
Organization of company trips - how to go about it?

Office party

The organization of company trips is today a constant and important element of the functioning of companies. What do we need to know about? How should the organization of business trips look like step by step? Make sure you remember everything! 

The importance of company trips for the company

Organization of company trips - a good atmosphere at work is an obvious benefit for the company. Employees find it easier to get along with each other, take care of minor matters themselves and are more willing to engage in the development of the company. In a well-functioning team, people are also willing to share their ideas, often improving the way the company works. Communication in such a group works well, and minor problems, such as issues of substitution at work, are solved by the crew among themselves.

The best way to integrate the team is to allow them to get to know each other better and create opportunities to share passions and interests. For obvious reasons, at work there is often neither time nor appropriate conditions for it, even though we spend a large part of the day at work. That's why it's worth organizing company trips. It's a truism, but a happy employee is also a more efficient employee.

Company trips are a great opportunity to introduce informal changes ... That is why every business trip is a serious undertaking. It must be properly prepared, regardless of whether the employees are going on business, for training or if it is to be a typical integration event. What do we need to remember?

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Business trip - what for?

Each of us is waiting impatiently for holidays or even short weekend getaways. We can then break away from the problems of everyday life and relax a bit. So let's imagine that we get such a trip as a gift! In addition, during working hours! It doesn't sound very likely, a bit like a fairy tale, but it's possible. This is what a company trip may look like from the employee's perspective. We must ensure that this is how he perceives this event. So if we want a good atmosphere at work and a satisfied crew, let's start working. Let's think about where to start?

At the beginning, it is worth checking if there is an interesting place near our headquarters where you could go out with employees. An atmospheric bistro has been opened in the neighboring street? Or maybe a new Italian pizzeria has been opened nearby? Making an appointment there after work can be a great idea for a quick integration event. The afternoon spent together means the opportunity to talk, not only about company topics.

Of course, such a spontaneous trip is a good idea, but it rarely happens that we get a table for a larger number of people without prior reservation. In addition, it is often the case that someone cannot join the group because they have to take care of the children or the dog. In addition, many employees commute to work by car and, after having a drink, the problem of how to go home arises. Therefore, it is worth planning such meetings a bit earlier and give everyone a chance to have fun together.

The earlier organization of company trips will ensure that virtually everyone will be able to participate in them. If we plan such an integration trip in the middle of the week, in advance, most employees will be glad that instead of going to work, they will get on a coach and go, for example, to the mountains to a charming guesthouse.

Company trip as an element of employer branding

The company's management often wonders how to increase employee productivity. One of the recipes can be quite regular organization of events corporate. This is a great opportunity to build positive image of the company in the eyes of employees. Integration events make employees more loyal. They will feel appreciated and will be more willing to engage in new projects. They will identify more with their workplace, and this is the first step towards making our company a "company of choice" for them, and not just another stop on their career path.

internal employer branding is as important as external

Organization of a company trip - where to start?

The organization of company trips is quite difficult, contrary to appearances, but a satisfying job. However, an idea and good intentions are definitely not enough. When planning a business trip, we must take into account many aspects. There is a saying: a well-prepared spontaneous speech is best. It is also worth sticking to this principle in the case of company trips. After all, we will look after a dozen or even several dozen employees, which does not leave too much room for improvisation. Integration Party must be carefully planned.

What can a business trip give us?

What goal do we want to achieve with this event? This is the fundamental question we must ask ourselves. Do we just want to integrate the team and regularly try to take employees on a joint trip? Or maybe we have a specific reason to take our team outside the company's headquarters right now, because we want to do something? The organization of company trips often results from a specific need.

Team building

It may be, for example, to undergo training necessary in connection with the new tasks of our team. Or new employees have appeared in the company and we want to integrate the team by organizing a trip with elements of team building. For team building - tasks it is worth taking a broader look. It is not only fun, but also a great tool for building a harmonious team.

It may also be the case that we just want to improve the atmosphere in the team or use free financial resources sensibly. It often happens that a company trip is needed to relieve tension after some event or after a change of management. Or, on the contrary, we are leaving in order to prepare the ground for certain changes, restructuring or the introduction of new rules. It is very important that employees understand what is happening and why. Then it will be much easier for them to accept it. In such cases, organizing corporate events is a great idea. The worst thing is ignorance or guesswork.

Team building – The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor

Organization of a company trip - number of participants

How many people will participate in a company trip? This is the key point. It's easiest to assume that everyone. However, there are companies and plants where work continuity must be ensured. In large enterprises, you can't just turn everything off, some of the staff must always be at work. In this case, it is better to organize company trips during break periods, for example on long weekends or when we are planning maintenance or renovation of the production line anyway. If the employer pays for the trip and additionally provides numerous attractions, many people will certainly be interested and will take part in the trip. Also, if we change the business profile or introduce new solutions, it is worth taking advantage of this transitional period and organizing a company trip, for example with training.

It is also worth remembering that there are companies too large (even if we only consider individual cells) to collect all of them. In such a situation, of course, we can only divide employees into groups and organize several company trips.

In order to encourage employees to participate in a training or integration trip, you need to introduce them to the benefits. For example, inform that during a company trip they will be able to visit attractions unavailable to individual guests, or meet a culinary celebrity who will conduct, for example, pizza baking workshops especially for our group.  

Are you wondering how to organize a business trip?

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How to choose the date of departure?

When is it worth going? The selection of the date, as already mentioned, may be due to some necessity, for example, there was a production stoppage while the failure was repaired. And then we organize such a last-minute corporate trip ... Or the need to achieve a goal within a specific time limit, for example, a new legal act has been introduced that significantly affects the activities of our company and we want to introduce employees to it in a pleasant atmosphere. When it comes to company trips planned in advance, you should rather avoid holidays and vacations. Most people prefer to spend this time with their loved ones. Moreover, the occupancy rate in hotels and boarding houses is higher than usual. For the same reason, so-called long weekends should be avoided.

And the time of the year? Each has its pros and cons. Of course, a company ski trip must take place in the winter season, but apart from that, nothing limits us. In summer, long days and high temperatures are perfect for playing outdoors, but autumn evenings by the fireplace, with a glass of mulled wine or a glass of cognac also have a lot of charm. On the other hand, spring, when everything comes to life, can fill our employees with additional energy. A company trip to the mountains will work at any time of the year! [Comm banner and link]   

Team building - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Company trip - where to?

The question of "where to go" is quite closely related to the question of "when to go"? If we care about seasonal attractions, the mountains win. There, the season lasts all year round and it is always beautiful. Mandatory trail trips await us in summer, and skiing in winter. Spring and autumn are the time to admire beautiful landscapes that change colors. On the other hand, by the sea in summer, during the holidays, there are a lot of people and it is rather a time of private trips and holidays. After the season, however, many coastal towns die a bit.

When choosing a place for a company trip, let us also pay attention to the possibility and convenience of travel, and above all - its time. The standard of a hotel or guesthouse also matters. You will probably need ample parking, as well as an adequate number of well-appointed guest rooms. However, the most important thing is the experience and good opinion of the owners of the facility.

Hotel for a business trip

If we have already chosen the region we want to go to, we only have to answer the question: how to choose a hotel for a business trip? It is worth rethinking your decision, especially if we are going in late autumn or winter, when most of the time is spent indoors. Interestingly decorated rooms and cozy interiors will make the atmosphere of bliss and relaxation spread to everyone. Common meals in the rhythm of words will also integrate the group. Therefore, before leaving, it is worth checking the hotel menu to make sure that it will suit everyone. Especially since more and more people are following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Many are also lactose and gluten intolerant. We must be sure that each of our employees will find something for themselves in the hotel kitchen.

When organizing a company trip, let's pay attention to whether there are any places worth seeing in the area where we want to go. Ideally, they should be located at such a distance from our "base" that you can get there on foot or quickly. Some of our employees will certainly make it there in their free time. If we choose a facility in the mountains, let's pay attention to whether everyone will be able to explore the area on their own. On integration trips or company events with a large number of participants, let's choose a place that is attractively located, but does not require extreme skills.

group motor travel offroad, motorcyclists standing on mountain top and taking pictures with phone, enjoying view

Company trip - attractions

Cycling or trekking? Inflatables or skiing on the slopes? What to choose? These are attractions for employees who like an active lifestyle, sports challenges and competition. So not for everyone. Therefore, it is also worth considering another way to spend time with employees. Culinary workshops is photography a great opportunity to gain new skills, broaden your horizons and discover your passion. In addition, our families, when we return from a company trip, will certainly appreciate the interesting dishes, the preparation of which we have trained under the watchful eye of a talented chef, or professional photos that we will be able to take even with an ordinary camera.

Organization of a company trip - games

One of the most interesting and rare entertainment during company trips may also be playing together in the secret room. Getting out of an escape room requires not only the use of gray cells, but also often a certain strength or dexterity. This is the perfect challenge for our employees, because teamwork is usually required to get out of a locked escape room. So we immediately have team building elements.

Teambuilding - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

City games, very fashionable, may also interest our employees. Probably many of them have heard of them, but few participated in them. An integration trip is a great opportunity to change that. Importantly, choosing this form of entertainment will allow us to taste big city life, which may be attractive if our crew lives in a rather smaller town. And even if they already know the city we are going to stay in, city games will allow them to see a different side of it. The less touristic, less obvious one. There is also a chance to learn how to use new technologies, as tips during such a game are usually sent to participants via special applications.  

Or maybe you should offer your employees a joint trip to a music, film or theater festival? There are many possibilities, it all depends on the interests of the crew. So remarkable attractions for corporate events they will surely remain in the memory of the participants for a long time.

Organization of company trips - in advance?

Integration meetings they always work well in the mountains. After all, everyone is impressed by the magnificent mountain ranges, immersed in jagged clouds. Below, there is also a fairy tale - impressive, ancient forests, monumental boulders with fantastic shapes, mountain lakes with a transparent depth. Surrounded by wild nature, it is easy to forget about everyday problems. You can enjoy the company of colleagues and discover their unknown face. Share your interests with colleagues, show non-professional achievements. Conference facilities in the mountains they have been very popular for years.

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Corporate ski trips

Going skiing with the entire crew should not be a problem. The entire southern border of Poland is made up of mountains. There is a lot to choose from! From the most famous and at the same time very crowded ranges such as the Tatra Mountains, through the impressive Karkonosze, to the less crowded, charming Pieniny or Beskidy, to the almost empty, unusual Sowie Mountains or Wałbrzych. 

In the case of a company ski trip, the key issue is the equipment and skills of the participants. We need to find out if our employees are skiing at all? If not, do they want to at least try to get a taste of this great sport? Maybe we have a mixed group - both beginners or even completely "green" skiers in speas well as seasoned regulars of the slopes? In this case, we have to divide our group according to the level of advancement, and for those who are just starting their adventure with skiing, provide the help and care of an instructor.

You need to take care of your equipment first. Probably most of the participants of the trip do not have their own kit, so we need to make sure that it will be possible to rent skis and all the necessary equipment. It is worth asking for help from the staff of the hotel where you are staying. parties integrative in the mountains, on skis will surely provide the whole team with great experiences!

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Why are corporate trips so popular?

Company trips various types are the most frequently chosen method of meetings outside the office. Such integration in the team allows for better results at work. We can all go to the seaside, or put on a company trip to the mountains. The picturesque Karkonosze Mountains are perfect for corporate integration. Their view is captivating at any time of the year, so they are a perfect place for a company trip, regardless of the season. Even if we do not want to reach the peaks, we will also find many attractions at the foot of the mountains. Old tunnels, glassworks, ruins of castles, picturesque palaces. It is a perfect place for those who are looking for tranquility and an atmosphere conducive to integration.

Integration with add-on

It is worth combining an integration trip with training. Organization of company trips, the main purpose of which is to attend a course by employees, does not mean that they resign from other classes. A good solution is to rent a hotel that offers well-equipped conference rooms, and at the same time offers attractions that can be used after hours spent on training.

Organization of company trips is not only about integration and training. Our employees can also travel to the field to work. Usually, a smaller number of people are delegated to field tasks. However, it is still a company trip where we have to take care of the employee. Integration in a smaller group is more effective, so it is worth taking care of it in such a situation, organizing employees' free time.

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We recommend teamwork as a form of integration while away 

The company's jubilee is a good excuse to organize company trips. Company banquet combined with various attractions, it is a tribute to employees. A kind of thanks for your commitment to creating the company. The possibility of having fun together will certainly be appreciated. 

Is organizing company trips something that everyone can handle?

Not all of us feel strong enough to organize a company trip. Then it is worth using the help of specialists. Once we know where we want to take the crew, we can ask the hotel staff for help in organizing the entire event, especially in providing various attractions. The more so because the choice is huge. Do we want to organize sightseeing of local monuments during the trip? Are we interested in regional cuisine? We can organize completely different workshops than everyone expects! Body language classes, arts and crafts, or maybe a yoga course? Just choose. One of the attractions may be the performance of actors, magicians or musicians. We can also try to organize a karaoke evening or a dance course during a company trip. But that's not all! Those who like adrenaline will be impressed by military or survival maneuvers, and even a balloon flight!

field games

Organization of a company trip - what to remember?

Each company trip, be it for training or integration trip, requires planning. In fact, the trip begins even before the employees leave the company. We need to know how many people from the company are going to travel and how they will get to their destination. It is worth finding out if any of them are on a special diet in order to inform the staff in advance.

It is worth considering how the employees will be arranged in the rooms, if they will be arranged for several people. We also need to know the indicative time frame of all classes in advance. If it is a training trip or workshop, then it is our duty to determine the times when it will be held. You should also agree with the hotel staff at what times the meals will be served, to adjust the free time and other attractions to them.

We recommend An idea for an integration meeting

Organizing business trips is a bit like planning holidays with children. It's just that adults take part in them and they call us "the boss". We must ensure the safety and comfort of everyone together and of each participant separately. However, we are responsible not only for trip planning and organizational matters, but also - and maybe most of all! - for the atmosphere there. It is not worth overdoing the schedule of classes. One or two planned attractions a day will certainly be enough. Let's give employees the opportunity to spend time according to their preferences. Maybe someone dreams of a walk in nature or likes to run? Remember that we organize a company trip, not summer camps, where the caregivers plan their charges 100% for the day.

To strengthen employees' identification with the company, it is certainly worth investing in organizing a company trip for the crew from time to time. Integration Party is the perfect way to do that integration in the group it ran smoothly.

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