
Is there an ethics in public relations today?


In the era of spreading fake news and disinformation, ethics in public relations these are rules that protect recipients from lying. In Poland, there is a Code of Ethical Public Relations, and in the world, the Stockholm Charter. Thanks to them each PR agency must be guided by honesty, reliability and a number of different principles.

5 pillars of public relations

Ethics in public relations as defined by the Public Relations Education Committee is: a set of principles, beliefs and values that should be guided by all those who engage in PR practice. "* To better understand the moral context, it is worth focusing on five pillars that set the direction PR activities:

  1. Truthfulness,
  2. No damage,
  3. Charity,
  4. Confidentiality,
  5. Honesty.

Each one public relations agency must implement the above 5 pillars in its activities. Thanks to them, it is primarily obliged to provide reliable and honest information to the public. It is forbidden to knowingly mislead people as well as to hide certain information that may be relevant to the public.

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Ethics at work of a PR person

Pro-employees are people who represent their clients and are responsible for building trust. Such a profession should be included in the profession of public trust. Public relations are always facts and truth - that's why ethical responsibility towards the public and your clients are the main determinants of the rules of conduct of people working in PR. Thanks to this, this field of work is prestigious, has respect and a high reputation in the opinion of the society.


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