
How to effectively use AI to promote business?
5 tips

how to effectively use AI to promote business

The importance of artificial intelligence in business is growing every month. This revolutionary technology has changed the system and quality of work in many industries. One of the areas that takes full advantage of it is marketing. The skillful and responsible use of this technology in promoting business is now becoming one of the most important factors in building a competitive advantage. Therefore, it is not worth ignoring this potential. Here are some tips on how to implement and use AI effectively in your business!

Gain knowledge about your contractors

How to use AI effectively? It turns out that artificial intelligence is an extremely valuable ally when it comes to researching the target group. How to define the target group? Thanks to automation and advanced analysis and reporting, you can profile your customers in detail - learn about their preferences, demographic data, habits, problems and needs.

When you then adapt individual forms of advertising to this valuable data, also with the help of artificial intelligence, you increase the chance that you will reach the right people with the right message. This way, you will expand the group of satisfied, loyal customers. AI will also help you segment your audience to accurately differentiate your messages. Moreover, thanks to predictive analysis, predict consumer reactions and behavior.

How to use AI effectively? “Hire” chatbots!

The numbers don't lie. 88% customers have had at least one conversation with a chatbot in the last year [source:]. It is able to solve most of the basic problems reported by consumers. Companies are increasingly choosing to use this technological support to improve daily communication with customers, improve the quality and efficiency of customer service, and at the same time reduce costs.

Of course, it is not worth giving up human interactions completely, especially when dealing with complex questions or customer problems, but chatbots work great as an improvement in everyday work in typical issues. This is definitely one of the areas where it is worth using AI effectively.

Monitor social media

According to the "Social Media 2023" report prepared by Gemius, PBI and IAB Polska, 28 million Internet users aged 7-75 use social media in Poland. When it comes to platforms, the leaders are Facebook and YouTube [source: -already-available/]. Marketing largely focuses on these communication channels. And here AI proves to be a valuable support, as it is making a real revolution in social media management.

How to use AI effectively and why is it worth it? Artificial intelligence can analyze thousands of posts and filter them according to specific criteria or user reactions. This significantly relieves the burden on administrators and at the same time helps in segmenting recipients and identifying their needs and preferences. Artificial Intelligence will also support you in planning, creating and publishing content on social media, as well as monitoring campaigns implemented through these channels. You can use tools such as Hootsuite, Lately AI, Copy AI or Socialbakers.

AI in the process of planning advertising campaigns

The basis of an effective promotional campaign is its proper planning. Here you can use artificial intelligence to:

  • predicting trends, behavior patterns and customer preferences;
  • obtaining proposals for advertising goals and target groups;
  • personalizing ads so that they do not fall into a vacuum, but reach the right people with the right message;
  • automation of processes related to planning and launching campaigns;
  • results prediction, i.e. predicting results such as the number of clicks, reactions, sales.

To plan and conduct campaigns, marketers most often use tools such as AdCreative AI, Semrush, Scalenut, ChatGPT, Jasper AI. Some of them not only help in creating advertisements, but can also analyze competitors' activities, identify the most effective forms of promotion or help with positioning.

How to effectively use AI to optimize business processes?

Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can optimize your company's activities to maximize the use of its resources and increase the efficiency of processes. In terms of marketing, AI allows you to monitor the effectiveness of campaigns on an ongoing basis (for example, thanks to tools such as Mixpanel) and make changes in real time appropriate to your needs.

How to effectively use AI to optimize business processes? Detailed analyzes and reports made by the digital mind allow you to identify weak points or inefficient areas in the company's operations. Thanks to them, it is possible to make necessary corrections or improvements. After all, an appropriate response to dynamic changes is extremely important in business. Another way to optimize business processes is to automate routine tasks, which is possible thanks to AI, saving resources, time and money. Additionally, the prediction provided by AI helps make more accurate decisions. Artificial intelligence is also a valuable tool when optimizing expenses.

AI and human creativity – the perfect duo

Contrary to emerging concerns, artificial intelligence is not intended to replace humans. Its aim is to improve their work and increase its effectiveness. It is the person who has to give this final shape, and his or her creativity, experience, soft skills and individual approach cannot be replaced. This is why in this entire technological revolution it is important that AI tools end up in the hands of competent people.

Undoubtedly, however, a digital mind can help you in many fields, both in running your business and promoting it. Among all the benefits, the following seem particularly valuable: help in establishing a unique, lasting relationship with the recipient, improving customer service, automating many processes, as well as planning, conducting and monitoring advertising campaigns.

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