Custom publishing is becoming more and more popular in Polish companies. Executives see a number of advantages in self-publishing activities. What are the principles of custom publishing? What should you know about it? PR agency advises.
Custom publishing is the term for publishing content on behalf of a given company. Newspapers, magazines or leaflets can be addressed to an internal recipient, which is an employee of a given department, or an external recipient, who is a customer with a business relationship with a given company. In both cases, the role of the publisher is played by a given company, the main economic activity of which is not commercial publishing. The purpose of preparing the content is to support the tasks, plans or goals of the enterprise. For this reason, the title may focus on marketing support, internal communication or informing about news in the industry, or the latest legal regulations regarding a specific area of activity.
Custom publishing agency - tasks and goals
For example custom internal publishing you could include an insurance company that regularly issues thematic magazines aimed at employees. However, the task of the prepared content is not to encourage consultants to take advantage of the next insurance offer, but to inform them about the company's latest promotional campaign. As a result, employees will be better educated, and thus become more competent in the eyes of potential customers. It also influences the increase of employees' involvement in the participation in a given action and motivates them to achieve better sales results.
External custom publishing consists in directing the published content to business partners. Regularly familiarizing them with the current offer and activities of the company allows you to increase credibility and build a reputation for a stable and prospering company, which emphasizes long-term cooperation. Dana marketing strategy based on the publication of magazines addressed to external clients allows you to build a business relationship.

Where to start your activities?
There are two ways to get started with custom publishing. First you can create internal teamwhose task will be to develop content and publish it in a given form. The team should include people responsible for the substantive part (creating texts, proofreading) and the visual part (graphics).
Do you need custom publishing support?
You're in the right place.
However, not every company can afford to set up a special department dealing with custom publishing. For this reason, you can use an alternative route, which is to outsource the publishing of magazines to an external company. It is definitely a cheaper option that does not burden employees with additional obligations.
Custom publishing doesn't stop with the newspapers
Custom publishing agencies they don't just compose the content. The scope of their services also includes developing a layout design, organizing photo sessions and printing services.
Contract publishing also includes writing books aimed at the pharmaceutical industry. Agencies run company blogs and even create video content. Thus, the distribution of magazines and leaflets is just the beginning of activities aimed at building the image of the brand in the eyes of employees and customers.
Why is it worth getting involved in activities?
Varied tools pr, including custom publishing they are used to interact with customers who are regular readers. It is also a great idea to show the transparency of a given company. Through the content, you can promote activities and show the stages of work on a given project. Thanks to this, the external recipient has an overview of the functioning of the organization. It also enables him to get to know the staff better, which makes him feel more connected with the company.
Professional content it will also allow you to stand out from the competition and increase the likelihood of acquiring a customer. Content marketing however, it requires commitment to create valuable content that will have a good graphic design. It is important to have a clear message and show the transparency of the company's activities.

A marketing tool as it is custom publishing allows you to create diverse content that can be targeted at both internal and external audiences. Noteworthy is the possibility of creating a separate team in the company, commissioned to distribute magazines, or using the services of highly popular custom publishing agencies. Thanks to this, you can easily stand out from the competition, be noticed on the market and finally develop business relationships with given partners. Companies offering such services combine the tasks of an advertising agency, publishing company, printing house and public relations agency.
In the era of information overload and fake news, professionally prepared content proves the company's reputation. contact us and take care of yours.