By creating the right content and positioning your brand, you can stand out in a crowded market and make a lasting impression with your target audience. Do you have a good media publication? There are many occasions and places to show it to a wider audience. Take advantage of our ideas for using your company's presence in the media and maximize profits from your content.
Good content is a good starting point. You still need to reach your current or potential audience with it. Otherwise, it is difficult to count on success. It's like having a great product or service but keeping it hidden. The world needs to know about him. There are many ways to use content in different areas online. If your company can boast of an interesting publication in the media, do not rest on your laurels! Here's where else it's worth using it to increase reach, gain customer trust and develop your business.
Are you looking for an idea to distinguish your brand?
Take advantage of the support of Commplace experts!
It seems obvious that companies know that a website is a company's business card. Nothing could be more wrong. When sales are at a satisfactory level, companies often forget about taking care of their own media, which includes a website.
Dlaczego tak ważne jest posiadanie odpowiednio skonstruowanej strony internetowej? Dzięki niej masz szansę pozyskać nowych klientów, budujesz wizerunek marki i wpływasz na to, w jaki sposób jest postrzegana jeszcze zanim użytkownik sieci stanie się klientem firmy.
Investing in a modern and intuitive website will help you increase sales and attract new customers. The portal is also a great place to inform about your media activity. By placing valuable content on your website - such as the aforementioned interesting media publication - you will increase the chance of acquiring new customers and strengthen the company's presence on the web.

company blog
This is a place where the company can publish interesting articles related to its industry and its activities. Blogging is an effective way to attract new customers and to strengthen your position in Google search results. It is also a perfect place to build the company's image as an expert in the industry.
It would be a "sin" not to use the content in the form of a text already published in the media for the needs of the blog. Cosmetic changes are enough and you have a ready entry, which you can additionally link to the source - the portal where the publication was published, to show that the content created by the company's experts is appreciated by network users.
Email footer
An e-mail footer is a great tool to reach your recipients. Can it be used to promote the company? Of course. How? The e-mail footer is an element of visual identification. It is worth remembering and using its potential. What should be in the footer besides basic contact details? It is definitely worth preparing dedicated graphics and informing your clients about the successes of your company, e.g. awards won or presence in the media.
In turn, by posting a link to an interesting media publication or blog entry, we can encourage customers to read valuable content. In the same way, we can also inform them about new products in the offer, invite them to participate in an event, etc.
Social media
The company can use its content on various social media, such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. More than 70 percent of Poles use them. That's over twenty million people. Publishing interesting content increases user engagement and improves publication reach.
An interesting publication in the media begs for wider sharing. Social media is the perfect place for this. In addition, you also have a topic for a post in one go ?

Corporate press office
Is your company content circulating online? Was it published on valuable portals? It's worth bragging about in the press office. In this way, the company builds its position among customers. It also gives a clear signal that he is an expert in his field.
E-books and whitepapers
Taking care of the brand's constant online presence by acquiring interesting media publications, the company creates a kind of valuable content portfolio. The material you have can be used over time to create e-books or whitepapers that will serve as a valuable source of information for customers.
How to support sales thanks to an interesting publication?
One of the best ways to use your publication in the media is to include information about it in your commercial offer. This will ensure that customers who are looking for information about your company will come across a positive article, which can influence their decision to purchase your product or service. It is worth ensuring that the information about the publication is visible and legible for the client.
Another effective way to use your publication in the media is to include a link to the article in your newsletter. Newsletter is an effective way to reach a wide group of recipients who are interested in your company and its activities. Thanks to this, customers will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a positive opinion about the company. By properly placing the link with the article, you will encourage them to read it.
A natural element during meetings with clients or business partners is the presentation of the company. This is a good time to use publications in the media. In the presentation, you can easily invite people to read the article about the company, which will increase trust in the brand and confirm its quality. This detail may turn out to be very important in making business decisions by the contractor.
Not only a commercial offer or a newsletter are good places to place information about an interesting publication in the media. Try to communicate it wherever customers come into direct contact with your brand. You can place the printed text in a frame at the company's headquarters, display it at the fair stand or in the store, which will increase the visibility of your brand and can positively affect sales.

All of the above methods are excellent ways to use your company's interesting publications for commercial purposes. Thanks to this, you will increase the prestige of the brand, inspire the trust of existing customers and attract new ones. It is worth using every opportunity to show your successes and achievements in the media.
content is the king
We have listed only examples of activities in the field of informing about valuable media publications. Much depends on the needs of your company. Why are these activities important?
With the right content, which is also properly positioned, the company has a chance to increase its visibility in search results. Greater visibility, in turn, means a greater chance of entering the site, and thus - increasing the number of customers. Thanks to better visibility in search results, more visitors come to the website. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the number of potential customers or users who are interested in the products or services offered by the company.
A high position in the search results also allows you to build trust in the brand. Customers often believe that web addresses that appear on the first page of search results are more "valuable".
By improving the visibility and traffic on the website, positioning allows you to increase conversions. People who visit a company's website are more likely to stay and transact.

Jeśli chcesz zbudować silną tożsamość marki i uzyskać trwałą przewagę konkurencyjną, musisz dotrzeć do swoich klientów. Tworząc ukierunkowany przekaz, który rezonuje z docelowymi odbiorcami, możesz wyróżnić swoją markę na tle konkurencji i zbudować silny związek emocjonalny z klientami. Może to prowadzić do zwiększenia sprzedaży, poprawy zadowolenia klientów i długoterminowego sukcesu Twojej firmy.