
How much money for marketing?


Marketing is an essential element of the business strategy of most companies, as it helps increase sales. However, it is not always clear how much you actually need to spend on marketing to achieve your goals. In the article below, we will look at various aspects of budgeting marketing activities to better understand how to effectively manage the resources available for this purpose.

Why is a marketing budget important?

Having a well-planned marketing budget allows you to:

  • Effective resource management – knowing how much we spend, we can better allocate funds for various marketing activities.
  • ROI monitoring – Tracking your return on investment (ROI) helps you assess campaign performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Avoiding waste – without a budget, it is easy to "burn" money on activities that do not bring the expected results.

How to determine your marketing budget?

1. Understanding your market and competition

The first step is to analyze the market and competition. Understanding how much your competitors spend on marketing can give you a point of reference. There are many industry tools and reports that can provide this information.

2. Establishing business goals

Your business goals should guide your marketing budget. Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate more leads, or improve customer retention? Each of these goals will require a different approach and allocation of resources.

3. Percentage of revenue for marketing

One popular approach is to allocate a percentage of a company's revenue to marketing. Depending on the industry, it is usually between 5% and 15% of annual revenue. B2B companies often spend less, while B2C companies may need to spend more on marketing.

4. Objective and Task Method

This approach involves defining specific marketing goals and identifying the actions needed to achieve them. We then calculate the costs of these activities, which gives us our total marketing budget.

The most important elements of the marketing budget

Here are the key categories to include in your marketing budget:

  • Online advertising – Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.
  • SEO and content marketing – blog articles, e-books, website optimization.
  • Email marketing – e-mail marketing tools, content creation costs.
  • Traditional marketing – printed advertising, events, fairs.
  • Tools and software – CRM, analytics tools, marketing automation.
  • Team-related costs – remuneration, training, outsourcing.

How to monitor and optimize your marketing budget?

Regular inspections

Regularly reviewing your budget and analyzing your campaign performance will help you quickly identify what's working and what's not. Thanks to this, you will be able to optimize your expenses and focus on the most effective activities.

Analytical tools

Using analytical tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush or HubSpot allows you to accurately track campaign results and ROI, which is crucial for continuous budget optimization.


The world of marketing is dynamic, so it is worth being flexible and ready for changes. Don't be afraid to experiment with new channels and strategies while monitoring their effectiveness.


Determining the appropriate marketing budget is crucial to the success of any business. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach - it all depends on the specifics of your industry, business goals and marketing strategy. Regular budget reviews and optimization will allow you to maximize returns on investments and manage resources effectively.

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