
Business customer acquisition - how to improve the results?

Customer acquisition
Business customer acquisition - how to improve the results?

The statistics can be discouraging: only one in four B2B e-mails will be opened, and an average of a dozen phone calls are needed to close the sale. How to improve the efficiency of business customer acquisition? 

What will you learn from the article?

Customer acquisition is one of the key challenges for every company. In the article, you will discover how to effectively acquire B2C and B2B customers using various channels and methods. You will also learn what problems most often arise in the process of acquiring business customers and how to solve them effectively. Finally, we will share examples of interesting strategies that may inspire you to implement new solutions in your company. We invite you to read!

B2B transactions are typically larger, more complex and require a longer sales cycle. Moreover, purchasing decisions in companies are often made by several people, which means that the sales process must be adapted to different interests and perspectives.

B2C and business customer acquisition 

Acquiring business customers is largely the same as generating B2C leads. In cooperation with companies, emotions also count, and these are built using similar tactics as in communication with ordinary customers. The main differences are: 

  • Duration - usually the process of acquiring an individual customer is shorter and less complicated. You need to put more effort into B2B communication. 
  • transaction value - most often in B2B the contract value is higher, which translates into the complexity of the sales process. 
  • Tongue - although there is also room for relaxation in communication with a corporate client, the CEO or business owners need more specificity. More formal language reaches them. 
  • personalization - there are millions of individual customers, while companies interested in a specific service - much less. In each of them, the decision is made by one or more people who have a lot in common. The message addressed to them may therefore be more personal than in communication strategy addressed to individual clients. 

The above list itself contains hints when it comes to acquiring a business client. It's worth adjusting your message to what business owners expect. The basis should, of course, be the selection of the target group of customers. It can help marketing audit. Sometimes completely new groups can be identified in the process. 

Marketing automation tools allow you to qualify as leads, for example, all entrepreneurs who submitted an inquiry on the website or visited a certain number of subpages and subscribed to the newsletter. You can also start acquiring a business client by creating regional or industry databases. 

What are the key stages of acquiring B2B customers?

1. Identification of potential customers

The first step in acquiring B2B customers is to identify companies that may be interested in your products or services. It is worth using tools such as LinkedIn, industry databases or specialized CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that help collect information about potential customers.

2. Research and segmentation

Once you've identified your potential customers, the next step is to conduct research to better understand their needs and problems. Customer segmentation allows you to tailor your offer to specific target groups, which increases your chances of success.

3. Making contacts

In B2B, building long-term relationships is key. Start by establishing contact through e-mails, telephones or business meetings. It is important that your first messages are personalized and focus on the benefits that the potential customer can gain.

4. Presentation of the offer

Once you have established the first contacts, present your offer in a clear and transparent way. Focus on what specific problems your product or service solves and how it will benefit the customer's company.

5. Negotiations and finalization of the transaction

B2B negotiations can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to be flexible and ready for compromises while protecting your interests. When both parties are satisfied with the conditions, we proceed to finalize the transaction.

6. Building relationships after the sale

Acquiring a customer is just the beginning. It is equally important to maintain a long-term relationship that will benefit both parties. Regular contact, technical support and ensuring customer satisfaction are the key elements of building loyalty.

Through what channels and methods can you acquire business customers?

In the off-line world, methods of acquiring business customers include telemarketing or visits by sales representatives to branches. IN B2B on-line marketing this may be the so-called cold mailing or contact via social media. However, the most effective method is to direct customers' attention to your company so that you do not have to call or write to them first. This can often be observed in the example of SaaS companies.  

Your product is great, but your customers don't know it?

It's time to change that!

An advanced product or expensive service is not for everyone. Such companies often use a free, simple version of the product to generate leads. In return, they add the user's email address to the database. The next step may be content that is helpful for business owners - a slightly more specialized newsletter or content on the company blog. This sales funnel strategy means that companies interested in the paid version of the product will soon start applying for it themselves. Remember that business people are practical people, constantly looking for new inspirations. Closed groups, business webinars and e-books have become a good way to reach them.

When acquiring an individual customer online, you need to focus on many different platforms at the same time. It could be Instagram, Facebook, TikTok... Acquiring business customers requires slightly different tactics. You'll most likely find them via LinkedIn, so that's where you should focus your efforts. Of course, behind every company there are real people, and they search for words on the Internet just like all customers. That's why it's worth investing in tailor-made strategies: 

Do you know that according to HubSpot increasing the number landing pages will increase the number of potential customers by 55 percent from 10 to 15? It is with the help of such tricks that you can significantly improve the acquisition of business customers in your company. 

Acquiring business customers - the most common problems 

Not all companies practice strengthening relationships with potential customers yet. Warm emails, warm calls, and finally warm leads - this is the holy grail of the marketing world because it significantly increases conversion. Meanwhile, some people still use ineffective techniques, such as sending blind leaflets or hundreds of random e-mails. Acquiring business clients this way is usually a waste of time.

Just like individual customers, business owners increasingly want to feel that their business partner understands their problems. Personalization and personal contact make the offer of one company look much more interesting in their eyes than that of the competition. That's why it's a myth that you should have a universal offer addressed to everyone. It is worth looking for a differentiator that will be remembered by customers - including business ones. 

What tools support B2B?


CRM systems help in managing customer relationships, tracking contact history and analyzing the results of sales activities.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation enables effective e-mail campaigns, personalization of communication and analysis of customer behavior.

Data analysis

Data analysis tools allow for better understanding of the market, identification of trends and optimization of sales activities.

Examples of interesting B2B customer acquisition strategies 

Wishpond is dedicated to providing solutions for marketers. He uses an interesting lead generation strategy. For its advice-filled articles it offers free downloadable content: 

  • mini-e-books, 
  • check-lists, 
  • step by step guides, 
  • listings such as "100 ideas for ...". 

To receive such a guide, simply provide your e-mail address. During 10 months of such a campaign, 2,302 marketers decided to do so. Many of them soon reached for the company's paid product.  

Another very popular strategy used by debuting brands is free consultations. Some offer 10-minute Skype calls or half an hour of advice over the phone. If the value of the potential contract is high, it is worth having up to a dozen such conversations to find one B2B client.

Business owners often don't know how to approach the problem they are struggling with. They may not want to blindly opt for an expensive advice package. A thorough consultation will allow them to find a simple solution on their own or make sure that they really need specific help. 

On the Internet you will find lists of dozens or even several hundred inspirations regarding acquiring business clients, step-by-step guides and e-books. But do you have time to read them? If not, contact us. Experts from Commplace will select ready-made strategies to be used in your company. 

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