The company's success is influenced by many factors, including those directly related to managing people and organizational culture. Proper employee relations affect building a strong team, which in turn translates into motivation and commitment to work. How to shape employee relations so that they bring the appropriate effect?
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Nowadays, employees are the company's most valuable and intellectual property, which is the driving force behind growth, efficiency and creating changes in the organization. A well-coordinated and strong team that gets along well with each other is the key to the company's success. There is the so-called an invisible resource of the company that creates effects in the form of an increase in its value. Therefore, the development of enterprises is currently impossible without the development of employees' intellectual capital.
Bad relations between employees spoil the company's image?
We know how to fix it!
Shaped employee relations - benefits
Positive employee relations are a factor stimulating the development and commitment of employees, both at the level of the individual and the entire team, which also translates into a specific image of the organization. Hence, a well-coordinated team at work translates into specific values. What are the other benefits of the developed employee relations:
- increasing labor productivity, and thus increasing profit,
- reducing the risk of running a business, thanks to which you minimize unforeseen costs in the form of breakdowns, accidents at work, compensation payments, participation in lawsuits, etc.,
- increasing employee motivation and trust,
- reducing employee turnover, and thus reducing costs related to the recruitment and adaptation of new employees,
- improving opinions among potential employees, suppliers, customers and business partners.
Relations between employees and CSR
According to the concept of corporate social responsibility, employees should be perceived as key stakeholders and the most valuable asset of the company, leading to its success on the market. As part of this concept, you should take care of:
- employee relations,
- cooperation between people,
- team communication,
- trust.
Thanks to this, a friendly environment for work is created and a positive one company image as a valuable employer. Therefore, taking care of employee relations is a unique source of competitive advantage.
What activities is undertaken as part of CSR to shape appropriate employee relations? It is particularly important to ensure safety at work, prevent discrimination of all kinds, respect privacy, protect personal data, and implement practices aimed at better protection and implementation of employees' rights. One should also remember about respecting the dignity of every employee, ensuring equal opportunities for development and providing reliable information on the company's activities.

How to shape employee relations?
First of all, when building employee relations, it is necessary to define what are the expectations of employees and the employer. It is worth clarifying this and creating conditions that will make it possible to meet these expectations. There must be no ambiguities in managing people, everything must be clear and certain so that employees feel safe. Therefore, shaping employee relations should be based on meeting obligations, creating the statutory working conditions, remunerating employees and ensuring their participation in decision-making processes and changes.
employee satisfaction surveys
A good idea supporting employee relations are periodic employee satisfaction surveys. Anonymous surveys will help identify areas that need to be strengthened or fixed. They are also an excellent tool for dialogue between the management board and employees, as long as they translate into real changes in the functioning of the entire organization.

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