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Customer purchasing path

Customer's shopping path - how to lead him to his goal?

customer shopping path


Nowadays, when the development of e-commerce is at such a high level, the customer's shopping path is an extremely important element of the sales process. The customer's shopping path is the type of path traveled by each customer - from the moment of interest in a given product until its purchase.

Customer shopping path – interesting facts you need to know!

Purchasing a product is the last stage of the customer's purchasing path. Before this happens, the buyer must first go through a path that will sometimes be simpler and sometimes a bit more complicated. The good news is that we can help him with this. When making a purchase decision, the customer is often just getting to know some of his or her needs. He chooses between different brands, checks opinions and comments about products. Therefore, the offer should be constructed in such a way that the customer feels that it is dedicated especially to him.

By tracking the purchasing paths of our customers, we gain the necessary knowledge about their activities and thus improve the effectiveness of our selling on the Internet. This is currently of great importance, mainly due to the increasing scale of competition. Detailed knowledge of the customer's purchasing path can significantly increase the chance of making a successful transaction. Tracking the customer's shopping path also helps eliminate the phenomenon of cart abandonment. What are the most common reasons for doing so? This includes: unnecessary formalities when purchasing, too high shipping costs, suspicious form of payment, as well as too long order processing time and loading

Customer shopping path - the most important information

Depending on the type of product or service sold, we may have different types of customer purchasing paths. What does this process involve for a given person? First of all, a very important stage is the awareness of the need to buy a specific thing. Then the possibility of purchasing it is considered. When the customer decides to do so, the next step is to assess whether the purchase was really needed and, if so, whether it meets his expectations. Therefore, the customer's purchasing path can sometimes begin long before a given item is entered in an Internet search engine. Access to all information about the product is extremely valuable from the customer's point of view, and it should be clear and legible to make it easier for him to make a decision. The purchase stage itself should not be disturbed in any way. Facilitating this process - from a transparent offer to hassle-free delivery and possible return - is the basis of customer satisfaction.

It is worth being aware that one of the most important stages of the customer's purchasing path is choosing a product brand. Therefore, building it consciously is of great importance. Well-known and respected brands are chosen much more often than others, so every seller should devote a lot of attention to promoting them. Building your own brand awareness largely involves finding the right target group and directing specific actions towards it.

The customer's shopping path ends with a finalized purchase, but it is also very important to maintain relationships with the already acquired customer. Therefore, despite a successfully completed transaction, it is worth continuing the "acquaintance". Acquiring regular customers is more profitable than searching for new ones, so it is worth preparing special discount offers and discounts for them and using efficient marketing to offer them at the right time.


The customer's purchasing path should provide only positive experiences. In this way, we will build a relationship based on trust and loyalty, which may result in gaining a regular customer. It is very important that nothing disturbs the customer's path to purchase a specific item, so the offer should be complete, contain all the necessary information, and the purchase process itself should be quick and intuitive.  

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