
PR - what does it mean today?

PR - what does it mean

The beginnings of PR, as the basic principles, can be seen ... in antiquity. And although the contemporary understanding of public relations is slightly different from the contemporary one, it can undoubtedly be considered one of the important stages of shaping the whole phenomenon. PR - what does it mean today and what did it mean in the past?

The first stage of shaping PR began in antiquity and lasted until the Middle Ages. In ancient Greece, it was believed that the key to a spectacular political career was public fame and support. Rhetoric was used to promote oneself and build awareness in the eyes of the audience.

PR - what does it mean?

During the industrial revolution and the so-called sharks of capitalism, the second stage of public relations began to develop. Sharks were called ruthless people who put profit first, not the good of others. The situation has led to widespread public resentment of "sharks". In order to slightly improve the communication of "sharks" with the recipients, institutional advertising was introduced.

The third stage of shaping is the activities of Edward L. Bernays and Ivy Lee, considered to be the precursors of the concept of public relations. PR - what does it mean according to them? Bernays argued that PR has always existed, and people from the very beginning had to earn the trust of others. In his opinion, public relations is an effort to gain social support through information, persuasion and adaptation.

PR - what does it mean?

Effective actions and measurable effects.
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Ivy Lee preached in his famous appeal that the public should be informed. What does PR mean? In the Statement of Principles issued in 1906, he indicated the main tasks and features of a PR person - ie providing information, accuracy, openness and assistance in verifying facts.

The present day is considered the fourth stage of shaping PR. At that time, the activities of, among others, Polish Public Relations Association (1994). The initiators of public relations in Poland were Alma Kadragic and Piotr Czarnowski. Two years later, in 1996, the PR Code of Ethics was prepared.

Public Relations goals

Branża public relations nieustannie się rozwija. Powstało już wiele definicji, wyjaśniających, co to znaczy PR. Jednak wszystkim przyświeca ta sama idea – celem PR jest budowa i utrzymanie pozytywnego wizerunku marki we wszystkich grupach docelowych. Każda firma, która chce odnosić sukcesy na rynku, powinna zawrzeć w swojej strategii rozwoju działania z obszaru public relations. Nikt nie wdroży ich skuteczniej niż profesjonalna PR agency.

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