
What is strategic communication?

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What is strategic communication?

The way a company communicates with its environment is an important element of its functioning. Consistent communication facilitates the achievement of business goals and has a huge impact on the final market success. What exactly is strategic communication?

Communication strategy defines how a company talks about itself, its products or services. It is the totality of activities undertaken by the company to influence the environment and achieve the intended goals. It consists of elements such as language (enterprise name, motto, language of messages sent) and visual identification (logo, colors used, etc.).

Communication strategy - definition says that every organizational structure, regardless of size, needs it. For larger, more complex organizations (and even countries), it makes sense to use strategic communication. But first, you need to understand what it really is.

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Without a strategy, it will be very difficult.

Strategic communication - definition

Strategic communication is a kind of information umbrella that unifies the messages sent by the company, and thus affects its image. Moreover, it is a way to build relationships with the environment, based on dialogue, trust and understanding.

Strategic communication is planned and thoughtful communication activities that are to bring benefits to a given company in the long term. It is an information policy of the company, aimed at shaping the views, opinions, assessments and decisions of other entities from its environment.

In other words communication with the environment – is a way of reaching specific target groups in order to promote among them one's own beliefs, ideas and other values, in such a way that it is beneficial to its interests.

Communication is also extremely important to your company's "backbone" and culture. A highly committed workforce increases productivity, reduces employee turnover and ultimately affects the bottom line. Research suggests that companies with committed employees outperform the competition with a non-committed workforce on a number of factors including profitability, customer ratings and even security incidents.

The basic elements of strategic communication can be summarized in 4 short points:
1. The mission of the organization as a communication plan
2. Identification of key topics
3. Maintaining consistent messages for organizational strategies and business goals
4. Giving clear and simple messages

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