
How much does it cost to advertise a premises?


Advertising your premises is a key element of the marketing strategy for many business owners. Nowadays, when competition in many industries is very intense, effective promotion can be a decisive factor influencing the success or failure of a company. But how much does advertising a place actually cost? The answer to this question is not clear, because it depends on many factors - from the selected advertising channel to the specificity of the local market. Below we present the most important aspects that should be taken into account when planning a budget for advertising your premises.

What influences the cost of advertising a premises?

1. Type of advertising

The cost of advertising your premises can vary significantly depending on the type of advertising you choose. Here are some popular options:

  • Outdoor advertising (billboards, banners) – this is one of the most traditional forms of advertising. Costs may vary depending on location, size and duration of the campaign.
  • Advertising in local media – includes advertisements in local newspapers, radio and television. The cost of such advertising depends on the reach and popularity of a given medium.
  • Internet advertising – in the era of digitalization, more and more companies are investing in online advertising, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads or e-mail marketing campaigns. It is often more costly than traditional forms of advertising, but it allows for precise targeting and measurement of results.

2. Location

The location of your ad has a huge impact on its cost. Advertising in the center of a large city will be much more expensive than in a smaller town. It is also worth paying attention to the specificity of the local market - in some regions there may be greater competition, which may result in an increase in advertising costs.

3. Campaign duration

The duration of an advertising campaign is another important factor affecting the cost. Short-term campaigns may be cheaper, but long-term efforts bring more lasting results. It is important to carefully plan what campaign duration will be most effective for your business.

4. Advertising agency

Many business owners decide to cooperate with advertising agencies that offer comprehensive advertising campaign services. The cost of working with an agency may vary depending on the scope of services and the reputation of the agency. However, it is worth remembering that a professional agency can help you optimize your budget and achieve better results.

What are the approximate costs of advertising the premises?

Giving specific amounts is difficult because the costs of advertising a premises may vary significantly depending on the above factors. Below are the approximate costs for different types of advertising:

  • Billboards and banners – from several thousand to several dozen thousand zlotys per month.
  • Advertising in local media – from several hundred to several thousand zlotys for one advertisement.
  • Internet advertising – the budget for an online campaign can range from several hundred zlotys to several dozen thousand zlotys per month, depending on the selected channel and the scale of the campaign.


Advertising your premises is an investment that can bring significant benefits to your business. However, it is crucial to carefully plan your budget and choose the right advertising channels that best suit your needs. Remember that cooperation with a professional advertising agency can help you achieve better results and optimize costs.

If you want to learn more about how to effectively promote your premises, contact us and arrange a free consultation. We will help you develop an advertising strategy that will bring the best results.

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