
Company brand - the most important information at a glance

Company brand - how to build it?

Company brand to ważne ogniwo prowadzenia biznesu. Zbudowanie silnej marki to klucz do osiągania znakomitych wyników i odnoszenia spektakularnych sukcesów na rynku. Czym dokładnie jest company brand? Czy jedna firma może mieć wiele marek? Jak zbudować silny brand? Podpowiadamy!

What will you learn from the article?

In today's dynamic business world, The company's brand is a key element of the success of every company. Rozumienie różnicy między marką a firmą jest fundamentalne dla budowania trwałych relacji z klientami oraz wyróżnienia się na rynku. Ale czym tak naprawdę jest marka firmy? Czy jedna firma może posługiwać się wieloma markami? W jaki sposób zbudować silny brand, który przyciągnie uwagę odbiorców? Jakie korzyści przynosi posiadanie silnej marki dla samej firmy? W poniższym tekście odpowiadamy na te pytania. Dzięki temu wpisowi lepiej zrozumiesz, how brand strategy and marketing activities can contribute to a company's success. The strength of a brand directly affects its position in the market and the way customers perceive it. So it's worth knowing how to use it.


Brand and company

What is this company brand? Pojęcie marki często błędnie utożsamiane jest z pojęciem firmy. Firmą nazywamy zarejestrowaną działalność gospodarczą prowadzoną przez osobę fizyczną lub prawną i mającą określoną wartość majątkową. Jest to nazwa całego przedsiębiorstwa handlowego, usługowego lub przemysłowego. Natomiast marka odnosi się do konkretnych produktów lub linii produktów. Jest to pewna nazwa, określony znak, symbol, logo lub kombinacja wszystkich tych elementów, wzbogacona o pewne wartości, historię i wizję. To znak towarowy umieszczany na danych wyrobach i ich określona jakość. Ideą marki jest identyfikacja pewnych towarów lub usług. A company's brand distinguishes specific goods from competitive goods. Thanks to it, consumers immediately know what they are dealing with - they expect typical quality and form. 

Brand identity - we know how to build it

What is a company brand?

"If it is nothing more than a name, then it is a failure as a brand”- Philip Kotler summed up the essence of the brand with these simple words. This American economist and marketing theorist is considered one of the most influential marketing specialists in the world. Professor JP Jones, in turn, defines a brand as "a product that provides functional benefits and added value that certain consumers value enough to make a purchase."

Company brand to brand wypuszczony przez konkretny podmiot gospodarczy. Company brand może funkcjonować pod tą samą nazwą jak firma lub pod kompletnie inną. Dlaczego firmy tworzą marki? Poza podstawowym celem, jakim jest odróżnienie produktów od innych, jest identyfikacja cech tych towarów – takich jak naturalność, bezawaryjność czy niezawodność. Marki kreowane są w taki sposób, aby wyrażały pewne wartości marki. Powinny się idealnie wpisywać w styl życia konsumenta – odpowiadać jego gustom i być zgodne z jego wizją świata. Brands communicate the emotional benefits of purchasing a specific product, make us remember it and identify it with a specific quality. 

Why is brand building so important?

Strong company brand, a wcześniej budowanie marki firmy, to dziś być albo nie być w biznesie. Niegdyś wybór produktów był mocno ograniczony. Dziś możemy przebierać wśród dziesiątek, a nawet setek marek konkretnych towarów. Tylko dlaczego niektóre z nich cieszą się większą popularnością niż inne, mimo reprezentowania podobnej jakości? Często success lies in the strength of the brand! Consumers like what they know and value. They willingly return to specific products and consciously choose specific brands. Their choices and purchasing decisions are dictated by positive experiences and good associations. Creating these experiences and associations is a task for entrepreneurs. 

The brand promise, brand awareness and brand value should evoke specific, positive feelings in the recipients. A company that builds a strong brand that represents valuable values, has a specific character and evokes positive feelings in its recipients has a greater chance of market success than a company for which building a strong brand is a waste of time.

The benefits of investing in a strong brand of the company are:

  • the ability to dictate price conditions - people are able to pay more for good-quality products signed with a specific, recognizable brand,
  • lower advertising expenses - if the brand is well known on the market, the manufacturer does not have to spend large sums on promotion and marketing, sales winds up by itself,
  • more opportunities for business cooperation - strong brands have a better chance to cooperate with the best business partners, and this may translate into even greater success on the market.

The company's brand is an important element of running a business

Can one company have multiple brands?

Oczywiście! Company brand jest niczym logo. W świetle prawa jest to nawet jedyna możliwa opcja dla osób fizycznych, chcących poszerzyć swoją działalność o nowe produkty z innych branż, sygnowane oddzielnymi markami. Co do zasady przedsiębiorca nie może założyć kolejnej firmy, ze względu na prawny zakaz dwukrotnego wpisu tej samej osoby do CEIDG. Działalność podstawową można jednak rozszerzyć poprzez dopisanie dodatkowych kodów PKD, oznaczających nowe działalności. 

There are many companies on the market that manage more than one brand. Among the most popular, we can mention the company Inditex, which owns such brands as Zara, Stradivarius, Bershka or Massimo Dutti, or the Unilever concern, selling its goods under the brands Algida, Knorr, Delma, Persil, Dove, Rexona and others.

Companies often create competing brands that offer goods from the same industry but of a different quality, e.g. products of one brand are more luxurious than the products of the other. Thanks to this, the company can reach various target groups. Brandies wind each other up, which allows the company to achieve even greater profits. 

How to build a strong brand?

Budowa silnego brandu to niełatwe zadanie. Niemniej w dzisiejszych czasach company brand stanowi niejako jej wizytówkę. Aby pełniła swoją rolę, trzeba zaangażowania, konsekwencji w działaniu i podejmowania racjonalnych decyzji. Building a company's brand should be carried out in accordance with a well-thought-out, individually prepared strategy, based on specific goals. This will create a strong brand identity, which will translate into its positive image.

Positioning is of key importance in building a strong brand. Positioning is giving a brand unique values that will distinguish it from the competition and give it a certain uniqueness. The process may be based on:

  • brand attributes - unique features typical only for a given brand,
  • customer benefits resulting from the purchase of the offered products,
  • brand use situation - e.g. the Merci brand emphasizes that its chocolates are a great way to express gratitude, say "thank you" in a sweet way,
  • country or region of origin - e.g. Swiss watches, French champagne,
  • good price-quality ratio.

Strong company brand it must evoke positive feelings and good associations. Thanks to this, the potential customer will feel unity with the brand and identify with its values and character. This may have a positive impact on his purchasing decision. 

It is worth remembering that building a strong brand also means preparing appropriate ones elements of visual identification. The brand image is influenced by all stimuli, including visual ones. An attractive logo, nice appearance of the packaging or warm, pleasant colors increase the positive feelings of consumers at the thought of the brand.

When creating your strong brand remember the following:

  • its name should be easy to remember and pronounce, and should suggest specific benefits, good quality or a specific category,
  • each element making up the brand must be unique - copying from the competition is not the best practice,
  • its character, language and other elements cannot be vulgar, controversial or even balancing on the brink of controversy.

A company's brand is more than just its logo

In the era of popularization of social media, growing competition and all globalization processes make it so the company's brand becomes a tool for achieving success. Building a strong brand is a way to enjoy loyalty among your customers and generate attractive profits. 

Brand strategy and brand marketing - what attracts the audience?

Proces tworzenia marki powinien być przemyślany i dokładnie zaplanowany. Kluczem do sukcesu jest wykreowanie archetypu marki. Archetyp marki to wzorzec zachowań i wartości, które chcemy kojarzyć z naszą marką firmy. Archetypy to narzędzia, które pomagają w ujednoliceniu przekazu marki i budowaniu jej tożsamości. Ważne jest, aby zrozumieć, jakie wartości są dla nas najważniejsze, aby móc oprzeć o nie archetyp marki. Dzięki temu łatwiej będzie nam skonstruować wizerunek, który będzie przyciągał klientów i przekonywał ich do wyboru naszej marki.

A family brand or the brand of a given product requires a different marketing or PR approach. However, as long as the brand's actions are consistent with what it declares, the brand's strong brand must defend itself. The benefits that a brand brings to customers are one thing. On the other hand, a brand brings more profits to a company, the better the company's products sell. Communication of brand values plays an important role here. The goal of brand marketing is to design the brand in the eyes of recipients in such a way that it builds the company's success.

How to build your brand? Take care of 7 key areas

Building a strong brand is an important aspect of every business. It is a process that requires strategy, patience and consistency. See how entrepreneurs can build customer recognition and trust step by step.

1. Know your customer – understanding the needs and expectations of your customers is the foundation of building a brand. Thanks to this, you will be able to better adapt your products or services and your marketing messages will be in the right tone.

2. Define values and mission – Your brand should reflect the values that are important to you. Perhaps you focus on innovation, quality or ecology. A carefully crafted mission statement will help customers understand what they can expect from you.

3. Focus on consistent communication – unity in communication is the key to building a strong brand. Make sure that the logo, company colors and tone of communication are consistent across all channels - from the website to social media and advertising materials.

4. Build relationships with customers – creating lasting relationships with customers is more than a one-time sale. Invest in high-level customer service and be present where your customers are - answer their questions, solve problems and collect feedback.

5. Take care of your content marketing – offer added value through interesting content – articles, guides, webinars that will help your customers and build the perception of your company as an expert in the industry.

6. Invest in SEO – website positioning in search engines will help you reach a larger group of potential customers with your brand. Remember that the content on your website is optimized for SEO.

7. Analyze and optimize – regularly analyze competitors' activities and your own marketing strategies. Monitor results, experiment and optimize your activities to maintain the brand's growth dynamics.

company brand - it is worth building

Remember that building a brand is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time and consistent action, but patient brand building will pay off in the long run.

By creating a brand identity, you care about its image

The strength of the brand, i.e. what benefits the brand brings to the company

What does a brand bring to modern companies? As long as the company offers products that meet market needs, a strong product brand is the best recommendation. Designing a brand that reflects the company's values is the simplest recipe for success. Building a strong brand involves constant care for the brand's image. Family brand, product brand or other types of brands - each of them must be taken care of at every stage of operation. Therefore, brand marketing is not an activity reserved only for young brands. While the company name and brand name do not change, the preferences and needs of the recipients do. The manufacturer's brand, e.g. underwear, will require a different brand positioning in the target group than, for example, in the case of household appliances. Creating a brand strategy requires taking into account many nuances.

Marka firmy – znaczenie spójnej identyfikacji wizualnej

Spójna identyfikacja wizualna odgrywa kluczową rolę w budowaniu marki firmy. Elementy takie jak logo, kolorystyka czy typografia tworzą unikalny wizerunek, który wyróżnia firmę na tle konkurencji. Dzięki konsekwentnemu stosowaniu tych elementów, klienci łatwiej rozpoznają i zapamiętują markę firmy, co przekłada się na ich lojalność i zaufanie. Warto zrozumieć różnicę między marką a firmą – podczas gdy firma to podmiot gospodarczy, mark to sposób, w jaki jest postrzegana przez odbiorców. Dzięki wsparciu, jakie oferuje agencja brandingowa, można skutecznie wyróżnić firmę na konkurencyjnym rynku.

Rola wartości w budowaniu tożsamości marki

Wartości, które reprezentuje company brand, są fundamentem jej tożsamości. Określają one, czym jest company brand, jakie ma cele i jakie przekonania wyznaje. Jasno zdefiniowane wartości pomagają w komunikacji z klientami, budując z nimi głębsze relacje oparte na wspólnych przekonaniach. Dlatego ważne jest, aby company brand była autentyczna i spójna w przekazywaniu swoich wartości, co przyczynia się do jej pozytywnego wizerunku na rynku.


The brand has its own identity, which is somewhat a reflection of the company's image. Specific actions of the brand, brand-recipient relationship, should resonate with it in order to achieve the brand's goal. Therefore, brand communication, including personal branding, should be focused on promoting the brand. It should help build brand awareness. All this will build the company's success.

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Worth knowing:

How to build a company brand?

We often hear that a company's brand is key to its success. But how to actually build it? First of all, start by defining what distinguishes your company and what its values are. Then focus on creating a coherent image - from the logo to the website. It is also worth remembering about building relationships with customers and taking care of their experience with your company. A good idea is to participate in industry events, publish valuable content on your website or run profiles on social media. Remember that building a brand is a process whose results will not come quickly, but it will certainly pay off in the long run.

What is a company brand?

A company's brand is more than just its logo. It is an opinion and image created by people, customers and competitors. It's the way we see the company. These are its values, mission and goals. The company's brand is also the way it communicates with customers and what emotions it evokes in them. Therefore, it is important to take care of the reputation and build a solid image of the company. Be consistent in actions and show what is most important to us. This approach will allow us to build a strong and recognizable brand that will attract new customers to us and create a committed community.

What is company branding?

Creating a company's brand is a process that includes many activities aimed at establishing its identity and image among customers. A properly prepared brand strategy allows you to build trust and loyalty among customers, which translates directly into increased sales. Creating a brand requires understanding the needs of customers and the market in which the company operates. It is therefore worth investing time and resources in creating an original and memorable name, logo and slogan that will distinguish the company from the competition. It is also important that each element of the company's image is coherent and consistent. Branding is essential to the success of a company, so it is worth paying attention to it.

How to develop a company branding strategy?

Developing a company from scratch can be a demanding task for many entrepreneurs. However, there are strategies you can use to increase your visibility and engagement with your industry. One way is to create interesting and unique content that will attract the attention of customers and give them a reason to pay attention to your company. Additionally, a bold and memorable visual style, including the logo and website, will also help build a lasting brand. Also, do not forget to be active on social media platforms, which will allow for better customer engagement and establishing longer relationships.

How to build loyalty to the company?

This question is asked by many entrepreneurs. There are different ways to attract and retain customers. One of the best is to offer valuable products and services. Customers are looking for companies that have something interesting to offer. It is also important to take care of communication with customers. The right approach and quick response to customer needs can bring many benefits. In addition, the offer of prizes or a loyalty program can encourage customers to stay with the brand for longer.

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