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Conversion path

Definition The conversion path is all the events that occur before the customer makes the final decision to make a purchase. These may include activities such as subscribing to the newsletter, comparing offers of other online stores, sending a message using the contact form on the store's website and other action options defined by a specific website. Conversion path – interesting facts […]

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Customer purchasing path

Definition Nowadays, when the development of e-commerce is at such a high level, the customer's shopping path is an extremely important element of the sales process. The customer's shopping path is the type of path traveled by each customer - from the moment of interest in a given product until its purchase. Customer shopping path – interesting facts you need to know! Purchasing the product […]

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Definition Searchbox, i.e. a search box, is a window found on a website, used to search its content. Searchbox - interesting facts that everyone should know Searchbox is an extremely helpful search box because it allows you to search virtually any website without having to visit it. Only websites whose owners have not given their consent [...]

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Definition Segmentation is the division of the customer market into groups of buyers requiring the provision of completely different products, and thus advertising campaigns. Dividing customers into specific recipient groups makes it easier to target their preferences and reach them with specific advertising offers. One example of segmentation is the division into "economic" and "premium" customers. […]

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Selly – what is it?

Definition Selly is a platform for building online stores yourself, created for professionals and those just starting their adventure with selling on the Internet. The software is available in the Saas model, i.e. it is used by paying a specific subscription fee. How does Selly work? Thanks to Selly, we can start our online business completely from scratch, but also transfer the existing [...]

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Shoper – what is it?

Definition Shoper is software used to create an online store, offering comprehensive services in the field of online sales management. This is fully Polish software available in the SaaS model, i.e. Software as a Service. Shoper offers a wide range of templates that have been designed using RWD technology, allowing for display on any device, be it a laptop, tablet, […]

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Shopify – what is it?

Definition Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that helps you create your own online store. Thanks to it, you can not only build your own store yourself, but also manage it effectively - without the need to have specialized technical knowledge or programming skills. How does Shopify work? Shopify operates on a subscription basis. This means that if you don't use it, you don't pay [...]

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Shopper marketing

Shopper marketing - definition Shopper marketing is a marketing strategy that is based on understanding customer motivation, needs and preferences already at the stage of the ongoing purchasing process. This is the concentration of marketing activities on people who are already in the store and are faced with the decision to make a purchase. For this purpose, various types of tools are used to enhance their experiences [...]

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Shopware – what is it?

Definition Shopware is an increasingly popular e-commerce platform that offers flexible and flexible options for operating your own online store. It is available in the Open – Source model, which means that it allows the use of source code. Shopware will work well in both B2B and B2C business models. How does Shopware work? Shopware is used to build and comprehensively operate [...]

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Sky shop – what is it?

Definition Sky Shop is a Polish e-commerce platform, designed primarily for small and medium-sized online stores and B2B wholesalers. This is software that allows you to easily set up online stores and sell online. The platform offers a wide range of functions, including integration with various wholesalers, support for integration with the Allegro platform and free technical support. It's easy […]

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Social marketing

Social marketing - definition Social marketing, or social marketing, is a marketing strategy that uses all types of marketing tools to influence people's attitudes, beliefs and behaviors in order to achieve desired social goals. Examples of social marketing activities are educational campaigns promoting, for example, a healthy lifestyle or environmental protection. Social marketing strives to create positive […]

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Soft marketing

Soft marketing - definition Soft marketing is a strategy that involves building emotional relationships with potential customers by subtly conveying positive experiences related to a given brand's offer. Soft marketing focuses primarily on customer satisfaction. It includes delicate techniques for building lasting relationships, the key to success of which is providing recipients with specific values - content [...]

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Average time spent on the site

Definition Average time spent on the website - this is very important data from an analytical point of view, indicating how long the page view of a specific website lasted. The average time spent on the website is one of the key SEO indicators that directly affects the positioning of a given website in the search engine. The average time spent on the website allows for a thorough analysis of specific behavior [...]

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STP marketing

STP marketing – definition STP marketing is a strategy that includes three key elements of marketing: segmentation, targeting and positioning. Thanks to this, it allows you to more effectively reach the most attractive customer groups and distinguish your offer from the competition. Activities within STP marketing are divided into three successive stages: STP marketing – interesting facts In order for STP marketing to […]

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Marketing strategy

Definition Marketing strategy is a purposeful activity of a given company, including the implementation of promotional tools that serve to achieve the assumed goals and position a given brand on the market. A marketing strategy is something that every company should have if they want to develop their business. With the help of experts and appropriate communication channels, it allows you to effectively reach every target group. Marketing strategy – interesting facts […]

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Positioning strategy

Definition A positioning strategy is all actions taken to increase the number of visits to a specific website. Implementing a positioning strategy can bring results in the form of increasing traffic on the website, increasing the position in search results and, most importantly, attracting the attention of potential customers who decide to visit it. Positioning strategy – interesting facts you need to know […]

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Definition The home page, also called the home page, is the first page of the entire website that the user sees after clicking on the website address. The home page gives us a preview of what's on the entire site, already in an extended version. Through the main page, users go to its subsequent subpages. Therefore, it should include all [...]

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Contact page

Definition A contact page is a unique place, full of information necessary to contact the owners of the website or a specific company. Its role is now becoming crucial not only in the case of online stores. Provides quick and direct access to contact details. It may also contain a convenient form enabling even easier contact. Contact page – interesting facts The contact page can […]

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Product page

Definition The product page is a virtual decision-making center for the customer in an online store - this is where he usually makes the final purchase choice. This is where all important information about the product is collected, including an extensive photo gallery and opinions of other satisfied customers. The product page is therefore an integral component of every online store, constituting a key reference point for potential […]

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Heading structure

Definition The structure of headings is intended to properly present the content. Using an appropriate heading structure increases the transparency of the page and makes the information more readable, making the recipient more willing to read it. The appropriate structure of headings influences the optimization of a website, which translates into high search results. Structure of headings – interesting facts Headlines are distinguished […]

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Silius – what is it?

Definition Sylius is an open source e-commerce platform, dedicated mainly to medium-sized enterprises that are open to unique solutions. The software helps you set up an online store completely from scratch and then manage it effectively. How does Sylius work? Sylius is software that allows you to adjust store parameters to your individual needs. It has many extension and personalization options, so we can [...]

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Payment systems

Definition Payment systems are the applicable rules on the basis of which all financial transactions are performed. These may be transactions made using all currently available payment instruments. Payment system operators offer both stationary and e-commerce services. Currently, online payment systems are the most popular among buyers. Payment systems – interesting facts you need to know! The most popular […]

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Page loading speed

Definition The loading speed of a website is of great importance to all its users, as it affects positioning and the bounce rate. Loading speed, simply put, is the time between the moment a website address is clicked and the time the website content is fully loaded on the screen. This applies to computer screens as well as mobile phones, tablets and other […]

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Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

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