The goals of marketing communication are long-term goals. You have to focus on a marathon, not a sprint. The effects - that is, the increase in the value of your brand, will come with time. Unlike promotional campaigns, which are short-term purchase incentives, the results can be seen immediately. The goals of marketing communication will be achieved when you persuade customers by consistently reinforcing the feeling that your brand gives them the benefits they expect and need.
The basic goals of marketing communication can be reduced to three basic dimensions. Marketing communication it is intended to serve firstly to communicate, secondly to compete and finally to persuade. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The objectives of marketing communications can be tailored to exactly match the current needs of the company. Everyone will agree public relations agency.
3 main goals of marketing communication
The main purpose of marketing communication is transmission of information customers and recipients. Always based on the principles of effective communication, it takes place, inter alia, through advertising, personal sale, promotion or public relations. Another goal is helping the company to consistently and effectively compete on the market. After all, many companies can sell essentially the same product, at the same price, at the same points of sale. Only through effective marketing communication may a company be able to reach out to the people identified customer segments, properly differentiate your product and create a level of brand loyalty that will give it the ultimate edge.
The goal of marketing communication, which is assigned the greatest importance, is to convince. Convince the customer to do a specific thing, such as purchasing or subscribing. However, it should be noted that "persuade" is not synonymous with "persuade". The goals of marketing communication in this regard can be considered achieved when the company communicates so convincingly that the consumer decides to make a specific decision.
The goals of marketing communication are long-term goals.
Check how we can help you achieve them.
Presenting information in a convincing way is crucial in marketing communication, which in addition to the three mentioned, can fulfill other, very specific tasks. The most important thing is to clearly define the goals of marketing communication in the company.
Marketing communication goals - increasing brand awareness
Not only is this one of the most common goals in marketing communication, it is also usually the first for a new business. When you enter the market, you need to let people know that your business and products or services exist. You can use different tools for this. The most important thing is that the image of your company, your brand name and slogans are on the lips of the largest audience possible. Your goal is to become known and remembered. Established companies also use this function of marketing communication. Their goal is to continue building or maintaining the highest brand awareness. This means that they want customers to think about them first before even considering any other options.
Marketing communication to change the perception of the brand
Changing the perception of the company or brand - these are the next goals of marketing communication. Sometimes they appear crisis situations. They can be the result of the spreading of incorrect or untrue information about the company, products or services. In other cases, negative publicity is the result of a business scandal or disturbing company activity. BP invested millions of dollars to clear up the public eye after the infamous Gulf of Mexico oil spill in mid-2010. Local companies usually do not have such a budget, but the scale of the embarrassment is probably not that great. Fortunately, the previously developed crisis management strategy also includes an effective way of communicating during this difficult time.
How to motivate customers to buy?
For many companies, the key goal of communication is to motivate customers to buy. It is based on emphasizing the superior benefits for the user, resulting from the purchase of a specific item of a given brand. In order to effectively motivate customers to buy, you need to perfectly hit the basic need or desire that prompts them to act. Likewise, when the goals of your marketing communication mean encouraging a rebranding. This is the specific goal of convincing customers who buy competing products that yours will better meet their needs. They will be better compared to "other leading brands". It's a little easier in this case. Why? Because customers are already buying under your product category. This means that the need has been established. All that's left is to convince potential customers that your product or service is better and encourage them to try it out, and then stay true to your brand.
Regardless of the goals of marketing communication, effective communication is distinguished by several unchanging elements. First, it should inform about things that are important to customers. Second, it should do it in an understandable way. It should also make the consumer believe that the message is true and convincing. And fourth, that it is as attractive or even more attractive than the one communicated by the competition.