What should a professionally prepared integration meeting for employees look like? What aspects are important? How to organize them? Probably everyone once participated in an integration meeting. Maybe in college or maybe at work. So when we talk about an integration meeting, some associations automatically come to us. And how should such a meeting actually look like?
What will you learn from the article?
Integration in the workplace is a topic that is becoming increasingly important among business owners. Many people ask themselves what exactly integration is and what benefits organizing integration meetings can bring. From the article you will learn what you need to know about such meetings, when it is best to organize them and how to choose the right place. We will present step by step how to prepare a successful integration meeting and answer the question whether it is an obligation for employees. Additionally, we will share outfit ideas and discuss whether it is worth taking part in such events. We invite you to read and discover how integration meetings can improve the atmosphere and efficiency in your company!
- What is Integration?
- What do you need to know about integration meetings?
- When to organize integration meetings?
- Choosing a place for an integration meeting
- Preparation of an integration meeting step by step
- Is a team-building meeting for employees an obligation?
- Integration meetings organized by ... employees
- Integration meetings - ideas for an outfit
- Integration meetings - is it worth attending?
What is Integration?
What is Integration? Generally speaking, integration is the process of combining various elements into a whole. This term is most often used in relation to people and means combining people into a social group, i.e. we are talking about social integration; about the process of integration taking place at various social levels. It may concern entire environments, such as the integration of people with disabilities, migrants or other groups at risk of social exclusion.
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This concept is also often used in relation to various fields and phenomena. It may concern, for example, economic processes, IT systems or management. Integration may be spontaneous or in some way consciously directed - then we have an impact on the individual integration steps.
For us, the social dimension of integration is particularly interesting. Or even more precisely - integration in the group pracowniczej.
The atmosphere at work matters
Z badań wynika, że dla większości ludzi – około 80% – jednym z najważniejszych czynników decydujących o pozostaniu w danej firmie lub zmianie miejsca zatrudnienia jest dobra atmosfera w pracy. Zwłaszcza w sytuacji, kiedy mogliby gdzie indziej otrzymać podobne wynagrodzenie lub czasem nawet odrobinę wyższe. Kluczowym elementem decydującym o pozostaniu lub odejściu jest wtedy fakt, jak czują się w swoim otoczeniu. Wyobraźmy sobie na przykład pracownika sklepu, tynkarza, księgową czy nauczyciela biologii. Każda z tych osób może wykonywać te same czynności w innym zakładzie czy szkole. Dostaną za swoją pracę prawdopodobnie podobną pensję.
So what makes them work there and not elsewhere? It turns out that the most important thing is how they get along with other employees. Do they like each other, are they appreciated, do they have something to talk about. Not all of us are aware that, for example, Ms. Daria has been working with us for 15 years, because she likes to go to lunch with her friends from the neighboring department and talk about the cinema. And Mr. Tomasz likes to joke with his colleagues during a coffee break.
Pace and efficiency at work
A good atmosphere allows us not only to retain an employee, but also translates into pace and efficiency at work. If employees manage to get along, they will perform the assigned tasks more efficiently. They will save time and will not waste energy resolving misunderstandings. Good relations between them will translate into the achievement of the company's goals, and thus its profit. Such positive energy will certainly also contribute to the emergence of new ideas and faster development. A satisfied employee will also be loyal to his company.

It is the basic tool for building a good atmosphere and a strong team integration! That is why it is so important for employers to organize integration meetings. This is the best opportunity to relax and get to know each other better.
What do you need to know about integration meetings?
Though spotkania integracyjne dla firm are a great way to improve communication within the team, they certainly cannot be approached as a cure-all. Serious conflicts within companies cannot be solved even by the best fun - and this must be borne in mind. All the clashes and quarrels should be solved on a regular basis and not swept under the rug. This should be taken care of by the boss, but also by the employees.
A tool worth using
Integration meetings can quite quickly have a positive impact on employee relations and contribute to creating a unique atmosphere in each company. It is worth using this tool consciously and knowing what benefits can be derived from an integration meeting. The last step is to plan a meeting that will allow you to achieve the set goals, and thus create a team that every company dreams of.

When to organize integration meetings?
There is no clear answer to the question of when to organize integration meetings. It seems that there is always the right time to meet in a good group. However, it is not about meeting friends or family (unless our colleagues are also them, because we run a family business ...). So when choosing a date for a corporate event, we should consider whether it is not a holiday period or a long weekend. Or maybe it is the time of increased traffic in the company, because we have a holiday period, and we sell "last minute" trips?
Avoid planning integration trips in the high holiday season. And in any case, let us announce such a trip in advance, so that employees can include this trip in their and their family's plans.

Sometimes, however, it happens that an integration meeting is needed "on the cito". And they have to be organized at the last minute. Why? The reasons may be different. For example, hiring new employees, merging or expanding departments, a major change in the organization of work. Or - there is an urgent need to relieve tension. Having a good understanding of what is happening to a given team or crew, we will know when it is simply necessary. Sometimes employees themselves signal that it would be useful, for example, to celebrate something. Such meetings at the initiative of employees are necessary and often also informal. The employer's concern for a good atmosphere in the company is well received and appreciated. So, the answer to the question: when to organize integration meetings There can be only one: whenever there is a need / possibility.
Choosing a place for an integration meeting
So if not in our company, where? When choosing a place for an integration meeting, it is definitely worth paying attention to such elements as:
- Attractiveness of the place - employees will surely appreciate the place as well-attractive for tourists or simply fashionable.
- Standard - the higher the better, it's obvious. The event will seem more exclusive.
- Availability of accommodation - if integration is the goal, it is best to put them all in one hotel.
- Catering facilities - good cuisine, preferably regional, unique dishes and craft beers will be appreciated by the participants of the integration meeting.
- Availability of parking spaces or a place for a coach.
- The size of the facility, individual rooms and rooms.
- A place for a bonfire, garden or the possibility of organizing additional attractions.

Miejsce na event it matters
A place for an integration meeting - in the company or not? Integration meetings can be formal and informal. The choice of the form of the meeting most often lies with the employer, but the employer is often inclined to the preferences of his employees. An integration meeting for employees can take place during a cultural event, business trips and training, or even volunteering. It seems that the form of an external meeting has more advantages than in the company's headquarters.
Nevertheless, some people wonder whether to organize a team-building event at the workplace. Probably some establishments would even have adequate space necessary to organize a banquet, barbecue or even outdoor games. But is this really a good idea? In a place where we meet every day and where there are specific business relationships, for example, director - employee or project manager - contractor, it is not entirely possible to get out of the usual roles. And successful integration is all about getting to know each other a little better. It will be easier to do it on neutral ground, especially in interesting surroundings. It may turn out that we have similar passions with the boss, but you don't talk about it at work. So it seems that a place for an integration trip however, it is worth choosing outside the company or enterprise.
Do you want to organize an integration meeting?
We will help!
Preparation of an integration meeting step by step
Preparation of an integration meeting for employees - how to do it? Where to start? First of all, we must:
- Set up an initial budget. We need to know in what price range we want to fit. Then it will be easier for us to plan the place and time of the meeting.
- Choose the form in which it is to be held. It can be, for example, a training trip combined with a gala dinner. There may be a thematic event, relating for example to a selected era, film or interests. The integration campfire and various types of tasting are also popular. An interesting alternative can be, for example, workshops - music? Dancing? Plastic? There are many possibilities. If we can't decide, it can always be just a reliable classic banquet.
Budget corporate event
You have to choose a place for a corporate event. It can be, for example, an intimate hotel for team-building meetings, situated in an interesting neighborhood and with good facilities. Such a facility must have the necessary infrastructure and experienced service. In the case of very limited resources, we can simply limit ourselves to going out to the immediate vicinity together. Spend time together at the bowling alley and then go out for pizza together. The latter variant is rather a proposition for a person new to the team, who wants to "buy in" to an already existing team. If the employer is the organizer, the expectations are certainly much higher.

- Select any additional attractions for corporate events. Depending on the convention adopted, we can provide our guests with additional experiences. Surprise with a show of illusion, invite your favorite singer, suggest party games, fireworks displays or performances by a barista or a professional bartender.
- Set up the menu. The menu should match the variant of the integration meeting that we have chosen. For example, if it will be a festive banquet, we must provide the right dishes and starters.
- Plan logistical issues. We have to choose a way of getting there, check parking spaces, and plan the location of guests. If we want to entrust the organization to an external entity, we must carefully select the contractor, determine the details with him and sign a contract.
- Inform and invite employees as quickly as possible.
A simple idea for an integration meeting
Ideas for an integration meeting can be very different. The most common, but at the same time the most banal idea for integration is simply a feast at a lavishly set table. But is this what our employees actually expect? It is possible that this will satisfy some of our guests, but we usually expect that there will be a bit more going on at the event. We usually want the meeting to be interesting and maybe even exciting. We also invite guests to show them something, show them off or just surprise and entertain them. Similarly, integration meetings should have some feature that will make them stand out.
Few people have the conditions to make a fire on their property. That is why it always works together when traveling integration bonfire. For our guests, it is an opportunity to recall, for example, summer camps or scout camps or holidays with their parents under the pear tree. Usually, that's when common topics and a smile on your face appear. This form of meeting also does not require a special setting. Usually, the glow of the flame and the closeness to nature are enough.

Spotkanie integracyjne – pomysły do wykorzystania
We live increasingly in a digital world. Both at work and outside of it. This makes many people miss having fun in a larger group, necessarily live! So, thematic games based on a script or theme are very popular. There are a lot of ideas for such events and in this respect we are only limited by our own imagination.
Jaka theme party jest gwarancją sukcesu? Oto kilka tylko podpowiedzi, które można wykorzystać, żeby nadać niepowtarzalny rys naszemu spotkaniu integracyjnemu. Spróbujmy stworzyć zgraną grupę pracowniczą w nietypowy sposób!
1st movie-style party - let the guests dress up as a character from the screen or impose a theme on their own. It can be a game of knights, space heroes, vikings that have been fashionable for several years, etc.
2. party in the style of a selected era - a banquet in the style of the 1920s will give us a chance for a certain dose of frivolity ... In turn, the atmosphere of rebellion and freedom will be remembered by organizing a pogo party in the style of the cult concerts in Jarocin in the 1980s.
3. treasure hunters game - we have to make the effort of gray cells to follow the directions to find all the "treasures".
4. team building games - these are games and activities focused on building good relationships in a group. It is a great idea for the development of soft skills - the ability to cooperate and share ideas, communicativeness and assertiveness. An experienced organizer will surely know what integration exercises in the team match your company.
5. field games or an outdoor event - for example a mini golf tournament, a football match or a trip to the rope park. For fans of stronger sensations, we can organize paintball, off road or rafting. On the other hand, for those looking for relaxation, an interesting concert, bowling, billiards or simply going out or walking in the picturesque surroundings will be just right.
6. culinary workshops - can be a great opportunity to learn about the culinary secrets of chefs.
Regardless of which idea for an integration meeting we choose, we will certainly provide our guests with a portion of positive energy. With each variant, we build a good atmosphere and create an opportunity to strengthen relationships.
Is a team-building meeting for employees an obligation?
Integration meetings are optional for employees, i.e. not obligatory. If one does not wish to participate in them, he should not be forced to do so. However, it must be admitted that everyone is willing to participate in repairing interesting meetings. A team-up meeting is sometimes called a tool to improve communication in a company - and it is indeed so. A well-coordinated group works better and more effectively, is willing to take on new challenges and does its best to meet the employer's expectations. The organization of integration meetings in large companies is handled by the PR or HR department, and in smaller ones - by the direct superior. Some companies decide to hire an event company or outsource the organization to the place where the meeting takes place, e.g. a hotel.
The best team building
One of the elements of building a harmonious team are team building techniques. The term itself simply means team building. As part of team building, many procedures are used, one of the most important is the integration meeting. These techniques work well for creating new teams, changing old structures, or when you need to strengthen and improve communication in existing groups. The assumption is that good group relationships allow you to work more effectively, and that the team will be more creative and motivated.

One of the elements of building a harmonious team are team building techniques. The term itself simply means team building. As part of team building, many procedures are used, one of the most important is the integration meeting. These techniques work well for creating new teams, changing old structures, or when you need to strengthen and improve communication in existing groups. The assumption is that good group relationships allow you to work more effectively, and that the team will be more creative and motivated.
Korona Karkonoszy Manor has extensive experience in organizing team building meetings. It offers many proven scenarios of interesting games and activities that teach cooperation and proper communication in a group. By placing employees in a new environment, in an intimate hotel on employee eventswe achieve the intended effects through relaxation and rest.
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Integration meetings organized by ... employees
There is no rule that says that it is only the company that organizes an integration meeting for employees. It often happens that the initiative of a meeting comes from people employed in a given company. Such practices can most often be observed in companies that do not pay too much attention to the atmosphere in the workplace.
Integration meetings of employees organized by themselves usually take on a very casual character - there is no special outfit required, and the event lasts until dawn. For various reasons, bosses are usually not invited to such events, and senior employees are also often overlooked. Is that okay? Yes and no. Nothing prevents people working in one place from going out to arrange a joint event.
However, it is worth remembering that it is primarily the employer who should pay attention to the needs of his team and organize official ones integration meetings. A company that ignores the need for integration does not do well in the eyes of employees.
Integration meetings - ideas for an outfit
The old rule was that good dress is one that fits the circumstances. And at the same time, nowadays, when the rules of the dress code are not so strictly obeyed, we want to express ourselves with clothes. However, you should stick to a few rules and use common sense when choosing an outfit for an integration meeting.
For training, it is advisable to dress more officially, for example a shirt and sports jacket. If the organizer orders that a casual style is enough for the training, then we will be able to go for a walk in such an outfit or visit an attraction.
A banquet requires a special setting
If we know that there will be an official, gala dinner or in the program of an integration meeting, we can see banquetthen you need to prepare for the evening dress. Such a situation certainly requires more elegant clothing. It also depends a lot on the place. If it will be, for example intimate hotel for an integration meeting, we can afford casual elegance, and sometimes even a bit of fantasy.

If the organizer has planned an outdoor event with elements of sports competition, a comfortable sports outfit will be necessary.
Of course, the variants can be multiplied. For example, a themed party costume, of course, requires other preparations and finding the right costume.
Corporate banquet outfit must meet one basic condition - we have to feel good in it.
What to wear to a company party?
This is the basic question that almost every employee asks himself when he learns that an integration meeting is waiting for him. What is the answer? Of course, the selection of the appropriate outfit should depend on the style of the party. Remember, however, that an integration meeting may spontaneously change its character depending on the mood of the participants ... Therefore, it is always worth having the so-called variant B.
Let's also consider how long will this meeting be? It can be a trip combined with training, and then an official dinner or a bonfire. The next day, there will be more attractions waiting. In this case, we have to prepare several variants of the outfit.
Regardless of the outfit, a positive attitude and a good mood are the key to having fun!

Integration meetings - is it worth attending?
Integration meetings have as many supporters as opponents - both on the side of employers and employees. It is often a luxury for the company, which additionally generates considerable costs. An argument against integration meetings is also often the reluctance of employees to participate in the event. While it is difficult to argue with the first position, which simply requires a change of approach, in the case of the second situation, it may be a good solution to try to change the form of the meeting. Perhaps the attractions discourage participation? Or maybe the whole event is conducted in a boring and too conventional way?
The problem of a poor schedule of team-building meetings also affects employees. Sometimes, however, it is enough to take the initiative and try to talk about it, present your ideas and together find a golden mean that will satisfy both employees and the employer. For some, integration meetings are even a necessary evil. Such people do not want to spend their free time playing with other members of the band, and if they are going - it is rather out of necessity and reluctance to be the proverbial "outsider". Do we have any advice for that? As in the case of the boss who is not eager to organize integration meetings - it is worth changing the approach.

Integration meeting - yes or no?
An integration meeting with employees is an event worth attending. It will certainly bring many benefits for the staff and the employer. Employees will feel that someone cares about them, and bosses will see that many small issues and problems are solved within the team, without using their valuable time. Issues such as replacement work, arranging minor changes in the schedule or direct assistance in completing tasks good team will arrange among themselves. In the long term, we will certainly see the positive effects of team-building meetings.
See how to organize a party – event configurator