Naturalness. This is the key word for the Victoria Cymes brand. Our next challenge was to capture this naturalness in the camera lens. A beautiful picture will say more than a thousand words. It will intrigue the recipient. It will encourage him to try the product. It will make them more willing to test new products. And finally - it will strengthen the brand image and increase sales.
About the brand Victoria Cymes
The Victoria Cymes brand has been on the market for over 35 years. Behind its success is the combination of proven recipes with the highest quality products that are made in the plant in Wałcz - the heart of the clean area of the Wałcz Lake District.
Currently, the portfolio of Victoria Cymes includes over 160 products, and many of them have won awards and certificates confirming the highest quality.
The company's flagship and most popular product is fresh Cymes juices delivered daily to refrigerators in stores all over the country.

Challenges for Commplace
The whole concept of the photo session was based on the premise: Victoria Cymes = people. In its communication, the brand wants to emphasize that Cymes products are a gift for people, while emphasizing their naturalness. Our task was to present this message. The photo session scenario envisaged the execution of the session for 3 groups of products. The first part of the session focused on a smoothie with rice, coconut and oats. Then, sessions of HPP juices and syrups were conducted. The photos were taken both in the open space and indoors. The prepared materials will be used during the campaign in social media.
Do you think about photos that will make you stand out from the competition?
Ask how we can help you.
The scope of cooperation
Effective actions are actions consistent with the brand's strategy.
To work with the Victoria Cymes brand, we have established a dedicated team of internal Commplace experts. They include PR specialists and photographers.
Commplace's tasks include:
Analysis of current trends in food marketing
The overriding goal of culinary photography is to create product photos that are attractive from the point of view of potential recipients. The photos that are the result of the session can then be used in social media, in the press, advertisements, on the website or in press releases sent to the media. An important element from which we start our activities is the analysis of current trends in the area of food marketing. It allows you to prepare interesting shots that will attract the attention of recipients. Importantly, however, you should remember about the brand communication strategy and adapt it to selected trends. Thanks to this, the received photos will be consistent with the brand image. In this case, the Victoria Cymes brand.
Preparation of the photo session scenario
Preparing a photo session scenario is a permanent element of planning a photo session. Organizing and managing a successful photo shoot is more complicated than you might think. In order to achieve success, it is worth taking into account such elements as: the specificity of the location, props, session duration, light and the needs of all involved people. With all this, you should also remember the main purpose of the session - presenting the advantages of the product.
Implementation of the photo session
This is the culminating moment. The photo session should be carried out in accordance with the established scenario. Nothing can be accidental, each shot should have a purpose. You should also pay attention to details, because the watchful eye of the recipient will catch even the smallest mismatched element. Apart from a professional photographer specializing in culinary photography, a coordinator or a creative director should also watch over the successful implementation of the photo session. After the photo session is taken, the team selects the best shots and then, together with the client, decides about the distribution of photos in various communication channels.
Commplace recommended products and tools
The tools and products that we will use to achieve the goals of the Victoria Cymes brand include:
- Preparation of original culinary concepts
- Professional culinary photography, culinary films, drawings and graphics
- Brand communication strategy and comprehensive consulting