosty mountain air and visit snow-capped castles, palaces and hunting manors, which look like a fairy-tale in winter scenery.

In winter, after returning from a walk, local delicacies also taste differently. The appetite, sharpened by cold and walking, makes the participants of the trip enjoy the local specialties with more pleasure. Then these will work attractions for events corporatesuch as a culinary tournament or tasting local craft beers or warming liqueurs.

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Integration events - is it worth it or not?

The associations with team-building events are very different. For some, this concept means building relationships, learning cooperation and communication, an opportunity to meet colleagues and colleagues. For others, it's just an occasion to party hard. However, no matter what the purpose of the employees who decide to participate in it, the integration and exercise of soft skills will take place anyway. Even without the conscious participation of the crew, thanks to well-prepared games and team building activities. As if during the event, employees will learn something about themselves and the group and learn to communicate effectively.

Of course, every integration event must be well prepared. After all, a team-building event is not only about carefree fun, but also - and perhaps above all - building friendly relationships between employees. Professional activities aimed at supporting the team integration process are the main element of team-building events. An integrated team is an efficient and creative team, not concerned with any minor conflicts or office games, but busy fulfilling its duties.

See how to organize a party – event configurator

Worth knowing:

What to consider when choosing a place for an integration event?

It is worth choosing a place where employees can completely break away from their daily duties, clear their minds and focus on rest. This place should also harmonize with the interests of employees - offer attractions tailored to the needs.

What elements should you pay attention to when choosing a place for integration?

First of all, let's choose a place with appropriate accommodation and catering facilities. In addition, the environment is important - there are places where we can find peace and quiet, in others there is a bustle of the city. When planning an integration event, pay attention to whether the facility has professional conference facilities and allows you to organize attractions.

What are the advantages of corporate integration events?

Integration events improve the relationship between employees, help them communicate better and increase their commitment to work. All these elements have a positive impact on the prosperity of the entire organization and, as a result, on its business results.

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