GoWork.pl is one of the most popular portals for people who are looking for employment. You can check the opinions about a given employer. GoWork helps companies with effective recruitment as well as building a positive image. GoWork opinions are important, which is why so many brands check what appears on the portal and what the content is as part of employer branding activities. Why is moderating them so important? About it below.
What will you learn from the article?
Currently, opinions about employers play a key role in making career decisions. One of the popular portals collecting opinions about jobs is GoWork. But what do reviews about an employer on GoWork actually contain and what may be the consequences of publishing them?
In the article, we will take a closer look at the functioning of the GoWork portal, analyzing opinions about various employers and their impact on the image of companies. We will also compare GoWork with other recruitment portals, pointing out the differences and similarities between them. We will also focus on problems related to publishing opinions about an employer on GoWork and the possibilities of removing them.
Later in the article, we will discuss whether it is possible to track the IP of a person who writes opinions on GoWork, and whether it is possible to delete one's own comment from the website. We will also look at how an agency specializing in internet marketing can help maintain an employer's profile on GoWork and what alternative solutions are available for companies that want to manage their image online, not necessarily through opinions on recruitment portals.
- GoWork reviews about the employer
- GoWork and other portals
- Opinions about the employer GoWork. What's the problem?
- What is an employer profile?
- Is it possible to track the IP of the person who writes GoWork reviews?
- Can I delete my own comment from GoWork?
- How do I delete other people's reviews?
- How can an agency help you maintain an employer profile?
- If no reviews on GoWork then what?
Should you answer questions from job applicants? Or maybe leave them unanswered? What if there are negative comments about your business in the space? The opinions of GoWork (the owner of the brand is GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy Sp. Z oo) are of great importance. Selected brands on the Polish market conduct a consistent policy of operations on GoWork. Why is it so important?
GoWork reviews about the employer
The portal has been operating on the Polish market since 1990. And although it is not a precursor of this type of activity, it has become one of the best and most dynamically operating platforms of this type in the country. The portal offers services in the field of sourcing employees and is a compendium of knowledge for people who plan to find employment in a given company. The portal shortens the distance between the candidate and the employer. Based on the opinions, a knowledge base about a given company and working conditions is created.
What kind of feedback can candidates get? And what type of people are they? Many of them ask specific substantive questions about the way the organization functions. Some of them want to learn more about the recruitment process. GoWork opinions are also comments from current or former employees. Are they all balanced? Unfortunately not. Offensive ones are removed by the portal.
There are generally 3 types of comments to be found on GoWork:
- from people who are looking for reliable information;
An example of an ironic comment from a person looking for information [original spelling]:
"So how much do you pay for this production in 2022, since in 2018 there were two thousand to two hundred? Still lowest? "
- from future candidates who want to learn the rules of a specific recruitment;
Here is an example of a comment from a person dissatisfied with the recruitment process [original spelling]:
"It is true that I did not work in this company, but" participated in the recruitment ", which may give a certain image of the company. Why did I put the quotation marks? Already translators. In December last year on linkedin I got a message from XXX that they are looking for people with my profile to work as an auditor of medical devices. The message was sent as ctrl c, ctrl v, not rewritten by the recruiter. I filled out the form and we arranged an interview, and this is my first spouse. There was supposed to be contact and no response. So I asked what was going on and it turned out that something needs to be specified in the form sent. After the amendment, the collusion repeated itself "

We can see that the candidate is not satisfied with the recruitment process. What should the company do? First of all, react to the matter.
- from employees and former employees - these opinions can be unflattering and should be moderated.
Example of a comment from an employee [original spelling]:
“The bonus is for managers and agents, not for you, and you must submit. It is up to the manager to decide whether you will get bonuses and how he will divide it, if he intends to do so at all. Everyone only "where the bonus". Become a manager, you will give bonuses if you stay one with the other at all because they are afraid of responsibility but they can write. "
In such a situation, the employer should also react.
GoWork and other portals
GoWork says on its website that it cooperates with 11,000 companies all over Poland. There are nearly 4 million opinions posted on the portal. How does the portal compare to the others? Gemius research shows that individual portals have the following number of users:
- GoWork.pl: 4 014 360
- linkedin.com: 3 587 328
- olx.pl: 3 276 288
- jooble.org: 3 086 424
- pracuj.pl: 3 054 024
GoWork is still the leader of portals for employers and candidates in Poland. GoWork feedback is relevant to jobseekers.
Opinions about the employer GoWork. What's the problem?
The anonymity provided by the Internet makes... comments on GoWork can be merciless. Should the employer fight them and ensure their moderation? Building your brand on GoWork is an essential element employer branding. A well-structured profile can be a showcase and encourage future candidates to apply for a given position. Adequate moderation is the key.

How do I respond to GoWork reviews? The key is speed, content and neutrality. Even if a given comment concerns an employee personally - diplomacy in response is important.
- Respond quickly than the discussion unfolds in an unfavorable direction for you.
- Base on specifics. If the employee asks substantive questions, try to answer them. If they are sensitive - invite him to a private conversation.
- Avoid mentioning names - GoWork reviews often apply to specific individuals. The given names can be deleted - just write to the portal administrator.
- Answer honestly. Construct your answers in the way you would like to receive the answer yourself.

What is an employer profile?
What is an employer profile on GoWork? Are there any unflattering opinions from GoWork on such a profile? Of course!
Interestingly, the portal itself encourages employees to add opinions about working for a given employer. Sample entry [original spelling]:
“We are waiting for your feedback! Maybe there will be a currently employed person who will want to tell us something about working at XXX in the city of Wrocław? Do you know what work looks like here? Share your insights with other users! We are waiting for your feedback! "
For what purpose does GoWork prepare such posts? To stimulate discussion, encourage comments, and thus - encourage the companies themselves to moderate the profile and ... buy a paid advertisement. The employer can set up an employee profile, which takes the form of a highly positioned advertisement.
And although GoWork emphasizes that "self-administration of the employer's profile based on the regulations of the GoWork.pl website - does not mean the possibility of removing opinions" - it certainly facilitates moderating them in some way.
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Is it possible to track the IP of the person who writes GoWork reviews?
It is necessary to moderate comments on GoWork. GoWork opinions can influence your company's image and the decisions of candidates. Negative, harmful and hateful comments should be reported to administrators. And there are many such opinions.
“All Trade Unions in XXX are worse than the priest in the confessional in Żabia Wola. You say during your confession that you have a mistress, the whole management will know about it. They wired a friend who used TiRach to ZUS for 10 years. "
This type of opinion does criticize the organization, but does not mention specific names or identify specific persons (e.g. a colleague of the secretary, daughter of the president of XY). Remember that there aren't always grounds for deleting comments. What do you need a hatter's IP for? Only really if you want to take a lawsuit.
A properly written argument should convince the portal administrator to remove the opinion. It is worth entrusting your profile to professionals from PR agencies who know how to talk to GoWork. Pursuing a coherent policy brings results.
Can I delete my own comment from GoWork?
In moments of agitation, irrational decisions can be made. The author of a given comment can delete it. How can I do that? And for what purpose? If the author of the comment is reached, he may delete it. You should write an e-mail to the address provided on the gowork.pl portal, provide the reason why our opinion should be deleted and ... wait.
It should be remembered that hate speech in Poland falls under Articles 212 and 216 of the Criminal Code.
How do I delete other people's reviews?
GoWork reviews are of key importance to the employer, and above all, to job applicants. So it's no surprise that so many companies are trying to build their profile. And gradually remove unfavorable opinions. As we wrote: removing negative comments is difficult. You should also establish a portal management policy - in such a way that it looks natural.
Not every negative opinion should be a reason to act. A profile looks more natural when it has mixed comments.
- At the beginning, carefully plan your company's policy and action strategy.
- Be cautious and deliberate.
- Only delete comments that are necessary to delete.
- Maintain a uniform tone of communication.
- Be polite and specific when responding to comments.
Remember: comments should only be removed when necessary.

How can an agency help you maintain an employer profile?
PR agencies help to effectively run an employer's profile on GoWork. Before starting cooperation, it is necessary to define the company's needs. And also work on the employer branding strategy. Why is professional help so important? The Internet is alive 24 hours a day, and comments about your company can appear all the time. A specialized company helps moderate comments, stays in contact with GoWork administrators, and when crisis-generating opinions appear (e.g. with the names of given employees), specialists respond immediately. Why is it worth cooperating with an agency in this area?
- You get the possibility to moderate the entries 24 hours a day.
- PR agency provides full care of the profile.
- Guarantees the moderation of posts.
- Prepares comments and replies for candidates.
- He cares about the image of your company.
Why is it worth selecting one person to take care of GoWork's opinions? Internet users are very vigilant. They will notice if your company does not speak with one voice. The PR agency will conduct communication for you and for you tailored to your needs and the company's profile.
Are you looking for help with running a GoWork profile? It is a time-consuming process that requires constant time availability. It is worth asking for help from professionals who have been building the employer's brand for years.
If no reviews on GoWork then what?
How do you take care of what a potential customer, potential employee, business partner will see after entering "company name reviews" or "company name job reviews" in Google? And why is it so important?
- Every day, 33% checks brand reviews on the internet.
- The average consumer spends almost 14 minutes reading reviews before deciding to buy or use a service.
- As many as 63% candidates search for information about the employer on Google before sending the CV.
That is why we have launched a proprietary initiative - a group of tools used within Brand Defense Strategy. One of them is creating and publishing online articles with the so-called a sensitive phrase about the brand - brand name + opinions. Appropriate positioning and a dedicated article can achieve high positions in Google within 1 month for the phrases: brand + opinions. Check what we can do for your company.
Opinions about the employer on recruitment portals such as GoWork.pl have a significant impact on the career decisions of candidates and the image of companies. In the article, we discussed various aspects of the functioning of the GoWork portal, including the content of reviews about employers, the possibility of managing the employer profile and potential problems related to publishing and deleting reviews. We also looked at the role of a marketing agency in helping companies manage their employer profile on GoWork and alternative ways to build a positive online image. We believe that in today's labor market, where the company's reputation plays a key role, conscious decisions should be made regarding the management of opinions about the employer, taking into account both the interests of candidates and the company's reputation.
Worth knowing:
What is the gowork.pl portal used for?
It is the most popular and fastest-growing website devoted to work in Poland, which helps companies effectively recruit and build a positive image of the employer. On the GoWork.pl website, without having to disclose personal data, you can express your opinions on the conditions of employment in a given company, its atmosphere and other issues important to employees. Based on this data, a knowledge base about a given company is created.
What opinions can be found on gowork.pl?
On the GoWork.pl website, we will find opinions of all kinds, most often from former or current employees, and they will not always be positive. We usually deal with three types of entries: from people seeking information, from candidates for a given position and comments from employees.
Is it possible to remove harmful opinions from gowork.pl?
Any offensive comments are removed directly by the portal. In the case of opinions that are harmful, they should be reported to the site administrator for moderation. It is also worth using the services of a professional PR agency that will effectively and efficiently take care of the company's image on the web.