What marketing activities should we take so that consumers choose our company over the competition? How to be at the top of Google search results? What to do to make communication on social media effective? How to build customer loyalty around the brand? How to plan online marketing? About it in today's post.
What is online marketing and what does it consist of?
Online marketing is a set of activities focused on promoting products, services and the brand itself on the Internet. Internet marketing includes, for example, SEO activities (positioning of websites in Google), SEO PR, or running a sponsored link campaign. It is also advertising on websites. It's activity in social media or b2b marketing. However, this is only a part of the set of activities that make up the whole long and extensive process. And the activities, methods and tools of online marketing are still coming. Solutions are changing and require companies to stay up to date with current trends and consumer expectations. Therefore, he is often responsible for all activities public relations agency.
How to plan online marketing?
Check how we can help you.
Consistent online marketing strategy
For this reason, internet marketing requires a well-thought-out and consistent strategy. It also needs specialist knowledge provided by professionals in a given field. To be able to implement effective online marketing w firmie, de facto trzeba zatrudnić kilkanaście osób. Jedna zajmie się pozycjonowaniem, inna planowaniem i tworzeniem treści. Inne osoby pracują nad reklamami Google Ads, a inne kampaniami w mediach społecznościowych. Wobec tak szerokiego zakresu potrzebnych działań coraz więcej firm zleca je po prosu na zewnątrz. Agencja PR Commplace specjalizuje się w marketingu internetowym. Agencja PR posiada wiedzę i zasoby konieczne do wdrożenia kompleksowej strategii marketingowej online dla danej firmy.
Online audit and competition analysis
It is worth starting the development of an online marketing strategy by conducting an audit. It is a thorough analysis of the current online situation. An analysis that allows you to assess which actions have been taken, what have been forgotten and what needs to be improved. Based on the audit results, future steps are planned and current activities corrected. All this to increase the effectiveness of online marketing.
The next step should be to analyze the competition on the Internet. It is about reviewing the activities carried out by companies that are in direct competition with our enterprise. There are various tools that allow you to see what SEO strategy your competitors have implemented. As he carries his sales communication. We will find out where and how to advertise, and the most important - whether these activities are effective. Such an analysis of the competition in terms of marketing activities allows you to see how better than us work and is a great source of inspiration for our own activities.

The choice of marketing methods - SEO and referral marketing
The modern Internet gives companies a huge amount of opportunities to promote their products and services. Sometimes it is difficult to understand if all of them will actually bring the desired results in our industry. So how to effectively plan online marketing? You need to make an appropriate selection of marketing methods and tools. Positioning in the Google search engine is definitely among the absolutely basic activities. It is Google that is used by over 95% Internet users in Poland. They look for information about products or services there. They are looking for news about the companies themselves and opinions about them. You need to take actions that will elevate our website to the highest positions in Google. Only TOP3 counts, TOP5 at most, maybe TOP10. Why? Because marketing research confirms that the majority of Internet users only click on the first few links suggested by Google.
Reference Marketing
Another thing is referral marketing. It is about monitoring and scrutinizing opinions on the Internet. Especially negative reviews. Today, the power of user feedback on the Internet is greater than ever. Anyone can create opinions on the Internet. More and more consumers are seeking advice through online feedback websites. Before deciding to choose a specific company. Opinions appear not only in the company card on Google, in maps, but also on the company's website on social media. Comments on the Internet are also opinions, to which you need to react on an ongoing basis. Planning your online marketing activities must therefore include controlling the quality of the testimonials that users give about the company. The idea is to minimize the amount of negative feedback on the Internet and get as many positive reviews as possible. There are various tools for this that should be handled by an online marketing specialist.
How to plan online marketing for the e-commerce industry?
How to plan online marketing for a store? Marketing for the e-commerce industry can be treated as a separate field that requires the intensification of many activities. For example, for online stores, e-mail marketing and presence in price comparison websites are important. Here, too, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns is measured in a slightly different manner, which should translate into measurable financial profits. Both in the case of online stores and companies offering services, the influence of graphics on marketing effectiveness is also important. Therefore, when planning online marketing, you must not forget to implement a consistent one visual identification on all official channels related to the brand.