
Employer branding agency - what is worth knowing about it?

Employer branding
Employer internal branding - people are the strength of a company. Employer branding agency - what is worth knowing about it?

The employer branding agency's task is to increase the company's image in the eyes of recipients. A consistent and attractive identity is half the success of any company. In order to achieve the assumptions, it is necessary that the employer branding agency takes care of reliable analyzes and also implements image-related activities. It is necessary to carry out analyzes about the goals of the organization, its values, as well as what it wants to look like in the future. Employer branding agency is responsible for getting to know the internal and external perspective. In practice, this means that its activities are aimed at both employees of the company, associates of the company, as well as potential employees. Image research requires not only time, but also the selection of appropriate tools.

What will you learn from the article?

In the article, we will discuss how an employer branding agency can support your company in the following areas:

  • Internal communication – What are the goals of internal communication and why is it so important? Can an employer branding agency increase employee engagement by organizing internal events?
  • External communications – What image campaigns can be carried out with an employer branding agency? Does such an agency also handle social media?
  • Employer brand PR – How does an employer branding agency shape positive PR for the employer and what benefits does it bring to the company?

We invite you to read to find out how an employer branding agency can contribute to the success of your company!

What is employer branding?

What does the term mean employer branding? Z języka angielskiego to nic innego jak budowanie marki pracodawcy. Oznacza to, że firmy mają na celu budowanie swojej marki tak, aby potencjalni kandydaci postrzegali ich jako jednostki atrakcyjne. Agencja Employer Branding ma za zadanie budowanie wizerunku marki w oczach kandydatów jako pracodawcy z wyboru. Na obecnie zatłoczonym rynku niezbędne jest zatrudnienie wyspecjalizowanej jednostki, która zajmie się budowaniem tego wizerunku. Employer branding można podzielić na wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny.

Internal activities are aimed at the company's employees. They mainly focus on creating an employee-friendly environment. To this end, companies undertake a number of activities, such as creating a friendly atmosphere and development opportunities. In addition, they invest in human capital, thus organizing a series of competitions and individual training. Employer Branding also recommends the implementation of activities that make the lives of employees easier. For this purpose, companies choose office buildings with kindergartens, clothes laundries and gyms. So that the employee's life is concentrated in one place. On the other hand, external employer branding is aimed mainly at potential employees. The aim of these activities is to create an appropriate image of the company as an attractive employer.

Employer branding can be divided into:

  • external;
  • internal.

Examples of external activities:

  • participation in job fairs;
  • organizing special days at universities;
  • activity in social media;
  • media relations activities.

Examples of internal activities:

  • organization of picnics;
  • employee training and courses;
  • internal communication;
  • communication in social media.

Employer branding agency definition

Deadline employer branding was used for the first time in 1990. It was during a conference hosted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. And the definition itself appeared a few years later, in 1996. Tim Ambler and Simon Barrow are considered to be the precursors of this concept. It was them who defined the model in which employees are called clients and took the first steps to create HR. The very concept of the employer's brand and its image was created in the 1990s and there are many mentions in the literature on this subject. The employer branding agency itself was created later, as well as its definition, with which we identify ourselves to this day.

According to the assumptions of the precursors of employer branding, this term was defined as the sum of functional, economic and psychological benefits of being employed and of identifying with the organization. The authors of this concept themselves emphasized that a number of interrelationships that occur between the employee and the employer are very important. Since the 1990s, many descriptions of this concept have appeared in the public space. One of them was prepared by professor Katarzyna Wojtaszczyk, who wrote the habilitation thesis on the employer's brand. According to her theory, employer branding is the process of creating value for stakeholders, which arise as a result of the organization having a strong employer brand. Employer branding is also reference marketing, i.e. one that relies on opinions. Employer branding agency appeared a bit later.

Employer branding at a glance:

  • the term employer branding was used for the first time in 1990;
  • the definition was created a few years later;
  • Tim Ambler and Simon Barrow are considered to be the precursors of this concept.

What can an employer branding agency do in the area of brand identity?

The Employer Branding Agency is something else than that public relations agency. Its task is to build the brand image. An important concept in this process is identity. It is a set of attributes that make a given company unique. Some companies perfectly know their advantages and know why they are unique, while others need the help of an Employer Branding agency in order to create a composition of elements that will be an identifying feature of a given company. Brand identity is something internal to the company, but its impact is multidirectional. On the one hand, brand identity affects employees or management and will cause them to identify with their company or not. On the other hand, it is internal consistency and a series of actions taken to build opinions about a given company.

The concept of image can be placed right next to the brand identity. It is a holistic image of creating a company in the eyes of recipients. They mainly include customers who buy a given product or service. They are also contractors with whom the company enters into business contracts. Image is also extremely important when a company is looking for employees. This may make a person want to work in the enterprise or not. The concepts of identity and image may seem similar. Nevertheless, brand identity is a number of features that make it unique, and the image is how it is perceived in the eyes of third parties.

  • Remember that brand identity is something primal. These are a number of features that make this one unique on the market.
  • The image can be created in any way. Employer branding agency helps in obtaining the right image in the eyes of recipients.

Employer branding agency and brand image

Many scientific publications show that several factors contribute to brand image. An employer branding agency helps diagnose these factors and at the same time ensure that they are compatible with each other. Budzyński in his book "Company image, creation, management, effects" states that the brand image is a complex system of images. It can be said that the image is created as a result of associations that refer, for example, to the situation of purchasing a given product. If the customer has a positive experience and the purchasing process is quick, the company and its products will be associated positively.

Another feature is the functional benefits of purchasing the product, as well as experience. Buyers define the brand using many factors that cannot be easily diagnosed. If we wanted to define employer branding in a simple way, it is a combination of HR and marketing. Companies use many employer branding models. Employer Branding helps you choose the right model of cooperation. And also its efficiency.

Examples of EB models:

  • Backhaus and Tikoo model - this model assumes that the image-building process takes place in three stages. From the creation of the employee value proposition, to the implementation of external marketing of the employer's brand and internal marketing;
  • Martin's model - this model assumes attracting talented employees who will be loyal to the company.

The task of the employer branding agency is to select the appropriate tools to build the image of the desired employer. The key to success is not only recruiting employees. It is also keeping them in the company. According to Antal's research, people employed in transport, logistics, consulting, BPO, e-commerce, trade and FMCG most often leave work. Employer branding agency - having such data - is able to properly use it.

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When were the first EB agencies established?

It is in vain to search the Internet for information about when the first Employer Branding agency was established. The concept itself has been known for some time and companies take a number of steps to build their brand image. Brand image can be considered as important, as can online reviews and opinions about your products. In the online space, we have many profiles that allow you to review restaurants and hotels, and over time, more and more portals have appeared that allow you to evaluate work for a given employer. Employer branding began to become more and more known and therefore the return on investment within employer branding was also checked.

How can this return be measured? First of all, it is increasing brand awareness among potential recipients, who are job candidates. It's also increased conversion rate, that is, the interests of the candidates. And reduced expenditure on recruiting.

Employer branding agency deals with conducting external and internal activities as part of building awareness of the employer brand. The employer branding agency starts with an analysis to get to know the working environment. The next step is to present the commissioning party with the results of this analysis, and then create an appropriate action strategy. The Employer Branding agency conducts activities aimed at employees already employed in the company. These are, among others, numerous messages in various forms, as well as events, including family picnics, team-building trips and training. As part of external communication, the agency conducts activities on the Internet, and also uses reference marketing or media relations to attract potential employees.

Who are the stakeholders of employer branding?

Employer branding agency, before building a comprehensive communication strategy, is tasked with designating stakeholder groups. These are the people it is supposed to go to. Given communication. According to MA Rodriguez and JE Ricart, the stakeholders can be divided into 3 main groups. They are contractual and contextual stakeholders.

  • Substantive stakeholders are employees and owners, i.e. all persons without whom a given company is unable to function.
  •  Contract stakeholders are individuals who are associated with the company on the basis of a formal or informal agreement. This group includes all financial institutions, suppliers and customers.
  • Context stakeholders include local and regional administration and the media.

All of these stakeholder groups should be relevant to the development communication strategy. When we think about a stakeholder within employer branding, the most important group seems to be the one that can potentially work for a given employer. These are people who, based on a good opinion from friends or read on the Internet, are able to submit a CV. The employer branding agency undertakes external activities in order to reach potential job candidates. However, in order to strengthen the image of the employer and gain loyal employees, the Employer Branding Agency recommends the implementation of activities under internal communication.

What is the main task of an employer branding agency?

Employer branding agency deals with internal activities. Its task is to effectively implement communication in such a way that it reaches employees. As part of its activities, the employer branding agency conducts internal communication. Nowadays, in times when we have huge access to modern tools, this is done in many ways. Many companies still use mailing as the main source of information about what is happening in the company. It is also a very simple and quick tool to reach as many employees as possible in a short time.

The Employer Branding Agency also recommends other tools that can help reach employees from different generations. One of such tools is the traditional newsletter, which nowadays also takes interactive forms. These can be modern and simple graphics, as well as short videos from selected events in the company. Another tool recommended by the Employer Branding Agency are internal platforms where messages addressed only to employees of a given company are posted. It is important that communication is multi-track.

Therefore, many companies decide to use social media. For this purpose, special groups are created on selected social media platforms in order to reach as many employees as possible. It is also important that people employed in a given enterprise can express themselves on various topics. The Employer Branding agency recommends creating surveys for this purpose.

Employer branding agency - what is worth knowing about it?

Internal communication activities are very extensive and tailored to the individual character of the company.

  • Employer branding agency selects appropriate communication tools.
  • The agency examines the company's employment structure as well as the needs of its employees.
  • Creates a communication structure within and outside the group.
  • Creates the image of the desired employer.
  • The employer branding agency checks whether the introduced solutions are effective.

Employer branding agency and internal communication

The Employer branding agency has modern tools that enable effective internal communication in the company. This plays a huge role in the team building process. Each employer branding agency has a unique methodology that enables testing the effectiveness of internal communication in a given unit. A study is essential for effective internal communication. What does work in a given company look like, and what are the needs of a given unit.

Based on the research, the employer branding agency creates an internal communication strategy for a given organization. Good internal communication research requires an appropriate and individual approach. Research can be quantitative and is based on an internal communication survey conducted by a research company. These types of surveys are in line with the best practices in the field of communication audit (internal audit), while the qualitative research is based on interviews with individual employees at various levels. It is important that both people who are lowest in the employee hierarchy and people who manage the teams concerned take part in such a study. Qualitative research is also study visits to a given company, which are aimed at examining the communication needs of an individual. The result of the cooperation is a report that summarizes how internal communication works and what needs to be changed.

Employer branding agency will help in the selection of appropriate communication tools. The activities are carried out according to the strategy.

How to speak to the younger generation?

The Employer Branding Agency is responsible for examining the needs of the young generation. Generation Z has a different approach to life than its predecessors. First of all, they are individualists. It is also important to extend the scholarization process. And also changes in the process of transition from education to employment. Moreover, the virtualization and smartphoneization of social communication is important. All this means that the young generation communicates with their surroundings in a completely different way than their predecessors. While other generations learned about digital technologies, Generation Z was born in a time when technology was close to them and accompanied them on a daily basis.

The young generation has completely new values than other generations on the market. The situation of young people on the labor market, especially in times of crisis, is very difficult. The young generation chooses companies that are active and known in a certain environment. It is very important for Generation Z that a given company carries out activities in the field of corporate social responsibility. To this end, before starting work with a given employer, they check whether the employer undertakes activities aimed at environmental protection, reducing the carbon footprint, as well as helping socially excluded groups or the poor. The Employer Branding agency's task is to build such a communication strategy so that the company is seen in the eyes of potential young employees as an attractive employer who cares about the good of future generations.

How to reach the Silver Generation?

The Employer Branding agency aims to build a communication strategy in such a way as to reach all target groups. Not only Generation Z is important to employers. Due to the different specifics of the industry, communication to the Silver Generation is also needed. In occupations that are slowly being forgotten, a large group of employees are experienced, skill in hand. Employer branding agency knows how to communicate with people for whom new technologies are not on the agenda. The Silver generation are mature people in a different way. The definition of this generation varies.

Some say that they are seniors. Others, on the other hand, speak of people who are 60 or older, so they are still active in the labor market. The Silver generation uses new technologies more and more often due to the requirements of modern employers.

Employer branding agency recommends using a more traditional tool to communicate with the 60+ generation. One of them is the publication of special printed guides. This is still very popular among the elderly. Another, more modern, form is the publication of pdf newsletters. The most important thing is not to be stereotypical about this type of communication.

Currently, the Silver Generation is very active. Interestingly, CBOS research on the use of the Internet shows that over 56 percent people aged 55 to 60 actively use the Internet. And in the age group 65-74, it is every third person. On the other hand, every 10 does it in the group of 75 plus. This shows an uptrend. Therefore, it is worth considering using modern tools to communicate with employees of the older generation.

What are the goals of internal communication?

Every company knows that internal communication is needed, but not many of them know why internal communication is really important. At the beginning of work, the Employer Branding agency conducts a mini audit in the company, which consists in diagnosing the needs of employees. What is it doing this for? In order to develop an appropriate communication strategy. What are the goals of internal communication? First of all, it is the provision of information about the company's products or services, as well as plans related to the company's development.

 Internal communication played a huge role, especially in the period of economic turmoil. For example, during the COViD-19 pandemic, it was intended to reassure employees. In addition, internal communication is aimed at providing personnel changes or data summarizing, for example, a quarter or a year. Another goal of internal communication is mutual inspiration of employees. It is an exchange of knowledge and experience. It can take place during internal trainings as well as popular inspirational meetings. The Employer Branding agency also recommends sharing good practices and showing case studies from completed projects. In this way, other people working in the company have the opportunity to see what are the best practices and what to really avoid. The overriding goal of internal communication is to integrate employees around the common value and vision of the company, as well as to motivate them to undertake the set goals. Internal communication builds commitment and increases employee loyalty.

Can an employer branding agency increase employee engagement?

Building commitment is an extremely important issue that entrepreneurs should remember. Before starting internal communication activities, the employer branding agency will examine what you want to achieve. For this purpose, an audit will be carried out, as well as interviews with specific employees. It is important to diversify communication in such a way that different messages reach the management and other messages reach ordinary employees. For internal communication to be effective, it is necessary to check whether the solutions introduced are appropriately selected.

It is important to identify short-term and long-term goals. The next step to effective communication is the introduction, at least once a year, of a communication audit. In this way, organizational culture is examined and good communication practices are checked. For internal communication, it is worth using not only proven tools such as mailing or newsletter. Companies also decide to record podcasts or short videos.

As part of internal communication, the company should necessarily inform about all important matters. Much of this focuses on talking about success. Nevertheless, the company's failures are also significant. The last extremely important step is getting to know the needs and expectations of employees. For this purpose, it is necessary to conduct surveys, organize meetings and workshops.

Employer branding agency selects tools based on the employment structure in the company. People speak to the younger generation in a different way than to the slightly older people. Stakeholders are the next group. As part of external communication, it is necessary to use appropriate tools selected for the recipients.

The employer branding agency will indicate communication errors

The Employer Branding agency is not only to indicate the right directions of activity. Its task is also to show what mistakes a given organization makes in cooperation with its employees. The most common is the lack of communication. This is often related to ignoring this aspect as irrelevant and focusing only on the financial aspects of the functioning of the entire business. It often happens that a given organization grows very quickly in a short time. Managers overlook such an important aspect as internal communication. What is bad for communication is the lack of it.

Employees must be kept informed about the events in the company, both good and bad. And they also need common integration. This one plays a crucial role. What are the consequences of poorly conducted internal communication? It is primarily a large rotation of employment. Currently, the market is struggling with the lack of hands to work. Selected sources indicate that there are no job candidates in many industries. This is the result of the difficult geopolitical situation and the outflow of workers abroad. It is also a lack of appropriate vocational training.

From the latest data. The Central Statistical Office shows that the unemployment rate registered in June this year was 4.9 percent. against 5.1 percent in May. Unemployment in Poland has been falling continuously since February 2021. Even the crisis did not negatively affect the situation. A poorly conducted communication strategy also translates into a lack of employee involvement, a bad attitude or distrust towards the employer himself.

Why is internal communication so important?

Internal communication should be conducted in an appropriate manner. Employer Branding checks what your employees expect. You will communicate with a specific group of employees using a different language and using other tools. Messages addressed to managers and management staff should have a completely different meaning and character than those dedicated to lower-level employees. Internal communication helps the company build loyalty among employees.

It should be remembered that people employed in the enterprise are the best brand ambassadors. More and more consumers pay attention to the opinion on the Internet. When looking for a job on their own, they look for information about a given company. They check forums and also ask friends. If a person who works in an enterprise makes such a recommendation, we can be sure that a potential employee will be more likely to apply for a given position than if he receives negative information about the enterprise from his friend.

A well-thought-out internal communication system is not only about the proper flow of information.

It can improve business performance and staff efficiency. If there is no speculation in the company, there is an appropriate flow of information - then employees feel safe, motivated and thus are themselves motivated to build and create a positive image of the entrepreneur outside. It is therefore worth considering what kind of communication is needed. Employer branding will definitely help in this.

Examples of tools used as part of internal communication:

  • promoting brand value among employees;
  • effective internal online communication;
  • CSR activities;
  • onboaring.

Employer branding agency - organization of internal events

Employee integration is one of the ways to conduct internal communication. According to the survey, 67 percent. employees appreciate integration meetings, 59 percent integration trips, and 48 percent. workshops in the team. After the COVID 19 pandemic, even more people are willing to take part in integration trips. It has to do with the social need to be with another person. During the pandemic, companies were looking for new ways to integrate their employees. For this purpose, online events were organized more and more often. They consisted in employing specialized units that conducted online workshops or games for employees.

Currently, the situation has changed and many companies choose either stationary or hybrid events. Internal events include not only team building events. It is also training and workshops that are carried out with the integration of employees in mind. During this type of event, the Employer Branding Agency selects tasks in such a way that employees can learn about their own skills.

When is it worth organizing workshops for employees? The employer branding agency recommends the following situations:

  • when the team leader changes - this is a great opportunity to meet the new boss and integrate together;
  • when the team has problems with communication - survival workshops or participation in culinary competitions will help to unite the team and understand each other's needs;
  • when creating a new team - building a team from scratch is a huge challenge. Joint integration will help to understand the needs of the other person, learn about their skills and strengths.

What events does the employer branding agency organize?

As part of internal communication, the employer branding agency recommends a number of activities. At the beginning, these are messages addressed to a wide group of employees, as well as a newsletter. Others, however, focus on online or traditional, printed newsletters. The vast majority of companies, however, depart from the traditional form due to the ecological approach to managing their enterprise. The Employer Branding agency also recommends companies to organize events. Many companies focus on the development of employees not only in the area of business, but also in family fields.

Therefore, family picnics are held in the companies. This is a great opportunity to meet colleagues and bosses from a private site. Employer Branding agency during family picnics can also analyze the employee's behavior in such a relaxed situation. Family picnics are usually organized outside, in a place that is not associated with work. Employer Branding during family picnics provides a number of attractions for both adults and children. Many companies also choose to give gifts. Family picnics are very often held on the occasion of Children's Day or simply in the summer season. When there is definitely less work and the weather allows you to organize such events. After the pandemic, family picnics became more and more popular. It has to do with the fact that many people want to meet in a larger group.

The costs of organizing a picnic depend on a number of factors: place, number of participants, type of attractions or catering.

Employer branding agency versus annual awards and other distinctions

The Employer Branding agency also recommends companies to provide additional benefits for employees. One of the benefits that employees welcome are annual or quarterly awards, as well as awards for participation in projects and effects. Annual awards and distinctions are additional support for the employee. They usually take the form of money, although some companies give awards and distinctions in the form of vouchers or material gifts. The Employer Branding agency recommends that such events take place in private places. Hotels outside the city are perfect.

These types of events are also organized in the mountains or at the seaside in charming guesthouses. The Employer Branding agency's task is to prepare the employer for this type of event. Awards and distinctions should be presented in such a way that none of the employees feel hurt. Therefore, some companies also award employee bonuses, which are a separate entity from the award and distinction. In practice, you can also get funding for courses. Most often, awards and distinctions are awarded for obtaining large funding for the company, for acquiring new customers, implementing solutions that accelerate work or modern technological solutions. They are also awards for efficiency and overall work. Employer Branding makes sure that the event is properly promoted among employees.

The prize may also be:

  • integration trip to an interesting place;
  • departure voucher for the employee and family;
  • co-financing for selected courses and training;
  • lunch cards.

External communication – what exactly is it?

The company's external communication can be defined by the way in which the individual conducts dialogue with the environment. Target groups are selected on the basis of appropriate research. There are 3 main types of external communication.

  • Operational external communication is based on the fact that it shows how the company operates. This area is mainly related to contractors, suppliers and external agencies.
  • Another element is strategic external communication. It is used to achieve better results at a strategic level. How the competition communicates is also checked.
  • The last type of communication is publicity communication. It is used in relation to customers and potential employees - in order for the brand's products to gain popularity.

The overall goal of external communication is to improve the company's image as well as to strengthen the brand in the market. In order to build external communication, certain steps should be taken, first of all, communication can never be accidental. The way of talking to recipients should be developed on the basis of market research, as well as the client's profile, competitors' activities and the requirements of the present and potential employees. The key issue is to develop the message and adapt it to the audience. They can be customers, shareholders, and also potential employees. In this type of communication, it is quality, not quantity, that counts. If we are talking about media relations, for example, what matters is the quality of publications, not their number. The EB branding agency recommends setting constant values that guide the brand and adhering to them.

External communication with the employer branding agency

Employer Branding will help you ensure the success of your brand as part of external communication. He will prepare a strategy for you that will help you stand out from other companies in the country and abroad. Employer branding is directed primarily to potential employees, but also to contractors. Therefore, all communication activities translate into how your brand is perceived in the eyes of recipients. An important concept when creating external communication is to define the identity of the company.

You should answer the question of who we are and what we do, what kind of workplace we are and what we can give our new employee and who are the people we work with. Activities under Employer Branding consist in creating appropriate messages and determining key messages in the course of determining strategic activities. As part of communication, it is important to distinguish the so-called personas, i.e. people who talk to potential employees. These can be company presidents, directors as well as representatives of the HR department.

The main tools of external communication include activity in social media, publications in the media, and expert comments. Some companies also create a network of their ambassadors, for example at universities, who put the company in the right light. It is important that external communication is matched.

Employer branding agency will mobilize employees and potential employees to develop their skills and passions. The key role of the agency is to study recruitment, external and internal indicators.

Image campaigns with an employer branding agency

The Employer branding agency will also carry out image campaigns for you. First, you need to define the group of recipients the product is to reach. We will speak a different language to the young generation and using completely diversified and modern tools. Image campaigns are particularly important in conducting comprehensive brand communication. Image campaigns are also an element of employer branding. They can be used to reach a defined group. However, you should know its nature in advance. Before. When creating an image campaign, its goal should be set so that it is measurable and time-bound.

The Employer Branding agency recommends image campaigns that are diverse and undertaken in order to build a specific image. Depending on the target group, the scope of the image campaign will be. Various. Many companies decide on recruitment campaigns in order to reach only the best in the recruitment process. For this purpose, persuasive methods are used. To show the brand movie in the best light. Recruitment campaigns show the advantages of working in a given place of feel and affect the emotions of recipients. Their task is to encourage potential candidates. To apply for a given position. Campaigns can present the company's image and the characteristics of its current employees, but they can also emphasize the company's position on the market. Selected of them focus on presenting a pleasant atmosphere at work and emphasizing the importance of teamwork. Still other companies decide to emphasize the non-wage benefits offered by the company.

  • Employer branding agency helps to implement each of the three types of communication.
  • It is important that the communication is multi-track, content and personalized.

Does the EB agency handle social media?

An important element of the unit's external communication is social media. Why? Because almost half of the world's population uses social networks. The average user spends more than 2 hours a day on social media. Interestingly, visual content is 40 times more shared on social media than traditional content. Almost 9 out of 10 brands use more than one social channel. This data from various sources shows the popularity of social media. The Employer Branding agency recommends that every company that wants to employ young, ambitious and inventive employees should run its channels and direct communication to these people.

As part of social media, Facebook can be distinguished. Communication on Facebook should be modern and encourage people to click on a given post. Another medium that is relevant is Instagram. It contains lifestyle content. LinkedIn, in turn, is considered a business portal that shows the power of your company and why it stands out among competitors. How to measure whether what we do in social media is a good direction? First of all, we should feel the increase in the number of qualitative job applicants. Another element is significant cost optimization. Your offer should stand out from the competition, and thanks to appropriate social media management, you should see an increase in positive online mentions of the brand in its segment.

Popular platforms:

  • Facebook;
  • Instagram;
  • Tik Tok;
  • LinkedIn.

The employer branding agency creates PR for the employer's brand

The Employer Branding agency is responsible for building the employer's brand. This concept is very broad. The employer's brand should be strong and should be built in the eyes of both employees and potential employees. Using a Piarist is important to building your employer branding. The combination of many tools together makes it possible to reach a wider audience. What does it mean that the employer's brand is strong? It is primarily the satisfaction of employees who are employed in the enterprise. They are the best ambassadors.

Brand reviews play a key role in the recruitment process. Employer brand is also creating job advertisements in the right way. These should be clear first of all. Modern employees are very conscious and require companies to provide an accurate description of a given position, as well as a salary range. Specific requirements for a future candidate for a job are also important. The employer branding agency is based on appropriate tools. One of them is the website. This one should be properly optimized. The next step is to have an image strategy. The Employer Branding agency recommends gradually building the employer's brand, which in this case is mainly based on the opinions of employees. In order for these to be positive, it is important to understand that employees are the most valuable capital.

The employer branding agency will take care of the appropriate results. It will make your company gain the appropriate image on the Internet.


The Employer Branding agency is responsible for building a brand image. The very term employer branding comes from the English language. And the term was used for the first time in 1990. According to the principles of employer branding, it is the sum of the functional, economic and psychological benefits of being employed in a given company. It is not fully known when the first Employer Branding agency was established? Currently, many companies of this type combine different competences. They are known as 360 ° agencies. As part of employer branding, you can distinguish the brand image as well as its identity. The Employer branding agency selects stakeholders to whom it reaches with its messages. The first step in building appropriate communication and finally creating a strategy is to verify the needs of a given company.

The next step is to check what rules apply in the unit and what needs to be changed. Employer Branding also talks to employees and conducts individual interviews to find out what can be improved in the company's structures. The Employer Branding agency conducts internal and external activities. The former are aimed at the company's employees. As part of internal communication, messages are issued, podcasts are created and videos are recorded. It is also the organization of integration trips and events as part of external communication, a number of activities are undertaken in social media or in traditional media. Therefore, the image of a given company is built as a whole.

Employer Branding is of great importance because it helps build a comprehensive image of the company and become a desired entity on the market. In addition, it positions the brand in terms of communication, creating original creations.

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