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History of marketing

The history of marketing, or how advertising evolved

history of marketing - forms of technology

Today, marketing is an integral part of the activities of every company that wants to develop and acquire customers. Modern advertising uses many advanced forms and innovative technologies, but, contrary to appearances, marketing itself is not an "invention" of modern times. It turns out that its roots go back to ancient times. How has the history of marketing developed over the centuries?

History of marketing – interesting facts you need to know!

It is impossible to indicate a specific date for the beginning of marketing. In a sense, however, it can be said that its manifestations were present even in ancient times! The first attempts to promote products and services can be found in ancient Egypt, where goods were exchanged and trade was conducted on markets. In ancient Greece, merchants were responsible for marketing and tried to attract customers through various tricks and tricks. Of course, no one called it marketing at that time, but its elements were always present wherever people's activity related to trade was manifested.

Marketing also had an important place in medieval times. At that time, the most popular methods were oral promotion, as well as graphic signs and information boards.

The history of marketing began a long time ago, but its development as a field of science and economic practice gained momentum in the 19th century, when industry and growing market competition required entrepreneurs to use new methods of promotion and sales. Specific advertising channels were already available at that time, such as a newspaper in which companies published information about their offers. This is where we come to the moment that determined the development of modern marketing.

History of marketing – the most important information

At the end of the 19th century, American entrepreneur John Wanamaker opened the first grand warehouses in the United States. This businessman became a pioneer of the use of advertising and promotion in retail - he is sometimes called the father of marketing. It was he who became famous for the famous statement: "Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the problem is that I don't know which half."

The history of marketing requires taking into account its various branches. In the 1920s and 1930s, political marketing also developed, used primarily during the presidential elections in the United States. It was then that market research and consumer behavior analyzes began to be used. 

In the 20th century, the term "marketing" became established. Basically, the years 1920–1950 are considered to be the early period of marketing development, the years 1950–1980 as the stage of its dynamic development, and the years 1980–1990 as the period of stabilization. After 1990, a time of successive, harmonious development of this field began, and this is still the case.

It should be emphasized that the development of the media - radio and television, and later other technologies - was of particular importance for the development of marketing. Of course, the biggest breakthrough came with the emergence of the Internet and, later, social media. They have taken marketing to a completely new level.

Nowadays, marketing is an integral part of virtually every business activity. Thanks to developing technologies and social media, marketing strategies are very advanced and cover various areas, such as public relations and e-commerce.


The history of marketing shows how dynamically this field developed and how much it changed with the economic and technological development of society. Today's marketing is an extensive, thoroughly researched field that deals with both the promotion of goods and services, as well as the analysis of the market and consumer behavior.

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