PR activities are needed in every society, private, state, profit-oriented or non-profit organization. It also plays an important role in public relations policy. Not only among politicians and political parties. Public relations activities in local government are also justified. What is it about?
Why is it worth conducting PR activities in local governments?
Until recently, many people thought that public relations in non-profit organizations was completely unnecessary. This is a very misleading notion. Negative opinion, bad condition, lack of promotional and image-building activities of local political institutions can have long-term effects. Since these institutions are responsible for the order and security of citizens, they must take care of their image.
In order for local governments to be able to perform their tasks, they must have the support of the society, which they can achieve thanks to appropriate PR activities. What's more, public relations in local politics is designed to stimulate citizens to think and discuss problems, to participate in initiatives. It is also an important tool for educating for collective responsibility.
You do not know how to conduct PR activities in local government?
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Public relations instruments in local government
What public relations instruments do local governments use to create their positive image? First of all, as with all other organizations, they do it through media relations, i.e. by building positive relations with the media. Press offices should be created, thanks to which citizens have access to true and reliable information on the work of local government.
As PR agency we recommend informing the local community about plans, events and actions taken. Another tool worth implementing is sponsorship in PR. It does not necessarily have to be financial support - public institutions can cooperate through substantive support or individual prestige.