You certainly realize that nowadays just having a website is not enough to effectively reach potential customers and achieve business success. Today you have to take care of your website's visibility on Google. Local positioning is intended for small and medium-sized companies operating on the regional market. What is this tactic about? And why is it worth using the help of a professional SEO agency?
What is local SEO?
The Internet is a powerful tool. Through it, you can reach a wide audience, effectively build brand recognition and create a positive image. The potential of the Internet can be used not only by large, global brands, but also by smaller companies operating on the local market. For such companies it is an opportunity to present their offer in an attractive way and encourage consumers to take advantage of it. The main thing is to ensure the visibility of the business card page on the web. And here SEO plays a key role!
In the case of local companies, local SEO will work well. Local SEO is on-site and off-site activities aimed at improving the visibility of a given website in organic (organic) search results on Google, related to a selected location - one region, city or, in the case of large cities, with a district.
Local positioning looks similar to the classic one SEO activities. The difference is the focus on location.
Local SEO - for whom?
Local positioning is closely related to the location where the company operates. It is therefore a great solution for all service providers to which the customer must reach, i.e .:
- computer, household appliances, car and other services,
- dentists, gynecologists and other private doctors,
- attorneys
- beauty salons, hairdressing and make-up salons,
- masseurs,
- fitness clubs, gyms, swimming pools and other sports facilities,
- eateries, including restaurants, pizzerias and cafes.
The SEO Premises is also intended for those entrepreneurs who provide services at the client's premises - i.e. plumbers, electricians, renovation teams, cleaning crews, construction companies.

Local SEO pays off!
Local SEO should be the foundation internet marketing for each company operating in a specific area. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous studies. According to data from over 80%, consumers are regularly searched for local service providers or sellers on Google. Interestingly, almost 90% Internet users contact a selected entrepreneur within 24 hours, and the vast majority of them ultimately decide to use the services of the found company.
There is no doubt that local SEO is an opportunity to reach many potential customers and build a competitive advantage on the local market. Searches can translate into conversion, which will guarantee real profits. What's more, the website does not have to compete with domains from all over Poland, but only with those from the same region. A well-conducted SEO site allows you to reduce your marketing expenses. Positioning the premises is an investment in the future of the brand, an opportunity to build recognition among the local community.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that local positioning - just like its classic version - requires extensive knowledge, experience and appropriate skills. Instead of doing it on your own and exposing yourself to unnecessary losses, it is worth establishing cooperation with a professional SEO agency that knows everything about positioning.
Cooperation with an SEO agency - why is it worth it?
SEO agency specializes in positioning of pages. Using his experience and excellent knowledge of marketing and market mechanisms, he is able to maximally adjust the positioning strategy to a given client - to his expectations and the industry in which he operates.
Thanks to the activities of the SEO agency, the company has a chance to reach those recipients who are really interested in its offer and can become real customers. This, in turn, may translate into a significant increase in the company's recognition and its position on the market.
It's worth mentioning that professional local SEO has long-term benefits. A properly positioned website maintains a good position in organic results for a long time and generates a high number of page views, which guarantees an increase conversion factor.
Clients don't know about your company?
We will help you reach recipients potentially interested in your offer!
Professional local positioning, or how an SEO agency does it
Local positioning is a series of activities that will ultimately improve the visibility of the customer's domain in the Google search engine. The first stage of an SEO agency's work is an SEO audit of the client's website. This process consists in a thorough technical examination of the website in order to detect possible errors and prepare the website for appropriate optimization. The audit includes: checking the correctness and formatting of the content, analysis of links, source code, checking the loading speed of the page.
The second stage is selecting key phrases, i.e. phrases for which the website will be displayed in the search engine. The phrases must therefore match the content and theme of the client's website, and should also be directly related to a given region - eg "SEO agency Wrocław".
The Google algorithm takes into account the quality of the content on the website, matching it to SEO, as well as the location of the device from which the phrase was entered into the search engine. The geolocation service makes it possible to display websites in a given location even if the user does not enter the word for the place. Personalization of search results is a great help for Internet users and a great opportunity for entrepreneurs. However, the latter have to optimize their website and configure a Google My Business listing to achieve benefits.
First of all, optimization
In the case of local positioning, the same optimization techniques are used as in the case of classical positioning. However, local SEO places particular emphasis on:
- saturation of the content with local phrases, i.e. those containing the location,
- placing key phrases in headers and meta tags,
- configuring a tab with contact data along with enriching it with a Google map with the selected address.
In order for the optimization to contribute to the real interest of the recipients, the texts on the website must be attractive, interesting, and meet the expectations of Internet users. Google is eager to promote valuable content.

Google My Business in local positioning
The Google My Business card is one of the elements of off-site SEO, i.e. positioning activities carried out outside the client's website. A professionally configured business card will be displayed at the top of the search results, thanks to which more people will find the page.
Apart from Google My Business, you can also use other NAP cards (Name, Address, Phone). These are special, high-quality websites, called directories, that are used to get traffic to a client's site from links. Popular NAP business cards include:
Positive customer feedback matters
About strength recommendation marketing we have already written more than once. Consumers trust and follow the opinions left by customers when deciding to use the services of specific companies. Therefore, a company that wants to appear on the local market should encourage customers to leave their opinions. First of all, recommendations should be included in the Google My Business listing. Reviews on Facebook and dedicated portals are no less important.
By investing in local positioning, you invest in the development of your company! Excellent visibility of your domain in the Google search engine will guarantee you increased traffic on the website, which will positively affect the profits generated from your business. Thanks to SEO, you will build it brand recognition online and you will increase your chances of spectacular success in business! At Commplace, we know how to do good local SEO - contact us!