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Aggressive marketing

an expansive and controversial promotion strategy

aggressive marketing - promotion


Aggressive marketing is a form of promotion that involves the use of very intense and sometimes unusual forms of advertising in order to quickly increase sales of products or services. It may include, for example, bombarding potential customers with phone calls or sending mass e-mails.

Aggressive marketing – interesting facts you need to know!

The main goal of aggressive marketing is to acquire customers very quickly and generate sales. The forms used by this advertising strategy include telemarketing, direct marketing, intrusive advertising on social media, and even sharp price reductions.

It should be emphasized that aggressive marketing is used mainly in those areas where we are dealing with high competition and where there is fierce competition for customers.

Of course, this is a controversial strategy and often arouses mixed feelings. Questions are often asked whether such marketing is always unethical and about its effectiveness.

Aggressive marketing – the most important information

How is this efficiency? Certainly, aggressive marketing can contribute to a short-term increase in sales and quick customer acquisition. It can also quickly increase brand visibility and recognition. On the other hand, especially in the long term, it may discourage customers and cause the company to be perceived as unethical or pushy, which will significantly damage its image. When talking about the disadvantages of this strategy, you must also remember that this type of advertising is usually more expensive.

Without a doubt, if aggressive marketing is to be consciously implemented, it certainly requires careful weighing of risks and consideration of individual actions. Much depends on the broadly understood context: market situation, industry, target group or the current period of the year, the scale of the company's operations.

It is important to remember that consumers are increasingly concerned about their privacy and expect companies to respect their boundaries. This is why ill-considered aggressive marketing activities can discourage potential customers and lead to loss of trust in the brand.

Additionally, aggressive marketing can lead to a negative public perception of the company. These types of actions are often perceived as intrusive or even harassing, which may result in loss of reputation and trust. In the age of social media, negative opinions spread quickly, so caring for the company's reputation and using ethical promotion methods are very important.

When considering the use of this type of activities, it is always worth considering whether aggressive marketing is really needed by the company. There are usually other, less intrusive promotional opportunities that can produce equally good results without disturbing the boundaries of potential customers. And building relationships with customers, creating valuable content and gaining loyalty and trust of recipients are priority issues.


Aggressive marketing has both certain advantages and disadvantages. Without a doubt, using this form of promotion requires a professional approach and attentiveness. You should always remember that building relationships with customers is a delicate matter and a mistake in this area may cost the company - both financial and image losses. 

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