Relocation of an employee can be a turning point in his life or at least a great adventure. First, however, the employee must accept your offer.
In other words, relocating an employee means changing the workplace without changing the employer. Most often it occurs when a company opens a new branch. Employees can also change their place of work between the existing departments of the company. Sometimes an employee may report to work in a new location, but all formalities are on his side. In senior positions, relocation is often a process in which the employer takes on most of the costs and paperwork.
Advantages of employee relocation
From the boss's point of view, relocating employees has only advantages. It is very difficult to recruit remotely, that is, remotely find new people to work elsewhere and implement them in the duties. It will be much easier to send trusted people who do not need to explain everything. Sometimes there is no other option than relocation, e.g. in the case of very unattractive, remote locations.
Relocation of an employee is associated with difficulties. However, from the point of view of the employed person, this possibility can be a big plus. Many people decide to work in a specific company because they see opportunities for free relocation to interesting places. Corporations that offer such opportunities usually communicate this clearly already in the job advertisement. Young employees want to travel and prove themselves in new places. Relocation of an employee allows them to try something new without having to throw themselves into the deep water and organize the trip on their own.

While working in a new place, you can get to know a different culture and quickly improve your competences. Practical learning has been proven to be the most effective and thus the employee can quickly make up for gaps or learn a new language.
Problems during employee relocation
Ideally, the employee should be relocated on the initiative of both parties. Perhaps the employee is not thrilled with the new prospect, but a large bonus will reward him. Or maybe she will agree to a change of job, but only on condition that she gets a promotion after it. Relocation issues may be related to a lack of clear guidelines and arrangements. Employees do not always talk openly with the boss about private matters, and they come into play when it is necessary to change the place of residence. Despite the apparent enthusiasm, the subordinate may resign overnight if he loses the sense of control over such a serious revolution in life.
Employee relocation in practice
To avoid possible problems, clear arrangements should be the basis for employee relocation. Even if your subordinate declares flexibility, don't keep them in suspense. You have to determine:
- duration of the contract in the new location,
- duties in a new position,
- salary and allowances,
- who will bear the costs of the employee's relocation,
- whether the employee can withdraw or shorten the contract and on what terms.
If you present these details to the employee, it will also be easier for them to make a decision. Avoid putting too much pressure or putting the employee on a fait accompli.

When you open a new branch of the company and are looking for a relocation candidate, first of all, focus on the good one internal communication. It may turn out that there are people in the office who will be happy to move. You need to show them the benefits of the change and enable them to ask questions. Research shows that your image and employer branding it is also important for the readiness of candidates for recruitment. If they believe in company ideas and identify with them, they are more likely to move to another country or city within its structures.
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The lack of a company differentiator may, in turn, mean that it does not matter for employees whether they work in one or another company. Sometimes, motivating them to make a relocation decision is even part of it PR campaigns. Conscious communication can captivate those interested in a bold vision. An example of such ambitious, exciting activities may be reaching a new market with the product, expansion of the company or creating structures completely from scratch. Properly presented opportunities may turn out to be very attractive for an ambitious manager.
According to data Urbanbound on average, the boss gives the employee 2 weeks to decide to relocate, and then 4 weeks to move and show up at the new workplace. A common practice is to pay a one-time relocation allowance. This has advantages for the employer as well. Then you do not have to settle the employee with every invoice and he can manage his money more freely. This is especially important when it comes to moving to another country, changing currency, cost of living, etc.

Relocation candidate profile
Theoretically, each employee may surprise you with their readiness to relocate. In practice, however, they are chosen especially by young and well-educated people. It is easiest for them to make a decision about radical changes, and at the same time they are able to adapt to a diverse business environment. It is a mistake to think that families with children will not decide to relocate. It could all depend on the package you are offering for the move. If you make it easier for you to find a school or apartment, your decision may be easier. Remember, however, that statistically, relocating an employee who already owns a house is more expensive than a person who rents an apartment.
On the other hand, new graduates are usually used to changes. Many of them have the so-called "Gap year" or foreign internships and studies. Statistically, people with approx. One year of work experience are most eager to change. This is all it takes to find out about their character or loyalty. At the same time, they are not yet too deeply entrenched in a given place and can move. The rest is up to yours communication strategy changes. If you need help in this area, please do not hesitate to contact us.