Public relations activities are about honesty, honesty and truthfulness. Yet there is one area where competition is deliberately harmed, and more. Are such actions allowed and the result worth the risk? And what is black public relations?
What is black public relations?
Black public relations refers to all kinds of activities and practices aimed at damaging your reputation or corporate image, person, product, organization or even an entire nation, using a variety of tools and methods. Most often, they include presenting misleading and untrue facts about a competitor, including posting negative advertisements.
Częstym działaniem jest również podawanie do opinii publicznej nieprawdziwych czy negatywnych informacji, aby pogrążyć konkurencję. Inną z praktyk jest wystawianie fałszywych recenzji na temat produktu czy usługi. Zarządzanie kryzysowe to jeden z obszarów działań, jakimi zajmuje się PR agency. If your company has fallen victim to dishonest practices, especially false information, be sure to read our text on how to deal with it:
Are you looking for help?
You don't know how to deal with black PR?
We will suggest what actions to implement!
Examples in business and politics
Black public relations is, unfortunately, a very common phenomenon. The simplest example is a dismissed employee who slanders a former employer, for example on social media. Very often, black PR is used by political parties or specific politicians. In political campaigns, they focus on emphasizing the negative aspects of competition, rather than on their own positive qualities or an attractive program. In such cases, propaganda, psychological manipulation or just plain cheating are most often used. It is enough to look through the advertisements of the largest election campaigns - both in Poland and abroad - to notice the practices of black PR in them.