Personal branding jest wykorzystywany coraz częściej w przypadku firm, organizacji oraz osobistych przedsiębiorców. Funkcjonujemy w zdigitalizowanym świecie, dlatego tak istotne staje się budowanie renomy przy wykorzystaniu mediów społecznościowych. Czym zajmuje się personal branding? Jak sprawić, by samo nazwisko przyciągało klientów?
Personal branding in business
Personal branding is a marketing strategy that consists in building a coherent image that plays a significant role in business relations. Own personal brand applies not only to high-level people, but also to employees who start their adventure with business or start running an independent business. Building a personal brand it also applies to freelancers, i.e. people who are self-employed, who undertake cooperation with larger entities. Thanks to extensive marketing activities, you can become recognizable in the target industry, which significantly affects the acquisition of business partners.
Building a personal brand - stages
A personal brand attracts business partners and allows you to build more lasting relationships with them. When a given person has a reputation, people identify with him, and thus more willingly buy products signed with his logo or use the services offered. Such a person will find himself much better on the market and attract customers. If someone is satisfied with a given purchase, there is a high probability that he will recommend it to the next person. Reputation allows you to dictate higher prices. Of course, they must go hand in hand with quality, but with a good image you do not have to classify your services below a given level, because you can be competitive in a much higher price range. Personal branding enables faster development of the company. However, building your own brand is not just that media image for famous people, but above all a beginner's tool. For this reason personnel strategies can be divided into several stages:
Objective. Starting from the starting point, it's a good idea to search the Internet for your name or its related organizations. It is important to define the purpose of personal branding. In order for it to bring the expected effect, its assumptions should be individually defined.
Define your subject of interest. It is important to identify the main industry that relates to your product or service. It is worth targeting your materials to a specific audience. In the beginning, regular activity on social media is crucial. Experts dealing with marketing strategies recommend creating backup materials before starting a given project. They will be necessary at the initial stages of building a brand, because they can be uploaded even when you are not present, and thus maintain the continuity of the message. This is very important not only from the perspective of new recipients, but also internet algorithms.
Don't be afraid to establish relationships with people in the industry. A brand can only be built through permanent contact and free flow of information between people from the industry. People who close themselves off from interacting with others because they fear competition do not gain much. Belonging to the industry groups on LinkedIn or Facebook portals means that you will not miss any trend or event, and thus strengthen your competitiveness.

Action. When implementing your project, don't forget to be authentic. First of all, you should treat your audience equally and publish only proven content. It is very important to get rid of errors as they can contribute to less credibility in the internet space.
Professionalism. If you specialize in a particular area, you cannot make yourself an expert on everything as people will sense it immediately and you will lose your reputation as a result.
Always a given product or service must exist for something. To achieve a given goal and help others. Consider what problem the product you have introduced solves. Branding services and products without added value will result in insufficient demand for them.
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Can you create a strong personal brand yourself?
People with experience in a given industry can easily build their own personal brand. However, this is a long-term process, so it is better to use the help of professionals. They will develop a plan and enable it to be implemented in the long term. Thanks to this, you will be able to focus only on your business. When starting your adventure with personal branding, it is easy to make a number of mistakes that may have a negative impact on the image of a given person.
Personal branding od wielu lat wykorzystywany jest w całej Europie Zachodniej i USA do rozwijania indywidualnej marki osobistej. Strategia ta staje się również coraz popularniejsza w Polsce, jednak wciąż zdaje się być niedoceniana przez niektórych. Warto zadbać o swój wizerunek, aby kojarzony był wyłącznie z pozytywnymi działaniami i wysoką jakością. Pomoże to rozwinąć własną firmę i sprawić, że stanie się ona rozpoznawalna w branży.