
Effective image campaign: 3 most important principles

Effective image campaign: 3 most important principles

Have you ever wondered why customers choose one specific product from other competitors? Often, the brand has the greatest influence on consumers' purchasing decisions. Customers choose brands they know and like. Therefore, investing in image should be an integral part of the activities of any company that wants to be successful on the market. What should an effective image campaign look like?

An effective brand image campaign step by step

As PR agency we confirm with full force - brand image translates into real sales results. In order to achieve the set business goals and gradually build a competitive advantage on the market, you need to invest in a decent image campaign.

The aim of the image campaign is to reach the largest possible number of recipients, in line with the previously defined profile of the ideal client, and to enroll in their awareness in a positive way.

Your company's online image attracts or repels customers.

We will make it translate into an increase in sales results!

How to design an effective campaign?

  1. First of all, you need to define the target group in detail. Even the best prepared, extraordinary image campaign will not bring the expected results, if it does not suit the recipients. When defining the target group, it is necessary to take into account their demographic data, characteristics, interests, preferences (including the media they use most often), the language they use, and the values they follow. Perfect knowledge of the target group is a recipe for construction brand recognition and achieving spectacular success.
  1. Today, in the age of a wide market and fierce competition, each brand wants to stand out somehow. This is often the only way to be successful in business. However, it's important to do it wisely. Strongly controversial slogans, actions balancing on the edge of ethics may have the opposite effect to the intended one - instead of a warm, positive image, we will end up with a tarnished reputation.
  1. The brand image campaign should be based on the values important for the brand, its attributes. An example of an image campaign that brings the expected results? Coca cola! What do you associate the Coca Cola brand with? With warmth, family, Christmas atmosphere, love and friendship. For years, the brand has been running an image campaign focused on these values. The Coca Cola Christmas truck has become, in a way, a symbol of Christmas. And all this is due to a well-thought-out image campaign.

Planning an effective brand image campaign is a big challenge. Requires adequate knowledge of marketing, public relations and mechanisms in a given market. To be sure that the strategy will bring the expected results, it is worth entrusting its preparation to a professional PR agencies. At Commplace, we know how to manage PR to be successful on the market. contact us and check what we can do for you.

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