
Sensory marketing: charm the customer's senses!

Customer acquisition
sensory marketing

There are now dozens of customer acquisition methods, including sensory marketing. The aforementioned strategy appeals to the senses of recipients to evoke the expected reactions. Some people are visual learners, others auditory or kinesthetic. It is worth remembering when planning an advertising campaign. In this article, we will look at how to influence the senses of customers so that they decide on our product or service. 

What is sensory marketing?

Until now, brands have focused on the visual and auditory senses of the audience, while others have ignored it. Sensory marketing is based on all senses, thanks to which it allows you to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, it helps to gain the trust of customers. This is a simple but effective technique to arouse the interest of your target audience. It is worth using it both when designing a website and when introducing a product to the store. 

How to encourage a customer to buy?

Wondering how to shape specific consumer behavior? First of all, you should precisely define your target group, and only then adapt the activities to their needs. Remember that a variety of factors, including demographic, cultural, economic, social and psychological factors, influence your final purchase decision. In order to encourage customers to take advantage of the offer, it is usually not enough to offer an attractive price. You should also pay attention to the packaging, logo, distribution channels and methods of promotion.

Bet on sensory marketing to trigger specific reactions in your audience. Make sure that your store has the right atmosphere. Consider whether the decor evokes positive associations with the brand. Experts argue that emotions are currently one of the most effective marketing tools. 

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How to evoke positive emotions in customers?

To stand out from the competition, it's worth enabling aromamerketing to the sales strategy. It can be used not only when planning an image campaign, but also when organizing an event or releasing a new product. It helps to build positive shopping experiences, which translates into better sales results. Make sure the fragrance you choose doesn't overwhelm your customers. Consider if it reflects the nature of your brand. 

Sight is one of the most important senses in the advertising industry. In order to attract the attention of customers, it is worth publishing aesthetic content on the website and on social media. When it comes to touch, check that the product is pleasant to touch and fits well in your hand. Do you run a beauty salon, shop or cafe? Then make sure you have quiet and calm music playing in the background. 

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