
Conversion rate - how to publish to sell?

Commplace PR agency

The conversion rate translates into results. Your company acquires 50, 100 or even 200 publications on the Internet every month. Just great titles. You achieve high AVE scores. You can see that the people responsible for your company's e-PR spend long hours to achieve this result. But how does this relate to the number of hits on your website? It turns out that it doesn't. There are no more inquiries and no more customers. Why? And what advises PR agencyto change it? Sometimes it is enough to improve literally a few things to increase the conversion rate and increase sales without revolution.

571 new websites are created on the Internet in just 1 minute. Over 1,000 entries appear. Masses of internet users send 204 million e-mails. According to Cloud Technologies, 5 years ago it appeared on the web every 15 minutes 20 quadrillion new data. Internet users are still looking for something. Every minute they enter about 2 million searched phrases in Google.

The conversion factor translates into the results.

Check how we can help you.

Public relations a competitive advantage

Based on the statistics, there is a high probability that your competition is right now creates another content. At the same time, a potential customer is looking for information about the product or service you offer. The main question is – who will he find faster? Who will appear higher in search engine results? You or your business competitor?

The race is on and time is running relentlessly. Probably your intuition tells you that there is no need to wait. We must act. Invest in public relations. Generate new, new content. Publish and ... wait for the effect. Then what? Repeat the whole process from the beginning? How to check whether the published content leads to the desired behavior - sending a query, subscribing to the newsletter, making a purchase. Measurable data on it will give you the conversion rate.

Conversion rate - the impact on the effectiveness of internet marketing

Unlike click-through rate or cost-per-click, conversion rate shows how good your marketing is. How much it encourages people to do what you expect from them. So in the case of publication it is not about quantity but quality.

Substantially, search engine information is a key business asset. - explains Bartosz Zieliński, Managing Director at the PR Commplace agency. At the same time, it encourages us to approach the topic of the so-called "Cool head". It can be difficult to resist hitting high KPIs in the area of e-PR. However, they need to be verified. Generating hundreds of pieces of information will not be effective if the pace of new ones appearing faster and faster. Even an interesting publication appearing on a popular portal will disappear after a few hours. What does it mean? That nobody will do what you expect. It will not buy your product or perform the desired action - adds an expert from Commplace. Doing so will not make the potential customer a paying customer. Conversion rate to be improved.

Customer acquisition thanks to inbound marketing

In the assessment of several thousand companies surveyed by Hubspot, the most valuable leads (59%) are obtained by inbound marketing. So being found by the client wins the first place on the podium. In the second place, the respondents pointed to customer acquisition directly by the sales division (29%). In turn, the least valuable leads came from advertising and mailing. Thus, outbound marketing, with a score of 16%, ranks third.

Now that you know what works, you need to find a way to do it. how to "get found". Put yourself in the role of the customer. How do you, as a customer, search for information? According to the analysis, almost 97% of Polish Internet users use the Google search engine. Another 82% of them click on the organic results. Just 6-18% pages are collecting paid traffic. Also, take into account that more than 90% of Internet users view the results only on the first page. A 63% – clicks only on the first three links. How does the conversion rate relate to this? You need to be found at the top of the searches.

What does a good conversion rate mean?

Bet on marketing conversion. Marketing focused on increasing the number of conversions allows you to increase it by up to 30%. What does this mean for your company? Conversion rate optimization means getting a satisfactory level of sales. Without the need to generate a large amount of content and without fighting for new publications. Moreover, you don't need to generate new content at all. All you need to do is cleverly use the existing materials. 

Conversion marketing activities strengthen conversion and support sales. First, however, you need to properly assess the potential of content, photos, videos and correlate them with the behavior of search engine users. In addition, optimization, including comprehensive ones, is also important SEO activities. What do you get? Google will list valuable content in the first search results that will lead the potential customer straight to your business. - Bartosz Zieliński from Commplace explains.

E-PR in combination with marketing conversion make publications start selling. The customers will find you themselves. You, in turn, will achieve a satisfactory level of income. Remember - there is no place for "art for art" in business. Facts matter. What can be measured like conversion rate. According to the proverb, one should act wisely, not hard. Contact us - we will advise you on the best solutions for you.  

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