
Cialdini's rules in marketing

Customer acquisition

Marketing is a variety of activities that are supposed to evoke specific behaviors of recipients. It can be clicking a link, completing a survey, making a purchase, or leaving an opinion about a product. Influencing your audience is a real art. To do it right and achieve the set goals, it is worth using Cialdini's rules.

What are Cialdini's rules?

Robert Cialdini is an American psychologist, professor at Arizona State University, who published the book Impacting People. Theory and practice". The work was researched for 15 years, and the publication was distributed in nearly 3 million copies. 

Cialdini distinguished 6 techniques of influencing people that are applicable both in everyday life and in marketing. Although the book was published in 1984, its content is still relevant today. Cialdini's rules are so universal that they can be successfully used in today's world.

By implementing Cialdini's rules, you will achieve success on the market

We know what activities your company needs!

The 6 rules of Cialdini

The Cialdini rules presented in the book are the rules:

  1. reciprocity
  2. Social proof of rightness
  3. liking
  4. authority
  5. unavailability
  6. commitment and consistency

The rule of reciprocity says that if we do something good for someone, we can count on that person to repay us. In marketing, these are, for example, free samples or trial periods. A customer who can test a product or service for free will make a purchase decision faster than a person who will not take advantage of the promotion.

Cialdini's second rule. Social proof of rightness - indicates that if a given society or a specific group acts in a particular way, it means that that way is the best. Social proof of equity in advertising includes slogans "We have been trusted by millions" or "95% customers confirm the effectiveness of the product".

The rule of liking says that if we like someone, we are more likely to help or buy something from them. In marketing, for example, advertising with the participation of children or animals. We like such messages. 

Another rule of Cialdini is the principle of authority. It says that trusted people who are experts in a given field have the greatest impact on your audience. The application of the authority rule in marketing is, for example, inviting a famous, important person to an advertisement that will appear as company ambassador. A valued authority or expert will arouse positive emotions in recipients who will be more willing to use the company's advertising services.

The rule of inaccessibility means that people value original, rare and harder-to-get items more. In marketing, these are time-limited offers, special offers only for club members, or attractive discounts for those who subscribe to the newsletter.

Cialdini's final rule of commitment and consistency is based on the fact that people like to be seen as consistent in achieving their goals. In marketing, these are, for example, promotions for the second product from the same series - e.g. 20% discount for the second part of the book.

Knowledge in a pill:

What are Cialdini's rules?

Cialdini's rules are six techniques to influence people, both in everyday life and in marketing. The rules were developed by the American psychologist Robert Cialdini in 1984, but they are still valid today.

What are the rules according to Cialdini?

There are six rules in the book published by Cialdini. These are: the rule of reciprocity, social proof, the rule of liking, authority, unavailability, and commitment and consistency.

What is the rule of reciprocity about?

According to this rule, when we do something good for someone, we can expect that person to repay us with the same action. An example from the area of marketing is the purchase of a given product by people who have previously received its sample for testing.

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