A statistical internet user spends from a few to several dozen seconds on a website. Therefore, the site owner has little time to interest him. When designing a website, every aspect is important - from graphics or content to elements such as tagline. What is a tagline? And what should it be characterized by?
What is a tagline?
Tagline is a very simple and at the same time extremely effective tool for brand positioning on the web. This is a slogan usually placed under the website's logo. You can specify it as a supplement to the company name. The slogan most often highlights brand attributes, some key feature of the product, a unique benefit of taking advantage of the company's offer. Its task is to distinguish the brand from the competition and indicate its uniqueness.
Having trouble constructing your taglin?
We know how to create a catchy tagline for your target group!
What should a tagline look like?
You have little time to interest the internet user and show them that they will find what they are looking for on your website. Therefore, you should make sure that the tagline attracts the attention of all visitors to your website. One slogan can express more than 1000 words, so it's important that it is catchy, structured in an interesting way, and full of value. A decent tagline is a slogan that connects information with marketing. The slogan should:
- match target audience - a different slogan will go to adults and a different one to teenagers,
- match the branding elements - the tagline is part of the visual identity of the brand, therefore it should perfectly match the other elements,
- be easy to remember - it can be based on a funny play on words, rhymes, surprising associations, homonyms,
- be timeless
- evoke positive associations with the company, its products or services.
Tagline in practice
Biedronka "Everyday low prices", Lidl "More for the joy of life", Whiskas "Your cat would buy Whiskas", Nike "Just do it", McDonald's "I'm lovin 'it" - advertising slogans of the biggest brands are probably known by everyone who testifies to their high quality. Success lies in the strategic approach to positioning and marketing. Market giants are aware of the importance of each element of their identification. They know that sometimes the smallest elements can have the greatest impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is worth following an example from them. A well-structured tagline can do more than you think!