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Display marketing

effective graphic advertising on the Internet

display marketing - advertising


Display marketing is one of the most frequently used marketing tools today. It involves the promotion of products and services using graphic advertisements appearing on screens, specifically websites, mobile applications or other online platforms. This is an effective method of expanding your audience and increasing brand awareness.

Display marketing – interesting facts you need to know!

The main advantage of display marketing is the ability to precisely target ads. Advanced analytical tools enable marketers to precisely determine the target group to which advertisements will reach. You can indicate specific criteria, such as age, gender, interests or behavior of users. Thanks to this, the marketing effectiveness of activities is increased.

The strength of display marketing lies not only in its effectiveness, but also in the opportunities it offers. It allows you to choose from a wide range of advertising forms and channels on which it can appear. This diversity and versatility have made it one of the tools most frequently chosen by marketers for a long time.

Display marketing – the most important information

Display ads can take many forms. These include, for example, banners, graphic texts, videos and animations. For the brand, they are a concrete way to creatively attract the attention of recipients and encourage them to take desired actions, for example clicking on a link to go deeper into the company's offer, which increases the chance of making a sale.

A properly prepared advertisement in display marketing should be visually attractive, textually refined (short, catchy slogans) and unique. It is important to have an interesting and clear call to action, as well as to ensure that the form and content are well matched to a specific target group.

If display advertising meets the above criteria, it allows the brand to build a positive image, maintain relationships with customers and establish new ones. This is also important because modern recipients are bombarded with advertisements every day, which can make them tired, discouraged and even irritated. That is why it is worth ensuring the appropriate quality of advertising in display marketing.

Remarketing is an important element of display marketing. It involves displaying ads to users who have previously visited the brand's website but have not made a purchase. In this way, we can remind you about the offer and encourage you to return to the website to complete the transaction. It is also a very good support for the company's other marketing activities.

An important advantage of display marketing is the ability to precisely measure campaign effectiveness. Advanced analytical tools track the number of conversions, views, clicks and other factors. In this way, they help in optimizing campaigns and constantly adapting individual activities to achieve specific goals. 


Display marketing is undoubtedly an effective form of promotion. First of all, it allows you to reach a wide audience and increase brand awareness. Thanks to precise targeting and creative advertising, you can successfully promote products or services online. Combined with remarketing and accurate performance measurement, display marketing is a valuable tool in modern marketing.

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promotion tool, creative agency, branding agency, consulting agency, company vision, agency 360, strategic consulting, product strategy, strategic plan, business strategy

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