Audyt marki jest ważny, ponieważ pozwala na zrozumienie, jak Twoja firma jest postrzegana przez konsumentów i jakie są jej mocne oraz słabe strony. Dzięki temu możesz lepiej zrozumieć, jakie działania marketingowe są skuteczne, a które wymagają poprawy. Słowo „audyt” nie jest zarezerwowane tylko dla dużych korporacji. Każde przedsiębiorstwo co jakiś czas powinno spojrzeć na swoje działania i zweryfikować sposób prowadzenia komunikacji. Zatem czas na Ciebie!
What does an audit of communication activities include?
Wondering why the competition is visible in the media and you are not? How does it get more audiences? What wins? What can you do to change this trend? A professional communication audit can provide answers to these and many other questions. But before we prepare it for you, check for yourself how you fare in individual areas. We have prepared a short checklist that will help you understand what should be improved to improve the image of your business.
Area 1: Website
Questions for you:
- What is the message of my website and is it clear?
- Does the website communicate clearly and clearly what the company does?
- Is the way of presenting information on the website accessible and attractive to users?
- Does the site contain enough information about the products or services and their benefits for customers?
- Does the page contain clear calls to action (e.g. CTA buttons) that prompt users to take specific actions?
- Is the content on the website consistent with the image and values of the company?
- Does the website use clear and consistent language, adapted to the target group?
- Are there positive reviews and recommendations about the company, products or services on the site?
- Does the site contain contact information, such as an email address, phone number, or contact form?
- Does the site use social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to build customer relationships and promote its brand?
Area 2: Branding
Questions for you:
- What are my brand goals and how do I want it to be perceived by customers?
- Does my brand have a clearly defined image and is it consistent across all communication channels?
- Does my brand have a unique personality and values that distinguish it on the market?
- Is my brand recognizable and easily remembered?
- Are the logo and other visual elements of my brand aesthetic and eye-catching?
- Does my brand have an effective marketing strategy that attracts customers and builds loyalty?
- Does my brand use the right marketing channels and tools to reach its target audience?
- Is my brand using social media effectively to build customer relationships and promote my brand?
- Does my brand have positive feedback and recommendations from customers and industry experts?
- Is my brand constantly developing and adapting to the changing needs of the market and customers?
Area 3: Social media
Questions for you:
- What goals do I want to achieve with my social media activities?
- Are my social channels consistent with my brand image and values?
- Do my social channels have a clear message and is it consistent across platforms?
- Are my social channels up to date and regularly updated?
- Do my social channels attract attention and generate user engagement?
- Do my social channels attract the right target group, i.e. people who are interested in my products or services?
- Do my social channels use analytics tools that allow me to monitor my progress and adjust my social media performance?
- Are my social channels effective in using advertising tools to reach a wider audience?
- Do my social channels allow me to interact with users and build relationships with customers?
- Are my social media channels ethical and privacy compliant and comply with applicable laws?
Area 4: Media
Questions for you:
- What goals do I want to achieve with my media activity?
- Are my actions in the media consistent with the image and values of my brand?
- Are my media activities targeted at the right audience?
- Are my activities in the media diverse and attract the attention of the audience?
- Are my activities in the media regular and provide valuable information to the audience?
Jeśli odpowiedź na powyższe pytania stanowiła wyzwanie – powierz nam wykonanie dla Twojej firmy kompleksowego audytu – dzięki temu poznasz mocne i słabe strony dotychczasowych działań i otrzymasz rekomendacje, jak poprawić swoją obecność w mediach, budować pozytywny wizerunek firmy oraz skutecznie dotrzeć do swoich odbiorców.
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And get ahead of the competition.