
Poprawa komunikacji w firmie – jakie daje profity?

Employer branding

The boss communicates with employees, and employees with the boss and with each other. The problem arises if we do it the wrong way and without much thought. As a result, our message may bounce off the wall like the proverbial peas. Large enterprises and companies consisting of several people collide with such a situation. Can the improvement of communication in the company bring tangible benefits in the form of better performed tasks? Does it translate into sales results? And finally - how to effectively work on communication?  

What will you learn from the article?

Skuteczna komunikacja w firmie to fundament, na którym opiera się każda organizacja. Niezależnie od branży, efektywny przepływ informacji wpływa na wydajność zespołów, zaangażowanie pracowników oraz ostateczny sukces firmy. W artykule zastanowimy się, dlaczego komunikacja jest tak istotna i jak jej poprawa może przyczynić się do lepszych wyników. Omówimy także praktyczne aspekty pracy nad komunikacją w zespole, w tym znaczenie jasnych przekazów i konstruktywnego feedbacku. Dowiemy się również, czy komunikacja zawsze musi odbywać się twarzą w twarz oraz jakie kroki warto podjąć, by proces poprawy komunikacji przyniósł trwałe rezultaty. Na zakończenie przyjrzymy się, jak wypracować indywidualną drogę do skutecznej komunikacji w firmie, dostosowaną do potrzeb konkretnej organizacji.

Communication has many names. Some perceive it as a friendly atmosphere at work, while others talk about interpersonal relationships. Each side is right, because communication is based on the transmission of information between people. In the company, you can communicate with the team and superiors, instead marketing communication responsible for contact with customers. Each of them is equally important because it allows you to create a company with solid foundations.  

Why is communication so important?

Poprawa komunikacji w firmie może być kluczem do sukcesu. Dobra i skuteczna internal communication translates into the success of the entire company. The research clearly shows that companies that actually try to work on it have more than three times greater chance of entering the market and surpassing their competitors. This should be reason enough to consider effective communication in the enterprise. However, this is not the only profit that the company gains, because the entire team will benefit from the communication skills. Most of us know have been faced with what is known as "employees versus boss". This is one of the best examples of how communication - in this case, the lack of it - affects employees.  

Jak poprawa komunikacji wpływa na efektywność i zaangażowanie?

Anything can be communicated, but with varying degrees of success. It is easy to convey information, but much more difficult to make it clear to the recipient. A specific strategy is not enough for effective communication in the company. First, you need to develop mutual trust and be honest. For employees, it will be equally important to understand the goals of the organization, and for the employer - the needs of all employees. Only then can you consider how to work on communication and which elements need improvement. Efficient group communication must be double-sided. Not only is the message important, but also its reception. Internal and external communication are the foundations on which to build a strong company.  

Communication in your company is lame?

Don't let it turn into a real crisis over time!

How to work on communication? 

Improving communication in a company is a long-term process. A day, week or month is not enough to eliminate mistakes made by employees and employers for many years. What's more, it requires work both on the part of the superiors and the employees themselves - which is why trust and honesty are so important, thanks to which team conflict resolution whether more efficient work becomes possible. Are you wondering what can be done to positively influence communication in the company? We present the best practices and the most common mistakes that can be avoided.  

Dlaczego tak ważne są jasne przekazy?

Even the best strategy will do nothing if it is not based on the basics, and that is what a clear message is. This efficient communication of needs or responsibilities contributes to effective work in a group in which there is no room for understatement.

On the surface, it may seem that understandable messages are a matter of only the boss or senior members of the team. Nothing could be more wrong, because employees who exchange information about the tasks they work on should also focus on clearly conveying information.

It is up to the communicator to make sure that the recipient has understood the message. A kind of inquisitiveness is a trait that a boss should have in the first place. Employees often, for various reasons, do not try to ask about issues that they found incomprehensible.

Czy poprawa komunikacji w firmie to długotrwały proces?

If someone believes that communication ends when the team gets together, gives them directions and assigns responsibilities, they are seriously mistaken. Interest in employees, checking whether they are working well and knowing how to cope with the assigned task cannot take place only once a month. Of course, it is also worth remembering that communication is not employee control - and trust is needed here. If the team misinterprets the supervisor's intentions, such actions do not work at all.  

Czy komunikacja musi odbywać się twarzą w twarz?

Poprawa komunikacji w firmie musi się odbywać z godnie z założonym planem. Krótkie spotkania ze wszystkimi pracownikami są nieefektywne. Po pierwsze odrywają ich od codziennych zadań i wymagają zgromadzenia się w wyznaczonym miejscu. Jeśli to co chcemy przekazać, nie jest wyjątkowo pilną sprawą i zamknie się w kilku zdaniach – lepiej wysłać maila, zadzwonić, napisać SMS. Komunikacja na odległość ma także szczególne znaczenie w przypadku pracowników zdalnych i tych pracujących hybrydowo. Nie zawsze trzeba spotkać  się osobiście, aby przekazać wszystkie informacje.  

Jak wykorzystać konstruktywny feedback? 

Probably none of us likes to be criticized, the thing is that feedback is a kind of constructive criticism, thanks to which you can work better, more effectively and efficiently. So it is easy to conclude that this is not about pointing your fingers at mistakes and mocking the other person, but pointing to the thing they are doing wrong and how to do them correctly. On this occasion, it is also worth pointing to the elements that met the supervisor's expectations. Praise blurs the impression that we are only focusing on mistakes and failing to see the good sides.  

We recommend What methods of solving problems in the organization will work best? 

Dostrzeganie własnych błędów to część poprawy komunikacji

Each company has its own problems that need to be cured, but there are a number of errors that we rarely think about and which effectively disrupt communication in the company.

No information about what is happening in the company 

Many employers make this mistake by assuming that the employee does not need to know everything that is happening in the company. Not about everything, but about matters that in any way concern him - yes. This applies to all organizational and structural changes in the company, as well as important events, awards and achievements.

The employer knows better what the employee needs 

None of us is infallible, but each of us has needs. The ability to listen to the needs of employees and their implementation - at least to a certain extent - allows you to build a strong and ambitious team that approaches the duties entrusted to it.

Thank you and sorry, these words are very powerful 

Sometimes it's hard to believe how many employers cannot say these two simple words. In fact, there is no better way to gain the team's trust than to say "thank you" to the employee. Honesty is also important, so "I'm sorry" should never become obsolete.

Jak znaleźć drogę do skutecznej komunikacji w firmie? 

Each company is different, has different needs and employs different people. Improving communication in the company is a difficult task, but it is worthwhile. Talk honestly and openly with the team, ask and respect the needs of others, propose your own solutions and encourage everyone to do the same. Find the most convenient path with your employees and never forget that it can always get better. The company is built by all employees, therefore effective communication must also reach everyone.  

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