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Soft marketing

Soft marketing is subtle but effective

Soft marketing – definition

Soft marketing is a strategy that involves building emotional relationships with potential customers by subtly conveying positive experiences related to a given brand's offer. Soft marketing focuses primarily on customer satisfaction. It includes delicate techniques for building lasting relationships, the key to success of which is providing recipients with specific values - educational content, entertainment, support, inspiration and other valuable information that directly or indirectly influences the purchase decision.

Soft marketing is not only about quick and thoughtless sales. It is a long-term process of building trust and loyalty. The aim of soft marketing techniques is to gradually attach customers to a specific brand and build a community around it, which, if properly nurtured, inspired and informed, will turn into a crowd of ambassadors. Members of such a community will not only be more willing to share information about specific products or services of a given brand, but will also courageously defend the company in crisis situations.

Soft marketing – interesting facts

Soft marketing has a relatively non-invasive effect on potential customers, so it is more readily received and therefore more effective than traditional forms of advertising. Using subtle tools such as content marketing or word of mouth marketing, soft marketing informs the environment not only about its offer, but above all about the mission and key values of its business.

Soft marketing is an effective strategy, especially at the stage of acquiring new customers. Its goal is to evoke positive impressions related to a specific brand and thus persuade people to take advantage of its offer. Interestingly, soft marketing activities are much cheaper than more traditional forms of advertising. Another undoubted advantage is that we have much greater control over them, thanks to which we can quickly adapt to changing conditions and circumstances.

A key role in soft marketing is played by both an in-depth analysis of customer needs and preferences, as well as solid market research in terms of current trends, opportunities and threats. Thanks to this, we receive precisely targeted and perfectly tailored messages that customers expect and desire. Soft marketing uses knowledge derived from social psychology, which allows you to more effectively build trust and loyalty, and sometimes even balance on the edge of customer comfort.

Soft marketing – information worth knowing

The effects of soft marketing are usually not immediate, but as the experience of many of the largest brands shows, such long-term and subtle relationship building ultimately brings much better results. Thanks to the ability to listen to customers' needs and quickly respond to their current preferences, we are able to create really strong bonds that are not afraid of even temporary crises.

Soft marketing covers areas such as:

  • Public relations,
  • content marketing (website, social media, company blogs),
  • content optimization for SEO,
  • word of mouth marketing and recommendation systems,
  • marketing automation,
  • event sponsorship,
  • engaging in various types of social actions.

One of the most interesting tools used in soft marketing is storytelling, i.e. building a story about the brand. It has long been known that good stories build emotional involvement and attract the audience's attention for longer.

Soft marketing – summary

The key to successful soft marketing is building valuable relationships. However, when deciding on this strategy, remember that it is not always suitable for every company, at every stage of its development. Soft marketing requires commitment, time, attention and properly conducted communication from the company. Lasting relationships cannot be built by organizing a one-time promotional campaign. Soft marketing is a series of mutually complementary activities that, drop by drop, drill down into the rock to reach the hearts and minds of their recipients.

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