
When is marketing outsourcing the best solution?

Marketing strategy
Commplace PR agency

Marketing outsourcing is becoming more and more popular. Some companies are looking to outsource some of their marketing activities, and some are looking for all of their marketing activities. Research shows that almost two-thirds of B2B companies outsource part of their marketing. However, size does not matter in this case. Whether you are a corporation, startup or small business. Effective marketing is one of the key elements of your development and success.

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Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawiałeś się, czym jest outsourcing marketingu i dlaczego coraz więcej firm decyduje się na ten krok? W dzisiejszym dynamicznie zmieniającym się świecie biznesu, skuteczny marketing jest kluczem do sukcesu. Jednak nie zawsze jest łatwo nadążyć za najnowszymi trendami i technologiami, zwłaszcza gdy brakuje wewnętrznych zasobów. Dlatego też, outsourcing marketingu staje się coraz bardziej popularnym rozwiązaniem.

W tym artykule przyjrzymy się, dlaczego outsourcing marketingu się opłaca, jakie korzyści może przynieść twojej firmie oraz jakie są podstawowe zasady współpracy z zewnętrznymi specjalistami. Dowiesz się, jak outsourcing marketingu pozwala zmienić perspektywę i skupić się na kluczowych aspektach prowadzenia biznesu, podczas gdy eksperci zajmują się budowaniem twojej marki.

Jeśli jesteś menedżerem lub właścicielem firmy, który zastanawia się nad efektywnym sposobem na wzmocnienie działań marketingowych, ten artykuł jest dla Ciebie. Przekonaj się, jak outsourcing marketingu może odmienić twoją strategię i przynieść wymierne korzyści.


Which is why marketing outsourcing is of interest to all types of companies, from start-ups for mature companies? Each of them strives to ensure the greatest possible smoothness of all operations - including the company's marketing activities. It often turns out that in practice it is not so easy to do. There are so many challenges to prioritizing and managing them! In addition, a mistake may jeopardize the company's development. Fortunately, marketing outsourcing solutions can help you overcome the difficulties of running your day-to-day business. And at the same time, they will contribute to the scaling of marketing activities.

What is marketing outsourcing?

Marketing outsourcing is exactly what it seems. It is the process of transferring your marketing activity to an external entity. External marketing can work in conjunction with internal marketing marketing activities or it can completely replace the need to have your own marketing team. Depending on the services provided by the outsourced company, you may choose to outsource some or all of your marketing activities. This may include, for example:

A good marketing agency before starting any marketing activities on your behalf, develops a strategy. First, she'll want to understand your business goals and evaluate your current marketing efforts. Discover just a few of the many benefits that you can get by hiring a marketing agency to work for the success of your company.

Effective marketing is one of the key elements of your development and success.

Check how we can help you.

Marketing outsourcing - definition

Marketing outsourcing is a method of management and organization consisting in a relatively permanent, long-term, contract-based transfer of responsibility for the implementation of specific tasks in the area of marketing to a specialized external partner, taking into account the dynamic, interactive and partnership nature of cooperation aimed at obtaining economic and quality benefits. It comes down to narrowing down the scope of tasks in the area of marketing carried out directly by a given enterprise and entrusting them for permanent implementation by other economic entities. This method was born as a result of companies' efforts to reduce the size of the organization while maintaining their operational efficiency and competitive position.

Oursourcing marketing is a method of permanent external service by specialized entities, external management. It should be aimed at obtaining by both parties economic benefits and effects allowing for development. The following tasks are most often outsourced in marketing outsourcing:

  • monitoring changes taking place on the market,
  • customer expectations research,
  • creating concepts for new products or services,
  • defining a promotional, advertising, communication and distribution strategy,
  • conducting activities in social media,
  • creating content (texts, photos, videos, graphics) used in brand communication with the environment,
  • shaping the sphere of public relations.

Marketing outsourcing causes the reconstruction of the internal structure of the company towards concentration around the selected key activity, while developing sustainable, strategic partnerships with service companies. The condition for these integrations is a written confirmation of cooperation, enabling, inter alia, transferring responsibility for the performance of certain services for an external company and sharing the risk and benefits between partners.

Types of marketing strategies - what will work for your company?

Oursourcing marketing goes beyond simply subcontracting. It focuses on ensuring partnership and long-term cooperation with strategic effects for the enterprise. An important feature of marketing outsourcing is cooperation in achieving the set goals, two-way information exchange, as well as a high level of trust between partners.

Marketing outsourcing - quotes

The concept of marketing outsourcing was born out of the desire to save - time and money. As Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder, points out, “Economy drives innovation, just like other constraints. The only way to get out of a tight box is to figure your way out. " This sentence perfectly describes the need to use pioneering and also bold methods. Thanks to them, companies will be able to focus on what is most important, outsourcing what is necessary to specialized external entities.

He is echoed by Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, who points to the value of the innovative nature of the outsourcing method. In his opinion, "Companies that grow thanks to development and improvements will not die. But when a company ceases to be creative, when it believes that it has achieved excellence - it's over. "

Marketing outsourcing allows you to reduce the need to hire your own employees to perform specific tasks, as well as change fixed costs into variables. It is a real saving for the company, which is one of the most important success factors according to Warren Buffett, an American investor. One of his maxims is: Rule number 1: Never waste your money. Rule number 2: Never forget rule number 1. ”

Bill Gates is of a similar opinion. Microsoft's co-founder emphasizes the value of a cost analysis that can clearly show that outsourcing certain tasks or even business areas will simply be more profitable. “The business of any company begins and ends with an in-depth analysis of numbers. Regardless of what a company does, if it cannot learn from the facts of its own business and makes decisions based on superficial information or intuition, it will end up paying a heavy price for it. "

The fact that you are not able to do everything alone is convinced, among others, by Anna Roddick, founder of The Body Shop - “We entrepreneurs are loners. Success is simply about surrounding yourself with the right people. The ones with open minds and brilliant souls. Which can take our madness and make good use of it. " Strong companies are able to identify their weaknesses and eliminate them using the skills of specialists.

Specialization supports marketing success

You are still asking your marketing manager to launch new options Google Ads? Perhaps your chief marketing officer is still creating all the content for your press releases? Or maybe you entrusted your marketing coordinator social media management, ponieważ „jest młoda i na pewno ogarnia takie rzeczy”? Zbyt często zdarza się, że osoby odpowiedzialne w firmach za marketing są delegowane do pełnienia innych funkcji poza ich podstawowymi rolami.

Zamiast po prostu zdecydować się na outsourcing marketingu i zlecać na zewnątrz te dodatkowe zadania prawdziwym ekspertom. Tym bardziej, że dziś specjalizują się oni w coraz węższych dziedzinach – od marketingu mobilnego, po public relations. W zależności od charakteru działalności Twojej firmy, te specjalności mogą być bardzo poszukiwane i mogą jej przynosić wymierne zyski. Więc próba wykonania zadania kimś, kto jest już członkiem Twojej załogi, może być kusząca. Ale czy na pewno warto ją podjąć?

Dlaczego uutsourcing marketingu się opłaca?

Continuous communication evolution means a greater demand for people who can use modern technologies and find new channels to reach customers so that the company remains competitive. Can you afford to internally plant all these marketing specializations, especially after the pandemic? These professionals usually value themselves accordingly, so unless you have recruiting budgets like Amazon, Google, or Apple it can be tough. Consider it differently. You may not need a full-time specialist or senior strategist. Marketing outsourcing will therefore be the optimal solution. And at the same time, certainly more economical.

Whichever you choose marketing strategy the return on investment must be profitable and measurable. Even the most competent in-house team can lead to a return on investment that does not fully justify the hours spent in the company. On the other hand, by employing a marketing agency, you can be sure that you are investing your funds properly. The marketing agency makes sure to show you the real effects of its actions and adheres to very high standards when it comes to proving that they work. Moreover, since the cost of marketing outsourcing is largely tied to results, you can rest assured that your projects will be completed.

Commplace PR agency

Jakie korzyści daje outsourcing marketingu?

Marketing outsourcing brings a number of benefits to the outsourcing company. They include, among others:

  • the ability to focus the company on key activities and developing key competences,
  • access to technological resources, specialized marketing tools and skills unavailable due to high implementation costs,
  • limiting the need to hire own employees to perform specific tasks,
  • slimming and simplifying the organizational structure and changing fixed costs into variables.

The implementation of the marketing outsourcing method is also associated with obtaining a number of indirect benefits that result from the introduced organizational changes, which include, among others, improving the competitive position, increasing market share, enriching the market offer, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and attracting new customers.

Marketing outsourcing - basic principles of cooperation

Each company is in a sense "doomed" to cooperate with partners who provide products or services necessary for its proper functioning. Only the biggest players on the market can afford to launch specialized subsidiaries. It is much easier to reach for subcontractors or external suppliers.

As part of marketing outsourcing in Poland, activities related to brand promotion or market research are most often outsourced. There are many agencies on the market that operate comprehensively or specialize in using specific marketing tools.

Companies as part of marketing outsourcing often use not only the services of external agencies, but also freelancers - web developers, copywriters, photographers and graphic designers.

We can distinguish strategic or tactical marketing outsourcing. Another division allows us to distinguish repair, adaptation and development marketing outsourcing. In practice, marketing outsourcing is carried out in two basic forms: separation or commission.

The separation of marketing tasks under outsourcing applies to a situation where a given task is carried out within a separate area of the organizational structure of the entity, as a result of which it may be removed from the structure and transferred to a specialized external company.

On the other hand, outsourcing marketing tasks is performed when the tasks do not form a separate area in the company's organizational structure, do not include the company's key competences, but are useful in the implementation of other strategic activities.

Marketing outsourcing allows you to change your perspective

If the same team of people has been doing the same thing for a while, it can be difficult to make changes. Even though new employees bring a fresh perspective with them, it may be too easy for them to adopt the habits or mindset of an "old" team. Marketing outsourcing will completely avoid these problems. Your marketing agency will not be affected by outdated management methods, the company's office policy and bad habits. A marketing agency will see things differently, so your business may act differently.

Marketing is not an after-hours job. It requires a lot of planning, creativity, developing strategies and analyzing every move so that you can achieve your company's end goals. contact us today to find out how PR agency, and specifically experts from Commplace, can help your brand go to the next level!

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