
Why is it worth organizing integration training for companies?

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Some employers do not see the potential in integration training for their employees. Not good, because they are the ones that increase the efficiency of team members. Integration events they incredibly unite and build a lasting team. Employees who receive training see that the employer cares about them and have a better opinion of their company. How to organize training integrative for companies and what exactly are they about?

Integration training for companies combines fun with learning, which makes them extremely effective. Properly tailored training will help resolve conflicts between individual team members, improve communication in the group, and increase employee motivation to act. Integration training for companies is a great way to build a strong, well-functioning team. Undoubtedly, they are one of the best forms of dealing with crises or conflicts in employee groups. It is worth considering the implementation of integration workshops when employees' actions do not bring the expected results.

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Integration training for employees

People are the lifeblood of any business. Even technologically advanced enterprises cannot do without them. And maybe even they especially have to take great care of employees, as it is their employees who have rare expert knowledge, and preparing them for this work required a very significant investment. However, for an employee to be really effective, he must be able to work in a team. They should also understand the importance of their work for the functioning of other parts of the company. That is why integration training for employees is so important.

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Integration exercises and training can have a different formula. It all depends on how large the team is and how its work looks on a daily basis. Even when working remotely, integration elements can be introduced, for example by organizing team-building games or competitions for employees. However, they work best away integration training for employees. At such corporate events, people will be able to get to know each other better and develop more direct methods of communication.

Integration games, Commplace Event Center - Korona Karkonoszy Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

For employees who do not meet on a daily basis, it will be a great opportunity to deepen relationships. Finally, they will be able to shake hands and in a relaxed atmosphere talk about what is bothering them, not only at work. Getting to know someone's interests, passions or family situation often allows for establishing a thread of understanding, both on a professional and private basis.  

Winter integration training

When to organize the training?

A productive and dynamic team will only exist through good communication between team members. Employees who efficiently exchange information with each other and are able to use the potential of each person can do more. They efficiently perform all - even the most difficult - tasks, and consequently achieve spectacular success on the market.

Sometimes, however, it is missing in the team, and the lack of effective communication is one of the main problems in company groups. They come with help integration training for companieswhich at the same time improve group relations, explain to team members how to recognize and send appropriate messages, and also train them to actively listen to their colleagues.

Integration training

If your team is not positive about their work, is ineffective, performs poorly - this ala signalrmowythat something is wrong and you need to react. Each team went through a motivational crisis at least once. Unfortunately, without proper motivation, you will not achieve spectacular success on the market. This situation is an indication for the organization of integration training. A qualified trainer will help participants find the cause lack of motivation and will effectively motivate them to act.

Integration training for companies

Building effective teams of employees is not a simple task. It is not enough just to hire people, put them in a position and wait. Such an employee will have no incentive to go beyond the minimum wage tolerated by the employer. The entire potential of the employee will be constantly dormant, a synergy effect it simply will not be achieved.

Integration training for companies their task is to build highly motivated teams. Those that can complete even the most difficult task and achieve the set goals. Different kind integration games, training courses and workshops can greatly improve communication between employees or within the entire company in general. Integration training for companies can also be a great engine driving new ventures or a form of reward after achieving success. Such integration trip in a beautiful place, supplemented with many attractions, it will certainly be appreciated by employees.

Integration training as a way to reduce stress

Stress is an inherent part of work, it cannot be avoided, but it can be eliminated. Constant nerves significantly affect the results achieved by employees, so it is worth teaching them how to control stress. Integration training for companies, they are a very good tool, thanks to which team members learn how to control stress. They will also learn new habits that can reduce the feeling of tension at work. Can stress be a driving force? In some situations, absolutely! During the training, participants learn how to work in stressful conditions and how to use the force of stress to achieve the set professional goals.

Integration training for companies that increase your sales

Organization of integration events it is not only needed when something is wrong with the team of employees. It can also be a form of improving their qualifications, and these are especially important in the case of selling products or services. Successfully acquiring new customers and concluding commercial contracts is not the easiest thing to do. What's more, customers are constantly changing, and so employees also have to invent new approaches to consumers. An effective analysis of customer needs plays a key role.

Integration training

It is also important to use the language of benefits in business talks. On integration training employees will get to know the best sales techniques, they will learn how to build long-term relationships with clients, as well as learn how to negotiate offers to generate the greatest possible profit.

Integration games training and remote work

The time of the pandemic forced many companies to fully or at least partially switch to remote work. Many of these companies have noticed many advantages of such a solution after the end of covid restrictions and are using it to this day. However, is it possible to integrate employees in remote work? Of course, online integration is also possible! Training, integration exercises they can take the form of games, competitions or quizzes.

Employee integration

The most important thing is to allow employees to communicate freely with each other through the appropriate channel. It can be a suitable application or platform for videoconferencing or creating groups on instant messaging. Online training or online workshops are best conducted in a free formula, intertwined with jokes and involve participants in active participation. Different kind communication games They will certainly be not only entertainment, but also a useful tool for building an efficient team. Online integration it can also be based on a virtual beer experience, but let's use common sense here. In such a situation, however, nothing can replace real meetings.  

What should integration training for companies look like?

Integration training for companies are based on games, team building tasks and scenario games that fully engage the participants and help them relax. At the same time, they help to develop practical skills and improve the functioning of the group. An example of such activities can be:

  • construction of the Goldberg machine,
  • integration in the rope park,
  • a game of solving a criminal puzzle,
  • company games with elements of team building.

Organizer of corporate events

Fun integration training ideas

In teams dealing with tasks that require imagination and creativity on a daily basis, ideas are born by themselves. It is also worth using the hints and suggestions of the employees themselves. However, there are many already tried and tested integration games for training, which are worth using or getting inspiration from. Experienced organizer of corporate events he always has at least one up his sleeve 15 reliable team building games.

field games
Team building games and activities

How to choose them for our team? Depending on how large our crew is and what they do on a daily basis, we can choose the appropriate integration games. It is also important how long individuals know each other and work with each other. It is known that for new teams, more integration games should be selected to get to know each other better and give the possibility of self-presentation. In this case, the fun will definitely come in handy true or false. For teams that have been operating for a longer time and want to motivate them to some new challenge and make an effort, a good solution may be, for example, company Olympics. If, on the other hand, the purpose of the training is to summarize or relax after achieving a large business goal, then sommelier training or presentation and tasting of craft beers will work.

Team building, Event Center Korona Karkonoszy Manor, Sosnówka near Karpacz

Place for training, integration exercises

If we already know that it is worth organizing integration training for companies, all that remains is to choose the place to conduct it. Where is the best place to organize company integration? In the place where we work on a daily basis, it will be difficult for employees and bosses to step out of their employee roles and certain well-established patterns. And yet integration is all about opening up a bit and improving relationships with other people. Let's think about whether we talk to the boss about our passions, interests or dreams on a daily basis at work? For this, you need a neutral area and a relaxed atmosphere. Ideally, it should be a place hitherto unknown and slightly distant from external stimuli, such as noise or crowds of tourists. Only there will we be able to fully relax and focus on calmly getting to know colleagues and deepening our relationships with them. For example outdoor game in the mountains or joint culinary workshops will allow you to get to know other people's hidden talents or show off your own!  

Integration and learning in one

Integration is a very important element that provides entertainment in the group. It consists of games, parties, parties or various other activities that also strongly build the team and improve relations between group members. Integration events they are effective, but combined with workshops and training, they can be a strong pillar of shaping a strong team of employees. Integration training for companies conducted by experienced, suitably qualified trainers can solve many problems in a company's team.

When to organize integration training exercises?

How to choose the optimal time for the company and employees to conduct training or other form of integration? Most often, integration is associated with building a new team of people who did not know each other before or had little contact with each other. Of course, this is a case of books when integration is definitely necessary. But there are also other times when you need to organize integration exercises training. This is, for example, a period after some very unfavorable or dramatic event that took place in the company. Or when preparing the crew to implement new tasks or working methods.

Integration training?

Only at the Korona Karkonoszy Manor Event Center!

It is also important to observe the way the team communicates and works on a daily basis. If we see any internal friction, conflicts or disturbances in communication within the company, we should act immediately. Experienced managers know that the lack of proper communication and an unhealthy atmosphere at work can translate directly into the company's finances and cause measurable losses. And vice versa - satisfied employees are also a great showcase for the company and a magnet for potential customers.

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Also, the successes and the achievement of individual goals or stages of the company's development need to be summarized. Such positive events are also an opportunity for company events. They can be organized precisely in the form of integration trip or training with elements of fun and celebration.

Integration games, training and employer branding

Shortage of employees or excessive turnover of staff presently pose a great challenge for many companies. How can I fix it? One of the most effective methods is building your own brand as a company that is a good and attractive employer. A well-thought-out employer baranding strategy may mean that the employees themselves will apply for a job with us. And our company will save a lot on recruitment and training of employees. After all, in place of every employee who leaves the company, you need to find someone, and then train and implement them to new duties.

Employer branding is to help maintain a stable crew and qualified employees. You can keep valuable people just by organizing integration training games. Thanks to them, they may feel like friends in our company. Of course, this is a slight exaggeration - it is enough for interpersonal relations to be deepened and employees to be willing to go to work. During integration games and activities they will also have the opportunity to show their talents and talents. Perhaps it will turn out that there is a born leader among them or a great enthusiast of certain tasks that must be performed in our company anyway.

Integration training - direct benefits for companies

The dynamically changing market environment and the resulting challenges force companies to constantly develop. In this race, you cannot afford to stumble. The lack of people to work may block us from the possibility of developing the company or implementing an important project. Also, problems such as the lack of communication between employees can cause material and image losses. That is why it is always worth investing in people and making sure that they can easily focus on work.

It is worth trusting specialists - employee integration - Commplace event agency

However, in order to achieve good relations in the team and build an atmosphere conducive to work, it is necessary to make some effort and prepare the right ground for it. Integration training it's a great tool. They will allow the staff to be motivated on an ongoing basis and to keep good employees at work. And in the long run, they will certainly translate into profits and the company's development.  

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