
Metody rozwiązywania problemów w organizacji – co się sprawdza?

Marketing strategy
What methods of solving problems in the organization will work best?

For an inexperienced boss, every short circuit can be a source of nerve and stress. Experienced people know that difficulties are a natural part of the company's development and the day-to-day operation of the company. What methods of solving problems in the organization do they use? Let's learn from the best. 

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Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawiałeś się, jakie są najlepsze metody rozwiązywania problemów w organizacji? A może interesuje Cię, jak dobrać skuteczną metodę dostosowaną do specyfiki Twojej firmy? W dzisiejszym dynamicznym środowisku biznesowym, menadżerowie i przedsiębiorcy muszą stawić czoła różnorodnym wyzwaniom—od problemów z rentownością po błędy pracowników. Czy popularne metody rozwiązywania problemów zawsze są skuteczne? Jakie techniki można zastosować, aby zaradzić pojawiającym się trudnościom?

W naszym artykule przyjrzymy się sprawdzonym metodom rozwiązywania problemów, które mogą pomóc Twojej organizacji osiągnąć lepszą efektywność i stabilność. Dowiesz się, jak identyfikować źródła problemów, oraz które narzędzia i techniki mogą przynieść najlepsze rezultaty. Zaczynajmy!

Jakie są metody rozwiązywania problemów w organizacji?

There is no single way to solve all problems in an organization. However, the following ideas help you find a solution faster: 

  • look for new solutions - you've probably already tried some problem-solving methods in your organization and it hasn't come out of it. This time just look for new ways. Perhaps something will inspire you. It can be a lecture, a book, but also a box for suggestions from your employees or clients - after all, they are the "closest" to the problem on a daily basis. 
  • Have fun – kto nie próbował nowatorskich metod coachingowo-szkoleniowych, jest wobec nic zwykle sceptyczny. Ci, którzy już brali udział, wiedzą, że to działa! Odgrywanie scenek, budowanie wspólnie maszyny, survival w terenie, podczas którego trzeba współpracować – po oderwaniu się od biura i problemów w skali 1:1 może się okazać, że szybko wpadniesz na metodę rozwiązania problemów w organizacji, o której nie pomyślał wcześniej nikt inny. Ważne tylko, by przynajmniej na początku takie działania odbywały się pod okiem coacha lub moderatora, który będzie czuwał nad procesem. 
  • Delegate the task - many bosses are used to the fact that they have to make literally all decisions in the company. If you are one of them, try this exercise: delegate a solution to a difficult problem. You lose nothing on it, because if the employee fails, you will take care of it yourself. However, it may surprise you positively. Sometimes employees do not develop because they do not have a sense of agency. Nobody appreciates their ideas, so why bother? If you let them prove yourself from time to time, you can not only find a method to solve a problem in the organization, but also a hidden diamond among your crew. 

Will your company cope with the possible crisis?

Don't be surprised!

How to choose an effective method of solving problems in the organization? 

Problem solving methods are just a scaffolding around which effective solutions are developed that have a positive impact on the company's condition. So the most important thing is that you start trying out a few of them. If they don't work, you can change method and look for the next one.  

Szukaj skutecznych sposobów

If you've heard about agile marketing, here too you can apply the same solutions. Observe the progress after applying problem solving methods in the organization. If nothing happens, modify your assumptions or ways to achieve the goal. If the method works, you can continue the experiment. Over time, you will develop the most effective strategies. 

Czy popularne metody rozwiązywania problemów zawsze są skuteczne?

The methods of solving problems described in textbooks have proven themselves in many organizations over tens, and sometimes even hundreds of years (after all, human nature and the secrets of psychology have not changed much during this time). Therefore, before you decide to "reinvent the wheel", use the proposed methods of solving problems in the organization. You can also consult a specialist: a coach, experienced manager, business advisor. In order to gain basic knowledge on this subject, it is also worth reading books. There are quite a lot of them on this subject, such as: 

  • Solving problems in the organization - Gabriel Łasiński, 
  • Four types of problems and how to solve them - Art Smalley, 
  • Work differently. An innovative model of organization inspired by the next stage in the development of human consciousness - Frederic Laloux. 

You can also use the shortcut and order ready-made strategies based on the analysis of the company's situation. How does it work? By carrying out marketing audit

Jak rozwiązać problem braku rentowności?

The most obvious problem in the company is the lack of profitability. Some people struggle with it from the beginning, while others are suddenly surprised at a certain stage of the company's operation. What methods of solving these problems in the organization are the most effective? To restore profitability, you need to build on sound foundations. Very often, a small company owes its success to luck or other random factors. However, this cannot be used to build profitability in the long run. Additionally, as your business grows, new challenges emerge and this is where you can't go to the element - procedures are needed to help you master the team, the hiring process, ordering goods and acquiring customers. Below are a handful of problem solving methods in a non-profit organization, which we have already described in more detail in separate articles: 

  • Check how it is shaped customer retention. Często biznesy działają w oparciu o biznesplany, których założenia są fałszywe. Np. nie bierzesz w obliczeniach pod uwagę analizy churn, a więc nie jesteś świadom, że pewna liczba klientów w naturalny sposób odchodzi od firmy z czasem. Nie zastępujesz ich nowymi, a tym samym zyski spadają, zamiast rosnąć. 
  • Research customer satisfaction, i.e. CSI indicatorIf you don't, they may be dissatisfied and walk away from you. They may not like something that is easily repairable. However, you need to know what it is! 

What model does your company operate according to? The old assumptions may not work anymore. Over time, the vision and ambitions blur, and then even good strategies lose their effectiveness. Effective tools that can help you quickly identify threats and opportunities facing the company, including PESTEL analysis, SWAT analysis or Porter's five forces. They will help you to creatively work through the difficulty and find ways to solve problems in your organization that you would not have thought of before. 

Metody rozwiązywania problemów spowodowanych błędami pracowników

Problems with employees are the second most common difficulties in the company. There are bosses who treat employee mistakes as a personal failure and find it very difficult for them to come to terms with them. Meanwhile, in a healthy work environment, well-known rules apply: the worst truth is better than the best lie, and also: everyone has the right to make one mistake, the only thing is that the same mistake should not be repeated a second time.  

Winny nie zawsze pracownik

Takie wyświechtane komunikaty można uznać za banały, dopóki nie przekonasz się o ich skuteczności. Otwartość w kontaktach z pracownikami i partnerskie relacje to metody rozwiązywania konfliktów w organizacji, które sprawiają, że zespół nie boi się przyznać, gdyby coś poszło nie tak.

W firmach, w których panuje terror, pracownicy wcale nie popełniają mniej pomyłek – po prostu się do nich nie przyznają… To właśnie ryzyko, które wiąże się z modelami odsiewania pracowników, takimi jak sieve model. If there are many mistakes and mistakes, it is possible that it is not the employees themselves that are to blame, but the methods of their training, recruitment or assigning duties.

To select the appropriate procedures and methods internal communication to the needs of your company and employees, please contact us.  

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