
Conversation with the client - the most important rules

Customer acquisition

Sales success depends on many factors. Much more important than the offered product is the conversation with the customer. The trader has a huge responsibility. How should the seller talk to the customer to convince him to buy? 

Customer first 

The customer is at the center of the sales process. The seller must give his caller attention 100%. It is invaluable in talking to the client language of benefits. It is a technique focused on the client's needs. The seller should actively listen to his interlocutor and present him in this way sales offerto suit his needs. The basic principle of the benefit language is "feature-advantage-benefit". It says that each product feature that is important for the customer should be accompanied by an advantage, i.e. the possibility resulting from this feature. The benefit is the real value for the customer. How does it work in practice? 

How to talk to the customer to convince him to buy?

Use our proven methods!

The client is looking for a gaming laptop that will provide him with the highest quality graphics while playing the latest games (he cares about ultra details). The seller presents the customer with the appropriate equipment. In the interview, he emphasizes that the laptop is equipped with an RTX 3080 graphics card (feature), which is currently the best on the market (advantage). Thanks to it, it is possible to play all the latest, most advanced games at the highest quality (benefit).

The language of benefits uses positive words and phrases. It is also crucial to focus on the client's emotions. The seller can use two techniques:

  1. refer to the negative emotions that the customer already feels and present the product as a solution to the problem,
  2. refer to the positive emotions that the customer will experience when they buy a given product.

A friendly conversation with the client, which is what?

Almost 70% consumers believe that a friendly conversation is the most important determinant of good customer service. Pleasant mileage sales conversation affects the efficiency of the entire process. 

A positive attitude, smile and good energy are the absolute minimum. The seller must show interest in his interlocutor. It should show him that he and his needs are a priority for him at the moment. A helpful tool in the conversation with the client is the so-called small talk, i.e. a short chat on a universal topic. Small talk perfectly loosens the atmosphere and makes the customer feel treated "like a human", not just another "number" on the sales list. 

The seller should adapt to the customer in every area of the conversation. Above all, it must remember that it is the client that sets the tone for all communication. If it is serious and formal, the trader should also behave in a similar manner. However, if it is natural and informal, the seller can also allow himself a little freedom - within reasonable and professional limits, of course.

The seller should remember that the customer does not have to be a specialist. Expert formulations may be incomprehensible to him. When talking to a client, use simple vocabulary and clear all unclear phrases immediately. 

In addition, it is worth remembering:

  • patience - the seller must let the customer "talk to him", he should listen carefully to what he says, not interrupt,
  • friendly tone of voice - impatient, unfriendly tone of voice has a negative effect on the client,
  • speaking loudly and clearly - the customer may perceive slurred speech as a discouragement from the service and the problem with which he came to the store,
  • high personal culture - professional behavior of the seller is the basic standard of customer service,
  • questions and paraphrases - the salesperson should specify what the customer says; this shows full interest in his problem and also avoids doubts and inaccuracies.

Conversation with the client from the technical side

In order for the conversation with the customer to run smoothly and friendly, the seller should follow a few technical rules. This is especially important in online or telephone contact. 

The first rule is quick feedback. Did you know that even an 80% will be happy to recommend a company that answers your questions quickly? Consumers don't like to wait long for a response. A line on the telephone line or waiting for a reply message on Facebook for several days has a negative impact on customer satisfaction. 

In communication with the client, it is worth using multi-channel technology. Consumers have different preferences and preferences regarding contact with the department customer service. Some people prefer phone calls, others write e-mails more willingly. The company should therefore use different communication channels.

Efficient customer service - a few words at the end

Remember that the cost of acquiring a new customer is much higher than the cost of keeping the current customer. By paying great attention to the quality of service, you increase the chances that a given person will use your offer again. Excellent customer service standards build loyalty and trust, improve customer opinions about the company and shape its positive image. A friendly conversation with the client is therefore an important element of business affecting the functioning of the entire company!

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