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5P Marketing

i.e. a comprehensive approach to business development

5p marketing - five basic elements


5P marketing is a modern concept focusing on five basic elements related to the sales process: product, price, promotion, place and people. This strategy helps companies consciously and effectively manage advertising activities, achieve specific business goals and respond to real consumer expectations. In other words, 5P marketing is all the elements that a company should take into account to operate effectively.

5P marketing – interesting facts

5P marketing is also called marketing mix (marketing mix), because it is a set of elements that are key from the point of view of brand development.

The concept of the marketing mix was, in a sense, formulated already in 1964, when the American professor Neil H. Borden in his article The Concepts of the Marketing Mix shared the principles of effective promotion, which he used already in the 1940s.

Then, E. Jerome McCarthy played an important role in shaping this approach, who grouped the principles presented by Neil H. Borden into a set of 4 elements of simple marketing. He presented this strategy in the publication Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach.

In this way, McCarthy became the creator of the 4P concept, which is extremely popular in the world of marketing. The name itself comes from the first letters of the English words: product, price, promotion, places. 5P marketing complements this set with a fifth element, i.e people and is therefore considered the most effective. It should be emphasized that all elements of 5P marketing influence each other, and such a comprehensive approach often turns out to be a recipe for company success.

5P marketing – the most important information

Let's look at the individual elements of 5P marketing. The first is the product. This is an important starting point, because before we start any promotional activities, we must first ensure the appropriate quality and features of the product we offer. First of all, it has to be valuable from the recipient's point of view, competitive on the market and attractive.

The second important element of 5P marketing is price. It's about finding a balance between affordability for customers and ensuring profits for the company. It is also important that the price is adjusted to market realities and the quality of the product itself.

The third element of 5P marketing is promotion. This includes all activities related to reaching potential customers, increasing brand awareness, arousing interest in a service or product and encouraging recipients to take action. These will be various forms of advertising, events, e-marketing and campaigns.

Another component of 5P marketing is place (distribution). It's about getting the product to the customer at the right place and time. Attention is also paid to aspects such as appropriate location of sales points, efficient logistics and product availability.

The last, also very important element of 5P marketing is people, or more precisely - company employees who represent the brand. They are the ones who come into direct contact with customers. Competent and friendly staff often prove to be the driving force behind a company's development.


5P marketing is a comprehensive strategy that allows you to consciously and effectively promote products, build relationships with recipients of the offer and increase sales. It is worth considering its individual elements carefully and introducing work on them into the company's daily activities. The result will be increased competitiveness, expansion of the group of loyal customers and brand development.

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Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

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