
How to increase the value of the company and brand in the eyes of customers and investors? Learn 3 effective ways

Customer acquisition
How to increase the value of the company and brand in the eyes of customers and investors?

The company and the brand exist for the customers. It's a fact. Investors are also an equally important group of stakeholders. Both (and above all their capital) are attracted by strong brands, consistent in their communication and respected on the market. So how to increase the value of the company and brand if we are still at the stage of aspirations to become a leader? We answer.

Be visible where they are looking for you

97% of Polish internet users uses the Google search engine. There is a very high probability that even now your potential customer is typing a phrase related to your brand. Will it find your website easily? Here it is worth bearing in mind that almost in 90% it will only look through the search results from the first page (there are only 10 pages on it). And if it belongs to the 63% that asks in the Google search engine - it will click on the first three links. What actions should be taken in this area to increase the company's value?

The conclusion is simple: if you are visible online - you will cease to be an anonymous brand. This, in turn, will allow you to reach a potential recipient and increase brand awareness. As Sebastian Kopiej from the Commplace agency says: A high position in search results is an important element of competition with the competition. It determines the company's prestige and increases its potential.

How to advertise a company on the Internet? Be aware that often the first step in a sales funnel might be to type in a phrase related to your brand and click "enter". Will your website appear there? It depends on you. What can you do? Use appropriate SEO tools (eg Marketing Conversion) that connect content marketing with sale. These, in turn, ultimately strengthen conversions and increase brand value.

Data and data again - here's how to add value to your business

How can you attract investors or potential buyers for your business? Follow the principle: “When in doubt, reduce it to numbers. They don't have emotions. What data are we talking about?

They can be divided into data on publications about the brand:

  • Number of media publications about the brand
  • The reach of media publications

Website data

  • Unique website visitors
  • Number of website views
  • The position of the domain in the search results
  • The number of clicks on the "contact" tab on the website

Data on the clients / potential of the company

  • Brand versus competition (market share, growth, advantages)
  • Distribution of products
  • Number of contracts   
  • Amounts of long-term contracts / agreements
  • Original solutions
  • Seasonality of searches (how many people enter its name in the search engine)
  • Number and value of inquiries
  • Number of clients (and forecast)
  • ROI of advertising campaigns

Do you want to increase the company's value in the eyes of customers and investors?

We are specialists - we will help you optimize your results.

By showing the above data, you will indicate in black and white how much your company is worth. This, in turn, will positively affect the mood of investors or business partners. - However, if the above statistics are still not satisfactory for you - seek support from specialists who will help you optimize your results - adds the expert from Commplace.

How to increase the value of the company and brand? Show references

As many as 72% customers admit that referral from another person influences their purchasing decisions. On the other hand - the results of the "Global Trust in Advertising" report show that only every third satisfied consumer actively recommends products or services.

This is a good time to implement reference marketing. The essence of reference marketing, also known as referral marketing, is to motivate consumers to share their experience. The implementation does not require financial outlays, but time and energy - both for you and the recipients of your offer. With minimal effort, you can gain a strong promotional tool that will translate into an increase in the company's value and brand, and thus the company's profit.

If you are still wondering how to increase the value of your company and brand, start with these 3 simple steps. Bet on visibility in search results, present numbers that will show the company's potential and show off positive reviews. This will help you reach both new customers and business partners.

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