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Claim marketing

Claim marketing

claim marketing - building awareness


Claim marketing - it is building knowledge about a brand or product in the recipient's mind using a short slogan or slogan (tagline), containing key information that may influence the decision to purchase a given product or service. The purpose of the slogan is to consolidate positive associations about the brand in the customer's mind and to create a shortened chain of associations with the brand in the mind of a potential customer in order to improve his or her purchase decision. 


  1. The word claim means both "to claim", "to hold", and "to attract". These meanings include the essence of claim marketing, the task of which is to maintain a positive belief about the brand in the recipient's mind, capable of attracting him as a customer. 
  2. Claim marketing arises from the need to use the recipient's attentive time as effectively as possible. Since we're talking about three seconds, a tagline usually doesn't exceed five words.
  3. The difference between claim marketing and a slogan is very thin: the purpose of the former is to build and consolidate the recipient's knowledge about the key features of the product, while in the case of a slogan, it is more about evoking the impression of the product's popularity and universality. In linguistic literature and practice, these two types of messages are not always distinguished (in English, "tagline" means both "slogan" and "phrase characteristic of a company or product".


The task of claim marketing is to synthetically present the characteristic features of a brand, product or service. A tagline is most often placed next to the logo to complement the visual association with specific content for the recipient. Claim marketing can be used both temporarily, for the needs of a single marketing campaign, as well as to permanently link the promoted brand with the desired values and features in the recipient's mind, which seems to be a more common practice. There are several ways to build a claim:

  1. Superlatives - short statements amounting to positive self-esteem. These are subjective opinions for which objective verification is impossible (e.g. "delights with the taste")
  2. Evidence - are based on claims that have a positive impact on the brand image or product perception, and at the same time can be verified (e.g. "only ingredients of natural origin"). 
  3. Brand message - a phrase referring to the promoted values or evoking a broader message (e.g. "just do it" in relation to a sportswear brand focuses on overcoming personal limitations). 

A well-thought-out claim says what values the brand represents and what it should be primarily associated with. It may emphasize what makes the company stand out from the competition or what its key features are. Formally, the slogan should be short, good-sounding, easy to read and memorable. 

An effective claim should answer the question about the benefits that the product or brand brings to the life of a potential customer, provide a reason why the product is trustworthy (RTB - reason to believe), or indicate the group of customers to whom it is dedicated. 


Claim marketing is a promotional strategy based on a short slogan or slogan intended to attract the recipient's attention and consolidate positive associations with the brand or product. The key goal is to synthetically present the characteristic features of a brand, product or service that are expected to influence the purchase decision. Claim is useful for both short-term campaigns and long-term brand awareness building. Key strategies for building it include superlatives, evidence and brand messages that are designed to highlight the brand's values and features. An effective claim should clearly communicate the product's benefits to the customer and build trust by presenting reasons why it is worth choosing it. 

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