
External PR -
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External PR

Bill Gates once said that he would spend the last dollar of his marketing budget on PR. What is external PR? And why is it worth taking care of?

External PR is creating a positive image of the company in its environment. It is a form of communication that involves maintaining contact with regular and potential customers, business partners, media and public institutions, as well as creating and promoting specific ideas and social goals.

Why is it worth taking care of the good PR external? First of all, it is the best way to build a good brand reputation. Actions public relations create interest around the company and its products. They build the brand's credibility and thus increase target groups' trust in it. By scrupulously implementing the PR strategy, the company has a chance to:

  • build a competitive advantage on the market,
  • control the perception of recipients about it,
  • influence consumer decisions,
  • eliminate the negative effects of possible crises.

Does external PR in the company fail?

It's time to put on effective solutions!

PR tools external

External PR can be implemented in various ways. The most popular public relations tools include:

  • media relations - messages to the media can be directed through interviews, press releases or press conferences,
  • events - that is, any conferences, charity events, open days and other events that are to create buzz around the brand; "face to face" meeting with the brand gives it a human face, the brand is closer to its recipients,
  • social media - the presence and systematic activity in social media is an opportunity to reach target groups and a way to build and maintain relationships with recipients,
  • physical evidence - such as gadgets, gifts and other visual identification that increases brand recognition.

External and internal PR

External PR is based on creating relationships with the company's environment and building a good external reputation. In turn, the internal version of public relations is focused on employees and involves thoughtful and efficient internal communication. Internal communication can be implemented in 4 different ways:

  1. in writing - company newspapers, newsletters,
  2. verbally - information meetings,
  3. multimedia - presentations, videoconferences,
  4. visually - notice boards.

A company that wants to achieve spectacular success, ensuring a stable position on the market, should implement both internal and external PR activities into its development strategy. If a professional is responsible for both areas public relations agency, will certainly implement effective and efficient solutions.

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