
Communication in the hotel industry - consulting for the inBetween brand

Communication - internal and external is crucial in brand development. Internal activities have a positive impact on relations between employees, as well as their attitude towards the brand and loyalty. External communication, in turn, allows us to reach properly profiled recipients and encourage them to take advantage of the offer. It is these two aspects that we have discussed in communication strategy prepared for the inBetween brand.

About the inBetween brand

In Between is a unique 4-star facility located in a quiet area 8 km from the center of Lublin, between the Kozłowiecki Landscape Park and Nałęczów. The concept of a modern facility with an urban style and reference to nature makes it a special place. Especially for those who appreciate a high standard of service, want to enjoy delicious food, good sleep and relaxation in the SPA.

1,250 m2 of conference and banquet space provides guests with multi-functional air-conditioned rooms equipped with a sliding wall system, multimedia and stage equipment. The hotel, famous for its comprehensive service, meets the highest standards, thanks to which it will satisfy even the most demanding customers.

The SPA & Wellness zone is a great place for relaxation and recuperation. The inBetween offer includes a wide selection of massages and a range of cosmetic treatments in the Beauty Zone. Additionally, relaxation in the jacuzzi and saunas in the Water and Sauna Zone will ensure an unforgettable experience.

Challenges for Commplace - internal communication and external

Our consultancy focused on supporting the achievement of the following goals:

- correct brand image among internal and external recipients,
- shifting the emphasis in communication to people - employees,
- conveying the vision and strategy to employees.

In addition, the prepared strategy includes elements such as introducing emotions into communication, tools reducing employee turnover, CSR activities, sponsorship and organization of competitions. The effect of our consultancy in the field of internal communication was the efficient flow of information between employees and company departments, employee involvement in the active implementation of the organization's goals, arousing the sense of belonging to the inBetween family in employees. Taking into account the messages sent outside, we focused on: increasing the awareness of the brand among potential customers, improving the positioning of the brand in the network and obtaining recommendations from opinion leaders andimage building an expert in the industry.

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The scope of cooperation

Communicate wisely. Bet on the quality of the message, not the quantity.

A team of specialists was appointed to carry out this action, including experts in the field of PR and communication. Before starting the work, together with the client, we agreed the following scope of work:

Audit and analysis of the current brand activities

This is the action from which we start working on a new strategy. First, Commplace experts analyze the brand's activities to date. As a result, we have full information about the quality and quantity of activities carried out by the brand. The analysis also allows to determine the effectiveness of these activities and verify whether they are consistent with the goals and the set direction.

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Communication audit

Communication audit to proces, który określa, jak skuteczna jest komunikacja marek. Dotyczy ona sposobu, w jaki firma lub organizacja wysyła i otrzymuje informacje; lub udostępnia je różnym odbiorcom. Audyt należy przeprowadzić dla każdego typu komunikacji, którą prowadzi firma, lub typu odbiorców, do których ją kieruje. Dzięki temu będziemy w stanie zweryfikować mocne i słabe strony komunikacji zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej. Podczas audytu ważne jest także ustalenie celów. Chcesz określić, kim są Twoi kluczowi odbiorcy i jak skutecznie komunikujesz się z nimi? Ile wiedzą o Twoich produktach/usługach lub o Twojej firmie? Jakie błędy popełniłeś w przeszłości, jeśli chodzi o komunikację? Jakie możliwości przegapiłeś? Przede wszystkim, w jaki sposób możesz zapewnić lepszą komunikację w przyszłości? Audyt komunikacji stanowi mocne fundamenty to znalezienia odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania.

Preparation of an internal communication strategy

Efficient strategia komunikacji wewnętrznej jest istotnym elementem działalności operacyjnej. Możesz stosować nawet najlepsze praktyki i procedury, wspierające komunikację z klientami, lecz ten sam poziom należy utrzymywać wobec Twoich pracowników. Dlaczego? Taka strategia umożliwia organizacjom przekazywanie przekonujących i autentycznych komunikatów wszystkim pracownikom, pomagając im angażować się i dostosowywać do wizji, celu i wartości. Angażowanie pracowników w całej firmie umożliwia pracownikom podejmowanie decyzji zgodnych z celami organizacji. To z kolei prowadzi do większej produktywności i lepszej obsługi klienta, co pozytywnie wpływa na rentowność działań.

Preparation of an external communication strategy

Contrary to internal communication, external means the exchange of information both inside and outside the organization. Organizations communicate with the outside world on a daily basis. External communication is the first step in creating an appropriate corporate image. It includes everything from carefully prepared letters, reports, presentations or websites to press releases. Its main goal is to convey to the outside world an important message about the work and quality of the organization.

Commplace recommended products and tools

The tools and products that we will use to achieve our goals include:

Effective communication = success

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