
What is the difference between a tourist event and other company trips?

Office party

In the terminology, there are many different corporate events: tourist event, integration trip, training, integration Party etc. Each of them has its own individual characteristics, which also translate into the way of their financial settlement or the scope of services. So what is a tourist event?

Tourist event - definitions

A tourist event itself has several definitions that are extremely important to distinguish it correctly from other trips. First of all, it must be a trip that lasts more than 24 hours (unless it includes an overnight stay). Example: a conference starts at 4 p.m. and ends at 12 p.m. but includes accommodation.)

Impreza turystyczna to pakiet kupiony w jednym miejscu, np. zwiedzanie winnicy, obiad w restauracji i nocleg zakupione u organizatora, nawet jeśli każdy z komponentów oferuje inna firma. Każdy komponent stanowi istotny element wycieczki – minimum 25 proc. jej wartości. I wreszcie: impreza turystyczna to dwie lub więcej usług turystycznych (za usługę uznajemy np. przejazd, zakwaterowanie lub określone attractions for corporate events)

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A tourist event, and trainings, courses and coaching

Further regulations apply to training, conferences and coaching, which are not treated as business trips by law. What does it mean? Employees should be able to opt out of the above-mentioned cases, although, unfortunately, this is not always the case because of employers' ignorance. Another important issue relates to costs. During the courses or training, the employer may, but does not have to, cover the employee's accommodation costs.

What about events that take place at the company's premises? If they are held during the day, they constitute working time and must be paid for. If team-building, tasks, odbywają się poza firmą, np. wczesnym wieczorem, to czas ten nie jest wliczany do czasu pracy. Ewentualne dodatkowe zasady ustala z pracownikami bezpośrednio szef. 

How to organize training? Warto zawrzeć umowę z pracodawcą w której będą opisane podstawowe warunki. Przykładowo często pracownik, który ma wziąć udziału w drogim kursie podnoszenia kwalifikacji, zobowiązuje się, że nie odejdzie z pracy przez określony czas po ukończeniu szkolenia. Jeśli złamie tę umowę, pracodawca może poprosić go o zwrot kosztów szkolenia. 

What is the difference between a tourist event and a business trip?

Delegation, business trip or business trip are terms used interchangeably. Such trips will be billed differently in the case of state-owned and private companies. In private companies, the settlement and organization of business trips takes place on the terms set out in the company's regulations. In turn, in hospitals or schools, there are statutory regulations imposed by the state.

What are the rules for the company in the event of a business trip? The employee has the right to reimbursement of the costs of a trip or other business trip. He is also entitled to a delegation allowance. If the employer does not provide him with transport and food (e.g. transport by coach and lunch to a company meeting in the mountains where the employee is to deliver a lecture), then bills and invoices documenting the expenses incurred must be kept.

Relevant issues and principles

Impreza turystyczna obejmuje szereg różnych regulacji, których należy przestrzegać, co wiąże się z wieloma definicjami tego pojęcia. Na przykład zgodnie z prawem organizator musi zapewnić Ci jasną informację na temat każdego komponentu wycieczki. Musi również określić z góry zasady rozwiązania umowy. Regulacje określają np. zasady, na jakich organizator imprezy turystycznej może podnieść jej cenę po zawarciu umowy. Może to zrobić tylko wtedy, gdy wzrosną koszty (np. paliwa). Nie może się tak stać później niż na 20 dni przed imprezą, a jeśli koszty wzrosną o więcej niż8 proc., to masz prawo rozwiązać umowę bez ponoszenia dodatkowych opłat. 

The organizer is also a hotel, which offers, for example, culinary workshops and balloon flights, all organized by an external company. If, on the other hand, the hotel offers, for example, accommodation, meals and a fire with sausages, but organizes everything on its own and for a single price, it is more like accommodation with meals. 

A tourist event and a travel voucher

In 2020, a travel voucher was introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, which could be used to pay for accommodation in a hotel, guesthouse or other tourist facility. In 2021, the rules for using the tourist voucher were changed. Currently, a tourist event does not have to include accommodation in order to pay for it with a voucher. It is a rescue for those who cannot receive overnight guests due to sanitary reasons, but who organize all-day workshops or other outdoor activities. The voucher can also be used to pay for packages, including, for example, travel, sightseeing, and sports or recreational activities.

See how to organize a party – event configurator

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